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Open Letter: A Sikh Leader Begs Clinton To Intervene In India

Let me tell you why. and show you the real Democracy where it exists.

It is today and it exists in Canada.

Few year back Quebecois started agitation and displeasure about their confederation with Canada, guess what Canada did.

in the next elections they gave all the people a choice to make as to if they want to continue to be part of Canada or want to be independent. With this clear opportunity with dignity the people of Quebec decide to stay in the confederation.

Now that is a real Democracy, Not like India, if one wants a choice to separate form India by means of Democracy, those who dare to think are domed and are subjugated by the mighty Indian Army for decades.

And that is why i do not care for a Democracy that exists in India, No choice, forced to live the Democracy by lords of the India. or in other
word they tell all Indians take or else, we will send Army to fix you.

In my opinion this kind of Democracy is worst than a dictator ship.

good, you dont care about indian democracy, and the compliment is returned by india.

anyway, your understanding of democracy is flawed, but if you want to continue with it, its your choice.
yeah sadly it does... we hindus cant even claim our holiest piece of land...but when it comes to national integration...i think i can give my religion a miss

I think as long as we need to give our religion a miss for national integration then it would mean that our nation is not integrated truly. it becomes superficious.
our leaders need ot be bold and hindus need to be assertive.
Where will it stop? Do you know how many mosques and monuments are in the RSS list? Are you going to raze them all?

In short, no!

I think RSS has requested the Muslim community to just handover the three locations at Mathura, Kashi and Ayodhya and build grand mosques in their place at a distance.

A most eminent suggestion I think. One that will generate tremendous goodwill for the Muslim community and heal many wounds.

Sadly there are no courageous leaders to be found in the muslim community who can take this up! All we have are goons like Azam Khan.
How quickly you have forgotten, Dilli. What happened to the sikhs of dilli after the assasination of Shrimati INdira Gandhi?

The blood in the temple and streets of Amritsar?

This is common problem with them they understand very late:lol: .I dont think that Guy is sikh.
That's not entirely true. There might not have been nationalism, but loyalties towards ones community, culture, religion have always been there.

If you go to Rajasthan and listen to the folk songs, they still talk about the conquests from the West and the destruction of the temple of Somnath etc. etc., and how their warrior kings defended the lands.

Such traumatic events have become part of the expression of many communities in India.

These warriors king were rajput also invaders.I suggest you read history , always india remain under the rule of invaders because of its furtile land and rivers .
Indian is mixture of nations should be given right to practice their faith and all nations should have right of self determination , dont see dreams of any hindu raj and akhand baharat.
Soon India will be divided into minimum 12 independent states ,punjab,kashmir,asam,nagaland,bangal,bahar,hydrabad,maysoor,junagargh,gujrat,karala,rajistan.
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Originally Posted by waraich66
This is common problem with them they understand very late .I dont think that Guy is sikh.

You are no one decide who I am.

It's not like if people who dont have accord with your views are always Hindus.
There is a way to move forward, send people to jail who are responsible. It's been over 20 years. I just want add more thing, these riots were never between Hindus and Sikhs, they were portraid as they werer in media and by extremist in both the government and in the Sikh community. Thousands Sikhs were saved by their Hindu neibours who removed nameplates from thier houses and Sikh's house plates so mob cant find out where Sikhs live.

friend i seriously have no clear idea about what exactly happened(i have read newspaper reports...but might not be accurate)i frankly dont have the guts to ask any of my sardar friends about this...i dont think i will ever offend them in any way...all i know is that no hindu in my whole life has said something against any sikh...you'd know that...but what happened is a fact...and people like tytler should be jailed....but i dont think the rulling congress party would have the audacity to jail him...for he is their so-called 'patriot'...nevertheless we know how things have always worked in india...the BJP would jail him to prove a point or two...
Let me tell you why. and show you the real Democracy where it exists.

It is today and it exists in Canada.

Few year back Quebecois started agitation and displeasure about their confederation with Canada, guess what Canada did.

in the next elections they gave all the people a choice to make as to if they want to continue to be part of Canada or want to be independent. With this clear opportunity with dignity the people of Quebec decide to stay in the confederation.

Now that is a real Democracy, Not like India, if one wants a choice to separate form India by means of Democracy, those who dare to think are domed and are subjugated by the mighty Indian Army for decades.

And that is why i do not care for a Democracy that exists in India, No choice, forced to live the Democracy by lords of the India. or in other
word they tell all Indians take or else, we will send Army to fix you.

In my opinion this kind of Democracy is worst than a dictator ship.

well...that's a very narrow way to view a democracy.i dont think you should compare our model of democracy to theirs...for we survive as a democracy in a hostile region as the only sustained democracy for like 6 decades now....and the hostility of our environment has strengthen our resolve.
canada on the other hand has absolutely no worries...they have only america as their neighbor...and as far as the issue of the independence of quebec is concerned...give the atmospher of the region ...if they were to give independence to quebec...then olny the peple of quebec would have been benefitted/affected by such a decision....whereas in the case of kashmir.....other hostile countries stand to benefit from the seperation of kashmir....so different environments...different methods.
You are no one decide who I am.

