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Operation Blue Star -Sikh Holocaust 1984

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My dear Indian brother. We Sikh and Hindu r one will remain one we r Indian first.

Well actually Sikhism is a monotheistic faith and Hinduism is a pagan faith or polytheistic faith.

Sikhs believe in a single supreme God not millions of God's Hindus believe in. Sikhs have different religious rituals than Hindus, and Sikhs do not worship animals like Hindus.

So these are considerable and distinct difference between Sikhism, Sikhism does have small influences from Hinduism. Though many would say Sikhism is a different religion from Hinduism.

So Sikhism and Hinduism are technically different religions.
Sant Jee talking about Sikhs are not Hindus

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Sikhs Are Not Hindu, RSS, Hindutva Baman Attacks On Sikhs

Part 2
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do you support the LTTE?
i would add to the line by IBM...
"we sikhs,hindus,muslims and christians are one"
to hell with all the religious differences....as a nation we have unity in diversity.
Well actually Sikhism is a monotheistic faith and Hinduism is a pagan faith or polytheistic faith.

Sikhs believe in a single supreme God not millions of God's Hindus believe in. Sikhs have different religious rituals than Hindus, and Sikhs do not worship animals like Hindus.

So these are considerable and distinct difference between Sikhism, Sikhism does have small influences from Hinduism. Though many would say Sikhism is a different religion from Hinduism.

So Sikhism and Hinduism are technically different religions.

Well what i think, Mr. IBM was trying to say is, irrespective of different faiths we believe in, down the lane we are just one(as in united). :agree:
I speak here as an Indian ..... not as a Hindu, or a Muslim, or a Christian, or a Sikh, or a Buddhist, or a Jain, or a Parsi. When we say we are a Secular nation, it means that in the eyes of the Govt. we are all One. Our Constitution gives us Indian citizens the right to Equality irrespective of our Religion. But with Rights come Responsibilities. There are no free lunches in this world. I personally feel it is wrong on our collective part to on the one hand say we are Secular, but on the other expect the Govt. and the Judiciary, backed by the entire Civil establishment, the provide for and give legal national backing to various Different Civil Acts (be they for Matrimony, or Property) based on Religion. Let us be candid enough as educated honest true Indians and admit that there is no place in our society for a different Hindu Act, or a Muslim Act, or a Sikh Act, or any other Act. It is frankly ABSURD that more than 60 years after Independence, more than 60 years of vindication to the World that Secularism works, we still cannot get this simple truth! Plain and simple and logical move would be to have a major revamp, abolish ALL these, and have a SINGLE COMMON INDIAN CIVIL ACT. Whether the present Govt., or any other Govt. in the future has the courage of conviction and the consensus of the Nation to actually bell this troublesome cat, is another issue altogether.

Cheers, Doc
The marriage act issue is largely a non issue. The 'Hindu' marriage act is not based on any religious commandment in Hindu scriptures but on the culcural practices of people of dharmic religions. Hence it considers Sikhs / Buddhists/ Jains'FOR THE SAKE OF THAT ACT' as Hindus. Maybe the word Hindu is causing come insecurity among some Sikhs. Maybe the word 'Hindu' should be removed from the act but lets not create more acts when there's no necessity. Lets use a word that says 'people from the east of indus following local culture'.

Hey thats Hindu, the word 'Hindu' does not exist in our religion ;)

Wahe Gurujika Khalsa- Wahe Guruji ki Fateh
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That still leaves us with the special Muslim marriage act. Why the need for that? Why should the Indian Govt. legally allow an Indian man to marry more than one Indian woman? And why should those Indian women not get the same rights as other Indian women in the case of a divorce? These are questions of Civil Law and about one section of Indians not having the same rights as another (larger majority) section of Indians ..... hence Inequality based on Religion ..... hence going against the basic tenets of the Indian Constitution ..... why is that so difficult to understand and accept?

Cheers, Doc
The marriage act issue is largely a non issue. The 'Hindu' marriage act is not based on any religious commandment in Hindu scriptures but on the culcural practices of people of dharmic religions. Hence it considers Sikhs / Buddhists/ Jains'FOR THE SAKE OF THAT ACT' as Hindus. Maybe the word Hindu is causing come insecurity among some Sikhs. Maybe the word 'Hindu' should be removed from the act but lets not create more acts when there's no necessity. Lets use a word that says 'people from the east of indus following local culture'.

