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Open Letter: A Sikh Leader Begs Clinton To Intervene In India

In a broader choice the Democracy is the choice made by people and that can be done in the shape that is acceptable to people, and do not tell me that your closed version of Democracy is the right one, that kind of democracy to me is worst than dictatorship as it is two faced.

Good for u.

Then u should thank the God that you were not born in India.

And we will also thank God that you were not born in this double-faced democracy of India and are living happily in Pakistan.:disagree:
Would be quite a scene!

May be he would ask her to ensure women equality in the USA in return. ;)

Hillary: Sat sri akal PM Singh
Singh: Sat sri akal Madam secretary.
Hillary: PM Singh, I urge you to protect the Sikhs of India
Singh: Ma'am, did you know Sikhs are called the Shield of India and are perhaps the most patriotic community of India. Their tales of patriotism are legendary
Hillary: wow, I didn't know that.
Singh: Yes ma'am. I will ask Gen JJ Singh and Air Marshall Arjan Singh to explain all of this to you.
Hillary: But the sikhs I heard from my pakistani friends are facing economic hardships.
Singh: Ma'am the Planning commission head, a fellow Sikh, tells me that Sikhs are the richest community in India and Punjab the number 1 state of India.
Hillary: really?
Singh: Yes Ma'am CM Badal will arrange a tour of Punjab for you.
Hillary: Wow Sir, I didn't know that.
Singh: Ma'am, I have been meaning to ask you something though? what kind of punishments are you handing out to adulterers esp politicians ?

tring tring.. (Singh gets a call).)... Sat Sri Akal Monica Lewinsky... yeah Hillary is here in India, Bill's not with her...
Singh: Sorry ma'am it was an urgent call, you were saying ?
Hillary: umm.. umm..

End of Discussion.
I have forgotten because I was not even born at that time.

But Those killed were terrorists. And don't try to play with me. I am not the one who has closed his own eyes and believe whatever is fed into.

I know what happened, why happened, and who was responsible.

The thing my Govt. did to Sikhs, was atleast not that brutal what your govt. is doing in FATA, SWAT, etc.

My heart cries in thinking of that. But is not shackled enough to let go the truth. I know who was behind all that Sikh-Khalistani thing, and guess what, I can come down to the root to ONE SINGLE PERSON RESPONSIBLE.

For someone who wasn't born at the time, you are very knowledgable to know the one single person responsible.

Have you ever spoken with a khalsa fauji? Ever read DES Pardes?

As for the FATA situation, are you naive enough to believe your govt. has no involvement in it at all?

You seem to have forgotten teh events of 84 pretty quickly, yet at no point in time do Bharatias slack in whinging about the 'Julm' of AurungZeb and Ghaznavi.

Why don't you ever let that go, and let bygones be bygone.
I have forgotten because I was not even born at that time.

But Those killed were terrorists. And don't try to play with me. I am not the one who has closed his own eyes and believe whatever is fed into.

I know what happened, why happened, and who was responsible.

The thing my Govt. did to Sikhs, was atleast not that brutal what your govt. is doing in FATA, SWAT, etc.

My heart cries in thinking of that. But is not shackled enough to let go the truth. I know who was behind all that Sikh-Khalistani thing, and guess what, I can come down to the root to ONE SINGLE PERSON RESPONSIBLE.

what is my government doing in fata and swat?
they are there to support the local leader to overthrow the militants
if u have no clue of current affairs then dont mention them
by doing that your only making yourself look stupid
as far as sikhs being killed in india goes
the sikh women and children that got burned alive in the streets of urban india were terrorists too?!?
i pity u and ur knowledge :tsk:
yet at no point in time do Bharatias slack in whinging about the 'Julm' of AurungZeb and Ghaznavi.

Why don't you ever let that go, and let bygones be bygone.

A good question!

You would also probably feel the same about the events of 1971 and 1947! The first set, you would like to forget and move on, the second set is here to stay!

But a damn good question. We need to move on after all.
For someone who wasn't born at the time, you are very knowledgable to know the one single person responsible.

Have you ever spoken with a khalsa fauji? Ever read DES Pardes?

As for the FATA situation, are you naive enough to believe your govt. has no involvement in it at all?

You seem to have forgotten teh events of 84 pretty quickly
, yet at no point in time do Bharatias slack in whinging about the 'Julm' of AurungZeb and Ghaznavi.

Why don't you ever let that go, and let bygones be bygone.


Yes, in the attitudes that want to forget recent atrocities, whose perpetrators are still alive and in high places, while constantly bashing muslims about wrongs done centuries ago, over which we had no control over.

That is definitely a Contradiction.
The thing my Govt. did to Sikhs, was atleast not that brutal what your govt. is doing in FATA, SWAT, etc.

Is this Indian common practice again from school years just say "atleast its not as bad as what you are doing"... not the right approach a pity you sound [mod edit] like an overgrown baby with your type of views.
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There is no contradiction. One is a historical conquest, the other is riots.

I hope you can see the difference.

also while the riots lasted for a very short time and ppl did it in a rush of hot blood.
the conquest was cold blooded and was aimed at the extermination of entire race or their collective conversion.

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