It's not like if people who dont have accord with your views are always Hindus.

There are two groups in sikhs one belong to rajput/jat clan known as khalsa other from Khattri clan (non warrior clan business man class ) like manmohan singh very close to hindu bannia clan business man class .

Master tara sigh who opposes to join Pakistan was also from Khattri Clan of hindu society majority of khalsa sikhs dont like him.

Quiad e Azam offerd sikhs independent control of 17 distt of indian and pakistani punjab that was golden oppurtunity for sikhs but they refused.

Now they have to do much more efforts to get independence from hindustan.
These warriors king were rajput also invaders.I suggest you read history , always india remain under the rule of invaders because of its furtile land and rivers .
Indian is mixture of nations should be given right to practice their faith and should right of self determination , dont see dreams of any hindu raj and akhand baharat.

It actually applies to you.

Stop daydreaming of Sahariah rule or the rule of Islam all over the world.

Even Muslims in Pakistan are rejecting Shariah as you admitted yourself!

And it is amazing how you welcome your own invaders! Perhaps you would now want USA to invade you and rule over you.
Originally Posted by waraich66
There are two groups in sikhs one belong to rajput/jat clan known as khalsa other from Khattri clan (non warrior clan business man class ) like manmohan singh very close to hindu bannia clan business man class .

Master tara sigh who opposes to join Pakistan was also from Khattri Clan of hindu society majority of khalsa sikhs dont like him.

Quiad e Azam offerd sikhs independent control of 17 distt of indian and pakistani punjab that was golden oppurtunity for sikhs but they refused.

Now they have to do much more efforts to get independence from hindustan.

hahaa.... all I can do is laugh at your assertions man.

I am a JAT. Remember that.

And secondly why would any Sikh like to live in Pakistan?? I can see what happened to all the Sikhs who did stay back in Pakistan.

And no one is fighting India for a separate country. And just in case u were worrying about Sikhs and in the mean time, u might see Balochs slipping with their own Nation.
There are two groups in sikhs one belong to rajput/jat clan known as khalsa other from Khattri clan (non warrior clan business man class ) like manmohan singh very close to hindu bannia clan business man class .

Master tara sigh who opposes to join Pakistan was also from Khattri Clan of hindu society majority of khalsa sikhs dont like him.

Quiad e Azam offerd sikhs independent control of 17 distt of indian and pakistani punjab that was golden oppurtunity for sikhs but they refused.

Now they have to do much more efforts to get independence from hindustan.

All 10 Sikh Gurus were Khatris.
Khatri is the Punjabi word for Kshatriya.
As per Guru Gobind Singh Khatri's are descended from Lord Ram.
Khalsa is any Sikh who has undergone Amrit ceremony.

There are two groups in sikhs one belong to rajput/jat clan known as khalsa other from Khattri clan (non warrior clan business man class ) like manmohan singh very close to hindu bannia clan business man class .

Master tara sigh who opposes to join Pakistan was also from Khattri Clan of hindu society majority of khalsa sikhs dont like him.

Quiad e Azam offerd sikhs independent control of 17 distt of indian and pakistani punjab that was golden oppurtunity for sikhs but they refused.

Now they have to do much more efforts to get independence from hindustan.

dude...you believe in caste system more than anyone in india i know!
seriously i had never understood caste system better till i joined defence.pk...
i had not even known what exactly it is and how it works.this is some new $hit!
so you might think that a khatri sardar is a sissy...just like all the hindus...right?
There are two groups in sikhs one belong to rajput/jat clan known as khalsa other from Khattri clan (non warrior clan business man class ) like manmohan singh very close to hindu bannia clan business man class .

Master tara sigh who opposes to join Pakistan was also from Khattri Clan of hindu society majority of khalsa sikhs dont like him.

Quiad e Azam offerd sikhs independent control of 17 distt of indian and pakistani punjab that was golden oppurtunity for sikhs but they refused.

Now they have to do much more efforts to get independence from hindustan.
yep you are right abut Master Tara singh he went with Nehru who deceived him after independence but would Jinnah had hold is promise that we cannot know now coz before Independence Sikhs and Muslims had bloody history from Aurangzeb to abdali when Sikhs were mascaraed so he trusted history and that led to the downfall of tara singh and Sikhs having separate state.
yep you are right abut Master Tara singh he went with Nehru who deceived him after independence but would Jinnah had hold is promise that we cannot know now coz before Independence Sikhs and Muslims had bloody history from Aurangzeb to abdali when Sikhs were mascaraed so he trusted history and that led to the downfall of tara singh and Sikhs having separate state.

Master Tara Singh was responsible for shrinking Punjab's borders.
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