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Open Letter: A Sikh Leader Begs Clinton To Intervene In India

bengal man this is the last thing you should have named referred as spiritual home for Indian freedom movement..They are leaders in many walk of life in India:enjoy:
I know Karala very well tourist place could become trade and industrial hub ,highest percentage of educated population in whole india ,could become silicon valley of india , they never supported BJP or Congress that is reason dont have industry most karlats working abroad ,if they got independence they can build their state as they wish ,no need to go out side from your country if you have enough bread and butter and justice :enjoy:
If that is your reason for why you pointed kerala then what can I say:enjoy:..In mangalore ,udupi we have almost a member of family in foriegn countries..opportunity absorbs talents you know..You sounds foolish with your reasoning man..

No dude,Karala known as gods own country due to its beautiful land scape and moderate weather conditions.LOL
Is that why half of the Pakistanis on this forum are living in a place outside Pakistan??

This is not right creteria .

There are lot of sikhs in canada , it does mean they all well educated , they migrated because of two factors one they are basically having fair enough land holdings and well off and second is political reason they dont think they are safe in india under rule of hindu zoinist

As we have seen thausand of sikhs killed by hindu extremist when indra ghandi murdered.
This is not right creteria .

There are lot of sikhs in canada , it does mean they all well educated , they migrated because of two factors one they are basically having fair enough land holdings and well off and second is political reason they dont think they are safe in india under rule of hindu zoinist

As we have seen thausand of sikhs killed by hindu extremist when indra ghandi murdered.

most Sikhs in Canada emigrated in early 1900s.
most Sikhs in UK emigrated in early 50's and 60s.
Very few were asylum seekers.
I proved you wrong. :smokin:

You accpted my both points one migration due to better financial condition then other indians - You agreed that they migrated during 60's,70's Secondly due to fear of attacks as genocide happened with sikhs in 1984 -You agreed few taken political asylum

Some times truth come out unconsiously .:enjoy:

Only any sikh living in UK,CANADA,Australia,USA or any other country can confirm only that my statement is right or wrong.
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most Sikhs in Canada emigrated in early 1900s.
most Sikhs in UK emigrated in early 50's and 60s.
Very few were asylum seekers.

The recent young boys you see in the streets of Birmingham, Southall, Frankfurt, and other places are 90 percent asylum seekers (I've not been to Toronto).

I have met many many sikhs who have recently migrated, and a lot of them talk about many "hastian" being killed by Bharati forces.

You must admit, Khalistani fervour is strong outside Bharat.
You must admit, Khalistani fervour is strong outside Bharat.

Could be, but go to Punjab and talk to the Sikhs in the villages and cities, 99.9% of Sikhs are proud to be Indian.

The last time, some dude, who was deputy to Bhindrawale came to Punjab and rouse the people, the villagers beat him up!

Its only the Sikhs living in Canada and UK who get pumped up about the idea. The thing's long dead.
Could be, but go to Punjab and talk to the Sikhs in the villages and cities, 99.9% of Sikhs are proud to be Indian.

The last time, some dude, who was deputy to Bhindrawale came to Punjab and rouse the people, the villagers beat him up!

Its only the Sikhs living in Canada and UK who get pumped up about the idea. The thing's long dead.

You might be right about that.

I think a big reason for the continual KHalistan awareness in the west, could be for the purposes of attaining political asylum.

As soon as they get their papers, their political activism usually stops.

But it cannot be denied, there are still many aggrieved sikhs out there, who are bitter about the events of the 80s.
good, you dont care about indian democracy, and the compliment is returned by india.

anyway, your understanding of democracy is flawed, but if you want to continue with it, its your choice.

U make your own rules of what should a democracy should be in India, as compare to how the democracy work for all people all the times, Canada accommodated those who were objecting to the union and thought it was forced upon them in previous times, Canada unlike your ideas who wants tio go by the book and use it to full fill your desires, Canada on the other hand fullfiilled the desires of the people of Quebec.

Buddy your thought about Democracy are very flawed as u do not know that Democracy is for the people. and if people are not happy, u do allow people to choose rather than killing them and forcing your kind of Democracy on them, if take referendum as it was done Quebec to Make people be part and be proud of the Democracratic system they live in.

Your Democracy is that if someone has grievances and objects, you kill them instead of allowing them some relief by being considerate and compassionate about their feelings and allow them a referendum or a plebiscite, now u r members of U.N. and U.N,. has asked u to apply resolutions passed by it, u refuse to apply resolutions passed by an international body/court than u Buddy are not Democratic, only you think u r.

Canada has earned respect from all Quebecois and Indian has taken upon killing Kashmiris and Sikhs to force your kind of Democracy upon them.

U guys think u r legends, only in your own minds. buddy
You might be right about that.

I think a big reason for the continual KHalistan awareness in the west, could be for the purposes of attaining political asylum.

As soon as they get their papers, their political activism usually stops.

But it cannot be denied, there are still many aggrieved sikhs out there, who are bitter about the events of the 80s.

That is precisely what it is. They want their asylum. Some organizations also keep the funding on to maintain the token defiance, so some websites are still blaring about Khalistan, but its gone basically.

What was really interesting though was when that deputy came back, and tried to start the movement again, the villagers from his own village beat him up and told him to leave!

I know this one case, when this lady(sikh) who was living in Canada illegally. She applied for asylum after 20 years. The Canadian authority interviewed her, and asked as to why did she need asylum-she said Hindu's were killing sikhs and whatnot in India and her life was in danger here. The Canadians straight away cancelled her application and deported her-the statement was-the Chief Of Army(the last one) is a Sikh, and the Prime Minister is a Sikh, how is it possible that there's mass killing going on in India! This was a couple of years back when J.J.Singh was CoAS.

There are definitely sikhs out there who are bitter about the events of the 80's. They are mostly in UK and Canada. What can you do though, let them hold on to their notions. Their kids certainly wont hold on to the idea.

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