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Open Letter: A Sikh Leader Begs Clinton To Intervene In India

lot of temples were destroyed yet many escaped, just because there were many temples to start with. anyway, they being left unscathed, you speak that as though it was a charity. those nomadic invaders came to our country, we didnt go to their country.

as for good stone, it is just hogwash.

there were delibrate building of mosques in the very place where a temple stood previously after it was systematically destroyed. this can be validated from the fact the there exists mosques of that era near all major hindu religious sites in north india and in deccan.
the famous example of such barbarity is the construction of babari mosque after destroying the ram temple that existed there.
those rulers made their intentions clear in their admissions. they called themselves ghajis which means the destroyer of idols.

The Ram mandir at Ayodhya, is a myth. No one is even sure if this is THE Ayodhya of Ramayan fame. There is no substansive proof that there ever was a mandir there.
Isn't it enough that many Indians believe that to be true?
The Ram mandir at Ayodhya, is a myth. No one is even sure if this is THE Ayodhya of Ramayan fame. There is no substansive proof that there ever was a mandir there.

Haha. Lucky isn't it, that Indians were poor historians.

Though there is a lot of controversy over the ASI reports, the discovery of several Hindu relics, pillars and inscriptions is proof enough.

Archaeology of Ayodhya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Haha. Lucky isn't it, that Indians were poor historians.

Though there is a lot of controversy over the ASI reports, the discovery of several Hindu relics, pillars and inscriptions is proof enough.

Archaeology of Ayodhya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is not disputed, that stone from previous temples in the area could have been used in construction of the Mosque. Stone is often recycled in Bharat in this way, even today bricks are recycled. The British tore down sections of the historic Lahore wall, and many of the gates, in order to meet material requirements for their own building projects.

What has to be proven, is that those relics, or pillars (if thats what you can call them) were actually part of a complex built on the Babri masjid site. Random pillars and stone could have been taken from anywhere.
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If anything, the curious lack of Ancient Hindu temples in the Gangetic plains, which is the most populous part of India, should be proof enough.

In contrast, almost all the villages in South India (and especially as you approach the southernmost tip of India) have an ancient Temple.

This is also reflected in the stange lack of community and cultural pride in UP and Bihar, which is what has partly led to the current degraded state of society in those regions.
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It is not disputed, that stone from previous temples in the area could have been used in construction of the Mosque. Stone is often recycled in Bharat in this way, even today bricks are recycled. The British tore down sections of the historic Lahore wall, and many of the gates, in order to meet material requirements for their own building projects.

What has to be proven, is that those relics, or pillars (if thats what you can call them) were actually part of a complex built on the Babri masjid site. Random pillars and stone could have been taken from anywhere.

Look, believe what you want to. The fact is that the Congress party has vested interests to prove that there was no temple, and the BJP vice versa.

I for one am pretty convinced. I have read done my research in the past.
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Me too. It was indeed Ram Janabhoomi but I am also convinced breaking mosques to build Mandirs is wrong.

It is wrong, which is why the Congress should have amicably sorted the matter out by replicating what was done in Somnath.

The mosque was reassambled a few kilometers away, and a new temple built at the site. No rioting, no bloodshed, and all parties are happy.

On the other hand, if the BJP think that they can continue to win elections by promising to rebuild ancient temples, then they are underestimating the Indian public.
I for one am pretty convinced. I have read done my research in the past.

me too. I dont want mosques to be razed but I absolutely believe that a temple should be constructed where it belongs. atleast in ayodhya and other holy places.

ayodhya belongs to ram just like madina/mecca belong to pbuh mohammad.
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In a broader choice the Democracy is the choice made by people and that can be done in the shape that is acceptable to people, and do not tell me that your closed version of Democracy is the right one, that kind of democracy to me is worst than dictatorship as it is two faced.

your posts dont elaborate on why you hate our 'closed democracy'.....what ill is our democracy bestowing unto thee?
Word of a advice from a fellow Sikh, dont ever forget what happned to us 1984. Like I have said before I am not a supporter of Khalistan but dont ever forget because history tend to repeat itself. You probably havn't lost a friend or member of family during that time and you can say that. Plus you are right dont believe what media or other people telling you, it's a sign of mature human being but having said that to find out the facts just visit those families who lost some one during that time.

our history is over-burdened with shameful acts of our ancestors!
yes we have to remember what they did...and apply that to not repeat their mistakes.The acts of 1984 would always be a shame for all of us...for the people who directly participated and those who watched....if only there was some way to undo what was done...
nevertheless we have moved a long way...
me too. I dont want mosques to be razed but I absolutely believe that a temple should be constructed where it belongs. atleast in ayodhya and other holy places.

ayodhya belongs to ram just like madina/mecca belong to pbuh mohammad.

yeah sadly it does... we hindus cant even claim our holiest piece of land...but when it comes to national integration...i think i can give my religion a miss
our history is over-burdened with shameful acts of our ancestors!
yes we have to remember what they did...and apply that to not repeat their mistakes.The acts of 1984 would always be a shame for all of us...for the people who directly participated and those who watched....if only there was some way to undo what was done...
nevertheless we have moved a long way...

There is a way to move forward, send people to jail who are responsible. It's been over 20 years. I just want add more thing, these riots were never between Hindus and Sikhs, they were portraid as they werer in media and by extremist in both the government and in the Sikh community. Thousands Sikhs were saved by their Hindu neibours who removed nameplates from thier houses and Sikh's house plates so mob cant find out where Sikhs live.
your posts dont elaborate on why you hate our 'closed democracy'.....what ill is our democracy bestowing unto thee?

Let me tell you why. and show you the real Democracy where it exists.

It is today and it exists in Canada.

Few year back Quebecois started agitation and displeasure about their confederation with Canada, guess what Canada did.

in the next elections they gave all the people a choice to make as to if they want to continue to be part of Canada or want to be independent. With this clear opportunity with dignity the people of Quebec decide to stay in the confederation.

Now that is a real Democracy, Not like India, if one wants a choice to separate form India by means of Democracy, those who dare to think are domed and are subjugated by the mighty Indian Army for decades.

And that is why i do not care for a Democracy that exists in India, No choice, forced to live the Democracy by lords of the India. or in other
word they tell all Indians take or else, we will send Army to fix you.

In my opinion this kind of Democracy is worst than a dictator ship.
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