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OP-ED: Does India know it has lost?


Jun 2, 2020
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India is a generation behind China. When will Delhi’s smart set admit they will not catch up?
Does Delhi really believe the fantasy it propounds, or is it just desperate to impress? Two books, one by ex-foreign secretary Shyam Saran, the other by an experienced international relations expert, Kanti Bajpai, provide a window into Indian strategic thinking.
Both are interspersed with on-the-ground experiences. One is brutally honest about India’s failure. The other grudgingly admits there is a wide gap, but then smoothly glosses over this. Like many, they know India is losing, but refuse to admit it has lost. The broader elite assumes India’s manifest destiny is to leapfrog China by 2050.
Too painful to watch

Overall, in relative economic terms, India in 2021 is where China was in 1991. The key word is “relative.” Kanti Bajpai reaches further back to 1962, when both were equally poor. Today, India’s GDP is around $3 trillion while China’s is $15 trillion. Each Chinese is, on average, four times richer than an Indian. To paraphrase Angus Maddison, a world authority in economic history, “the last time India beat China in overall GDP terms was in 1700 -- when the Mughals were at their peak.”

Here’s a snapshot. Regarding technology and innovation, India filed 10,000 patents from 2014 to 2019, China filed 25 times that number. In terms of 5G or AI, there is no contest.

Both countries do have similar-sized rail networks, but you know whose has high-speed, comfort, and greater frequency. It takes four hours to travel from Beijing to Shanghai and 16 hours from Delhi to Mumbai. Indian ports handled 16 million containers in 2018. China handled 226 million.

China generates five times the amount of electricity that India does. This ratio is similar to the relative size of each economy.

India is winning in terms of population. The UN thinks there will be 1.5 billion Indians in 2050 by when China’s will have reduced to 1.1 billion.

That fabled demographic dividend is what is supposed to allow India to overtake China.

Unfortunately, Indian labour productivity is only two-thirds that of China. About 97% of adult Chinese are literate, while a quarter of Indians remain illiterate. In other words, in terms of relative literacy, India is today where China was in 1990. The situation is even worse in higher education.

Indians are “among the shortest people on average in the world,” ranked 180 out of 200 countries. To which one Indian official “huffily” retorted that Napoleon and Nehru were also short! Great joke, but not a solution to under-nourishment.

Stunting affects cognitive development and “up to 400 million Indians could live a life with impaired cognition … (so) ... India’s demographic dividend could turn into a demographic nightmare.”

India is behind even in “soft power.” Besides Bollywood, it holds little attraction to Africans or East Asians. China hosts nine times more foreign students than India.

In 1962, the brilliant economist, John Kenneth Galbraith (then the US ambassador in Delhi) classified India as a “functioning anarchy.” Have things changed much since then?

Using the yardstick of “Comprehensive National Power,” adding up economic, military, and soft power, Bajpai calculates China scores seven times higher than India. I believe the score is more like 4-1 or 5-1 but that is still a thumping defeat. You just don’t come back from that, though in theory anything is possible.

Cultural revolutions

Saran claims China has a “brittle polity and the rising insecurity within its political leadership sits uneasily with overweening arrogance of power.” Delhi’s neighbours might have their own views on Indian humility. The Chinese protest just like Indians do, but over day-to-day issues such as land and housing. There is no appetite to overturn the political system, which has delivered the goods.

Saran favourably compares India’s “cosmopolitanism” with China’s apparent insularity. That’s just blowing smoke.

He correctly states that “this is the age of acceleration.” He does warn that “India is in danger of being reduced to a mere agglomeration of narrowly conceived communities with closed minds, hostile to each other ... a shrinking vision at home cannot sustain an expansive vision abroad.”

China almost tore itself apart with its Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976. It recovered. The Communist Party celebrates its centenary in July. It has guided the country in becoming an economic giant.

