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Open Letter: A Sikh Leader Begs Clinton To Intervene In India


May 24, 2007
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Open Letter: A Sikh Leader Begs Clinton To Intervene In India

Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh reminds Hillary Clinton that her husband has condemned the murder of Sikhs during his visit to India in the year 2000, and accuses the Indian government has murdered over 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, more than 300,000 Christians in Nagaland, over 90,000 Muslims in Kashmir, tens of thousands of Christians and Muslims throughout the country.


The Honorable Hillary Clinton

Secretary of State

Government of The United States
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520

Dear Secretary of State Madam Clinton,

Congratulations on becoming the U.S. Secretary of State. Yours is a very important job, protecting the people of the United States by carrying out diplomacy and foreign policy to protect our national security.

I know that you are aware of the troubled situation in South Asia. As you know, India and Pakistan have had a longstanding dispute. You may remember when an Indian official was quoted as saying that Pakistan should be made part of India. You may also remember that it was India that set off the nuclear arms race in South Asia.

You may also have noted that India opposed your action sending Ambassador Richard Holbrooke to the region and that it publicly told President Obama to stay out of the situation in the region.

You are also aware of the repression of minorities in India. Your husband, former President Clinton, wrote in the foreword to Madeleine Albright’s book about the massacre in Chithisinghpora:

“During my visit to India in 2000, some Hindu militants decided to vent their outrage by murdering 38 Sikhs in cold blood. If I hadn’t made the trip, the victims would probably still be alive. If I hadn’t made the trip because I feared what militants might do, I couldn’t have done my job as president of the United States.”

The Indian government has murdered over 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, more than 300,000 Christians in Nagaland, over 90,000 Muslims in Kashmir, tens of thousands of Christians and Muslims throughout the country, and tens of thousands of Tamils, Assamese, Manipuris, and others.

A report issued by the Movement Against State Repression (MASR) shows that India admitted that it held 52,268 political prisoners under the repressive “Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act” (TADA) even though it expired in 1995.

Additionally, according to Amnesty International, there are tens of thousands of other minorities being held as political prisoners. MASR report quotes the Punjab Civil Magistracy as writing “if we add up the figures of the last few years the number of innocent persons killed would run into lakhs [hundreds of thousands.]”

The Indian Supreme Court called the Indian government’s murders of Sikhs “worse than genocide.”

I urge you to use your influence as Secretary of State to end the repression of minorities in India.

As you know, many minorities, including the Sikhs of Khalistan, the Christians of Nagalim, the Muslims of Kashmir, and others throughout the subcontinent, are fighting for their freedom from India. In all, there are 17 freedom movements. I call for the release of all of India’s political prisoners. In addition, I respectfully urge the Administration to support a free and fair plebiscite on the issue of independence for Khalistan. There should also be similar plebiscites for Kashmir, Nagaland, and every other nation that seeks its freedom from Indian rule. It is essential that the United States use its influence to promote its ideals of freedom.

Thank you for your attention and congratulations again on becoming Secretary of State.


Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh
Council of Khalistan

CC: Secretariat, G-8 member countries.

Open Letter: A Sikh Leader Begs Clinton To Intervene In India | Current Affairs, News, Breaking News, World News, Business News, Politics, Technology, Environment, Health, Education, Space, Science, Daily Jang
khalistan is a separatist outfit...we cant expect them to praise india.
I think he was stuck in 1984.
wake up gurmeet, this is 2009!

anyway, if he had any serious greviances he should have written to the only man who can make india do something about it: manmohan singh.(sikh PM of india)
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Hillary is not the PM of India. The idiot guy does not have even sense that what the hell can hillary do about what ever Indian Govt. do.

And what is motive behind this thread. To mass-spread that Indian Govt. is evil?? It ill-behaves with it's minorities??

Thousands of letters are written to these people. I am sure most of them would be linked to FACTUAL problems, which needs to be discuused, and solved.

And tell this Gurmit Singh to come to India and talk about Khalistan. He for sure will be shell-shocked. Printing t-shirts in UK, Canada and AUS will not gain anything than some pay-checks from some intelligence agencies.
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Obviously he could only 'beg'.
But we know what the response, if at all, would be...
How quickly you have forgotten, Dilli. What happened to the sikhs of dilli after the assasination of Shrimati INdira Gandhi?

The blood in the temple and streets of Amritsar?
How quickly you have forgotten, Dilli. What happened to the sikhs of dilli after the assasination of Shrimati INdira Gandhi?

The blood in the temple and streets of Amritsar?

and fasttrack to 2009 when india is headed by a sikh PM.
sikhs and india have come a long way.:enjoy:
Yes, India has moved on from those unfortunate days.

Some people here seem to be unable to do so!
How quickly you have forgotten, Dilli. What happened to the sikhs of dilli after the assasination of Shrimati INdira Gandhi?

The blood in the temple and streets of Amritsar?

I have forgotten because I was not even born at that time.

But Those killed were terrorists. And don't try to play with me. I am not the one who has closed his own eyes and believe whatever is fed into.

I know what happened, why happened, and who was responsible.

The thing my Govt. did to Sikhs, was atleast not that brutal what your govt. is doing in FATA, SWAT, etc.

My heart cries in thinking of that. But is not shackled enough to let go the truth. I know who was behind all that Sikh-Khalistani thing, and guess what, I can come down to the root to ONE SINGLE PERSON RESPONSIBLE.
I have forgotten because I was not even born at that time.

But Those killed were terrorists. And don't try to play with me. I am not the one who has closed his own eyes and believe whatever is fed into.

I know what happened, why happened, and who was responsible.

The thing my Govt. did to Sikhs, was atleast not that brutal what your govt. is oing in FATA, SWAT, etc.

My heart cries in thinking of that. But is not shackled enough to let go the truth. I know who was behind all that Sikh-Khalistani thing, and guess what, I can come down to the root to ONE SINGLE PERSON RESPONSIBLE.

your post deserves to be inculcated in syllabus of pakistan, to let all pakistanis know that khalistan as a movement has long died and how much india has moved on.:yahoo:
khalistan is a separatist outfit...we cant expect them to praise india.

R.U.the biggest Democracy of the world than own up to your promises and allow people to choose the path they want and allow then free and fair plebiscite.

Is that not Democracy is all about. Freedom of chioce, of speech and of expressions.
R.U.the biggest Democracy of the world than own up to your promises and allow people to choose the path they want and allow then free and fair plebiscite.

Is that not Democracy is all about. Freedom of chioce, of speech and of expressions.

The Indian democracy is for Indian people only and suggestions are also taken from Indian citizens only.

R.U.the biggest Democracy of the world than own up to your promises and allow people to choose the path they want and allow then free and fair plebiscite.

Is that not Democracy is all about. Freedom of chioce, of speech and of expressions.

this only shows your ignorance about democracy. plebiscite to choose a country is not democracy. democracy means ppl given votes to choose a govt to rule. dont confuse both. now that there is democracy in pakistan, you will come to know of it too.
After 9//11, the few "Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh" types were running around by claiming their Indian identity!
this only shows your ignorance about democracy. plebiscite to choose a country is not democracy. democracy means ppl given votes to choose a govt to rule. dont confuse both. now that there is democracy in pakistan, you will come to know of it too.

In a broader choice the Democracy is the choice made by people and that can be done in the shape that is acceptable to people, and do not tell me that your closed version of Democracy is the right one, that kind of democracy to me is worst than dictatorship as it is two faced.

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