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Onus on India to show commitment to Pakistan ties: Daily

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China do not do tech support. Tech support in terms of fixing your PC if you call in. Or when you buys something from amazon.com and they screw you, you will need to talk to an Indian. That kind of tech support is specialized by India.

Don't even try explaining. We are very very happy that China will soon understand the workings of Pakistan. Pakistan was and as things stand always be a subservient state to a major player. As of now, it is China. It's impossible for Pakistan to have a national strategy or national policy or national interests, because it simply does not exist nor is there any attempt to even have one.

bro, i am praying 5 times in a day for your wishes to come true

Especially the dig the trench. In fact we should fund it by giving soft loan. That will itself plug the pole vaulters and will save bullets of the IA.
To all Indians. Don't respond to the user named called faithfulguy. He/she is a known troll in threads related to India. Just report him/her.

he is a low life chini part of the 50 cent army hiding behind the taiwanese and american flag

Not Kasmiri genocide but muslim genocide. You should have made it clear because kasmiri pandits genicide is halal and accepted in islam. Is not it ?

Muslim genocide is going on daily in Quetta, Peshawar, NWFP, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq by muslims...wonder that is halal too
We have nothing to gain with improving relations with India. The enmity with India works in Pakistan's favour. I like things as they are and all this talk about Improving relations and expanding trade is utter nonsense. The benefits of Trade accrue to India and not Pakistan so please stop trading. I prefer trade with 'China, Europe and America.

BTW, in our trade with the USA and Europe we have a Trade Surplus.

With India we will always have a Trade Deficit and they will be sucking life blood out of us.

Close the borders with India Permanently and build a deep and wide TRENCH along the Indian Border.

Keep India away from Pakistan. This is why e created Pakistan - to get away from these guys, remember ?


Completely agree. Maybe a joint commission to completely seal off our borders from each other with 15 foot high walls on both sides of the border is the actual need of the moment until both sides are mature enough to deal with each other.
Trade with India gives Pakistan trade Deficit.

That means wealth is going out of Pakistan to India.

As for Tech support we got our Buddy China to give us far better TECH Support than India.

India is Enemy, we don't want to provide Jobs and add to Indian Economy.

Yes with China there is no money involved...only HONEY. So it makes sense we will charge money.

Grow up dude.
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