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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

The hell they will. Pakistan isn't responsible for dealing with the stupidity of the Muslim nations around the world.

How many Arab nations stepped in to help us out between 2007-2012?

The sooner Pakistanis realize this, the better.

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Forget Israel. Arabs are their own worst enemy - ArabNews

works for me

Thanks Bro.

Pls. Read, Rate, Comment my Blog: Thanks Bro.
Forget Israel. Arabs are their own worst enemy - ArabNews
Has Egypt participated in air strikes?

Houthis mortar killed 3 Saudi border guards today.
I have said it before, and I say it again, there is no point of getting into discussion between you and I. Our views are diametrically opposed to each other and neither side likes what the other side is saying. You are a Shia religious Iraqi Arab who is in favor of the Persian expansion project in the Middle East. You will continue to dig for arguments to support the cause, irrespective of the arugment's weakness. Given that the ongoing regional war is led by Iran, I prefer to cut the middle man and debate Persian members directly.

I'm no Shia, just because someone is against your views doesn't make him Shia. You can keep using those poor excuses. I'm simply against the terrorism you're spreading in the region, insult Iran all day for all I care but if you blow up among me I have an issue with you.

there is no point of getting into discussion between you and I. Our views are diametrically opposed to each other and neither side likes what the other side is saying

Applies to Persian members as well, no point in it. I told you your excuse was BS.
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BREAKING: Houthis leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi killed in Saudi air strike.
BREAKING: Houthis leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi killed in Saudi air strike.
Al-Alam denies it and called it psychological warfare and propaganda by Saudi media. I think even if Al-Houthi would become a martyr it would not affect the Yemeni cause that much.
True. If he dies then he gets replaced by someone.

if they get saleh the houthi and republican guard alliance may be weakened. I guess this what the coalition are trying to do. They will try to avoid a ground invasion at all costs. Aden will fall soon.
if they get saleh the houthi and republican guard alliance may be weakened. I guess this what the coalition are trying to do. They will try to avoid a ground invasion at all costs.

Saleh is not an important player. He is 73 years old. Too old to have significant influence. I think a young guy say around 30 to 35 years old is most effective. Abdul Malik al-Houthi is 33 years old.
I don't know much about the politics of Yemen but the Houthis are essentially Yemenis and have lived in that part of the country for many years, right?

This whole thing is fairly confusing but i read somewhere that they had actually taken over the capital in September and gave the previous government time to fix things. What was their main issue?
Saleh is not an important player. He is 73 years old. Too old to have significant influence. I think a young guy say around 30 to 35 years old is most effective. Abdul Malik al-Houthi is 33 years old.

I think he's trying to set it up for his son.
I think he's trying to set it up for his son.

Maybe. Time will tell. Besides, why would Saleh turn on his long time friend and deputy Hadi? They share the same Arab nationalism ideology. Hadi was a general of South Yemen and then he defected to North Yemen and after the unification of Yemen Hadi was instrumental in crushing the remaining South Yemen resistance.
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