Regressive Hindutva forces have plunged India into its own “cultural revolution.” Hundreds of millions of Muslims and Dalits are going backwards. Both countries are domestically unequal, but China seems to have made some initial moves to actively tackle this. It possesses wealth and resources to redistribute. India can only share out levels of poverty. The Indian state needs urgent political reform, but how? The country has systemic failure written all over it.
Farid Erkizia Bakht is a political analyst. @liquid_borders.

Lol some of our neighbours are oozing out with jealousy.
One Nepali says India is nowhere in the world another Bangladeshi says India lost.
Actually what is their businessin in India?
India win or lose .Why should they worry about it?
Because after all they are not Indian.

GoI must fence all the boundaries and issue special cards to all non Indians
This sums it up well
a shrinking vision at home cannot sustain an expansive vision abroad
It's true, China are way too far ahead at this stage in their development to even think about catching up.

Regressive hindutva
has absolutely nothing to do with anything here, Mr Farid Erkizia Bakht just taking an unnecessary jab at India here.

" India can only share out levels of poverty. "

^true, and this is what would be happening under a left leaning congress government.

having said that, things are chugging along in India, just at an elephant's pace.

the recent gdp numbers hype aside, anyone is free to visit India and BD both.. you'll see for youself who is where.
India has no chance against China period everyone and his dog knows this... Mark my words Pakistan will break India and defeat it completely single handily.. It is unavoidable destiny and the pen is dry.. Pakistan will be able to walkover it's subordinate of 1000-yrs Pakistan just never bought the Indian hype not even once because it knows this people and their culture in and out.... This report is nothing new and in other news water is wet... India is just not about this life
Wow, a reality check.

India is a failure, while bahkts wont admit that. Any ways who cares? We know the reality of India, they can build as many walls as they want to cover poverty and hide the poor but the world is realising the reality. The images of people dying gasping for air on stretchers outside the emergency department and corpses floating in Ganga river have far deeper impact on people's minds than glitter of Bollywood.

India continues to make poor choices and will remain poor, hate-filled, chaotic , dirty and filthy.
Admiting the problem is the first step in solving it. And India will not admit that they have problems, so they cannot solve them.

This is actually no big deal. The Americans have claimed that China is about to collapse for 20 consecutive years. What happened?

Almost everyone is criticizing CCP, and we also criticize CCP within China. CCP did not collapse, but got better and better.As long as it is based on facts, it is good for you.

If Indians continue to deny the facts, India will only worsen China more and more.
Lol some of our neighbours are oozing out with jealousy.
One Nepali says India is nowhere in the world another Bangladeshi says India lost.
Actually what is their businessin in India?
India win or lose .Why should they worry about it?
Because after all they are not Indian.

GoI must fence all the boundaries and issue special cards to all non Indians
uhm I see that you don't like the taste of your own medicine...shouldn't you be asking these questions to your own indian media and goi? they are the ones who started this whole circus of whining and making fun of their neighbors as being behind india while india was the all shining supa pawa...complain now when everyone else in the neighborhood has literally left india far behind while you are left smelling their farts?
uhm I see that you don't like the taste of your own medicine...shouldn't you be asking these questions to your own indian media and goi? they are the ones who started this whole circus of whining and making fun of their neighbors as being behind india while india was the all shining supa pawa...complain now when everyone else in the neighborhood has literally left india far behind while you are left smelling their farts?

They are telling to us .Not to a foreigner .
They are our domestic medias for domestic audiences .
And for India neighbours like Nepal,BD are small neighbours only.
Why are some idiotic morons writing on India and its current status..

As if the situation is very dire in India, where as surrounding is thriving merrily..

Situation isn't too good, but definitely not like what PDF and its few members projecting here.. My nation is not doing at Par with china that's for sure, but who else in the world doing it at Par with them??

Bashing India has been a fashion now a days in PDF and the forum has lost its reputation being a defense oriented one. If we are will to keep that way for considerable time, be my guest.

Obviously COVID has spanked our economy, but so does it for majority of world economies. Perhaps showing India this way gives some fellow forum mates few goosebumps..

Carry on, my best wishes...
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