Hey thats Hindu, the word 'Hindu' does not exist in our religion ;)

practicaly talking marriage act is not so important but why the name of the act is hindu marraige act and why not simply marriage act don't u think that its a dicrimination against sikhs/ buddhists/ hains/ mazdeas eccc..
@ peace123 - stop yaar, I live in Punjab also. Middle class has no issues, and I have studied in CBSE school w/ Hindu brothers. Now you will say CBSE 'Gandhi' syllabus brainwashed me ?

i'm not an extremist and i'm proudly indian
practicaly talking marriage act is not so important but why the name of the act is hindu marraige act and why not simply marriage act don't u think that its a dicrimination against sikhs/ buddhists/ hains/ mazdeas eccc..

Yes, there's no need to call it Hindu. But then, the term Hindu is not a term used in Sanatan Dharma. Hindu as a term was always used to include the Jains / Buddhists etc when the term was created.

Let me repeat, the law should not be called Hindu law as its a secular law based on local culture and not on religious decrees of Hinduism, no Hindu religious scholar has any role to play in it unlike the Muslim personal law for example.
Well actually Sikhism is a monotheistic faith and Hinduism is a pagan faith or polytheistic faith.

Sikhs believe in a single supreme God not millions of God's Hindus believe in. Sikhs have different religious rituals than Hindus, and Sikhs do not worship animals like Hindus.

So these are considerable and distinct difference between Sikhism, Sikhism does have small influences from Hinduism. Though many would say Sikhism is a different religion from Hinduism.

So Sikhism and Hinduism are technically different religions.

Here comes anther expert in hinduism from across the border.


There are no millions of God in hindusm, but millions "Devatas" who are Hindu deities worshipped as symbols or representations of one supreme being( "param Bramha") .

These Hindu deities are characters of hindu "Puranas"(roughly translates as mythologies in english) where God born as those deities in human or animal form for the benifit of mankind and the the creation in different ages.

Most of the million Devata live swarg(heaven) are believed to carry different power of the supreme being and all work according to the wishes of that supreme being .

So when hindus worship them ,they dont pray form of a stone or the live animal,but as the one of the sysmbols of the supreme Brhama they represent as described in our Puranas/holy scriptures.

From Lord Buddha to jain Mahavir , Guru Nanak of Sikhism,Santha Kabir are those great saints who objected to unnecessary rituals and caste division that permeated in to hindu dharma over thousands of yrs and tried reform it in the way they realised the presense of the supreme/param bharma and started new simple paths/cults to reach that supreme being bereft of most hindu rituals . And now their followers are known as buddhist, jains or sikhs.
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Here comes anther expert in hinduism from across the border.


There are no millions of God in hindusm, but millions "Devatas" who are Hindu deities worshipped as symbols or representations of one supreme being( "param Bramha") .

These Hindu deities are characters of hindu "Puranas"(roughly translates as mythologies in english) where God born as those deities in human or animal form for the benifit of mankind and the the creation in different ages.

Most of the million Devata live swarg(heaven) are believed to carry different power of the supreme being and all work according to the wishes of that supreme being .

So when hindus worship them ,they dont pray form of a stone or the live animal,but as the one of the sysmbols of the supreme Brhama they represent as described in our Puranas/holy scriptures.

From Lord Buddha to jain Mahavir , Guru Nanak of Sikhism,Santha Kabir are those great saints who objected to unnecessary rituals and caste division that permeated in to hindu dharma over thousands of yrs and tried reform it in the they realised the presense of the supreme/param bharma and started new simple paths/cults to reach that supreme being bereft of most hindu rituals . And now their followers are known as buddhist, jains or sikhs.

I thought of replying to that, but i did not want to go that route. To anyone who really wants to find out, they can, to those beating the drums of their religious supremacy (oxymoron), you can't teach people who claim to know everything can you? They lack the basic quality required for knowledge, humility!
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