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Onus of Creating Environment for Talks is on Pakistan, Says Arun Jaitley

No better laughing stock than when Indian leaders make such bombastic and egoistic statements.
sigh you really need to have everything spelt out. Stopping vessels does not always need to be official, get my drift......Harassing certain trade ships is very easy, and we do not even need to do it officially.... you speak like a child world laws are very flexible when it comes to certain loopholes like ship checks to ensure certain things.
But like I said we have nothing against trade or Iran, let them grow stronger, good leadership is going to easily rectify all our problems... with the current operations border attacks will stop and the smuggling will too.. And the talk of a gas and oil pipeline for us and China will really help us grow closer. Do not think that the rhetoric used is being ignored by Iran. Ports help Iran, but they can run them easily... They will not be dependant on Indian goods to pass to make them work.
My friend, Pakistan stopping Indian vessels for checks is not really viable. Why ?

Simple, because while Pakistan will send a few ships, India can easily send the equivalent of the entire Pakistan Navy without a sweat in the same region to conduct "anti-piracy patrols" and "arms smuggling checks" in retaliation if India is in a mood to harass or exactly west of the Pakistani territorial sea if India is in the mood for gradual escalation.

It isn't quite as easy to make those choices when apart from all that mentioned above, your enemy can have nuclear boats and aircraft carriers parked right beside your territorial waters to ensure there are no 'disagreements'.

What you say will work...on weak nations. Unfortunately for Pakistan, India is not one of them.
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My friend, Pakistan stopping Indian vessels for checks is not really viable. Why ?
Like I said, Pakistan does not need to do it. Look at international politics please before you comment, pleasssse do not just think Pakistan is the only one to care about what goes to Iran, LIKE I SAID, we have no problem with trade. you really are a subjective reader,
Like I said, Pakistan does not need to do it. Look at international politics please before you comment, pleasssse do not just think Pakistan is the only one to care about what goes to Iran, LIKE I SAID, we have no problem with trade. you really are a subjective reader,
My point was entirely different and approaching the same problem from a different angle.

My point is that within the Indian Ocean, India is the only power does not rely on third party powers or goodwill of other nations to keep its Sea lanes of trade open even though USN is here just for that role.

That said, India is also diversifying its oil purchases - the commodity of real value from the Middle East and our main dependency on the region.

We have reduced our energy imports from Middle East to around 57% already. And our contracts are already signed and first shipments of gas from USA is set to start in 2016. US has this year surpassed Saudi Arabia in oil production. The ultimate goal being to reduce Middle East imports in our imported oil basket to around 30% in a decade.
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We have reduced our oil imports from Middle East to around 57% already. And our contracts are already signed and first shipments of oil from USA is set to start in 2016. US has this year surpassed Saudi Arabia in oil production. The ultimate goal being to reduce Middle East imports in our imported oil basket to around 30% in a decade.

Just a correction, it's illegal to ship crud oil produced in USA to other countries but Petroleum products can be shipped. I think the agreement probably covers that not the crud oil.
What was the proof against Peshawar terrorist that you army started military operations in tribal areas?
Jesus christ! you have a brain size of a peanut
Just a correction, it's illegal to ship crud oil produced in USA to other countries but Petroleum products can be shipped. I think the agreement probably covers that not the crud oil.
Not crude oil mate, it was my mistake. It is LNG. Though for even that US had to change its laws as only those countries with which US has signed an FTA were legally allowed to import from US.
@Armstrong logic in comics :P
Who ever said we will stop trade. Trade does not bother us, and as far as India creating trouble for Pakistani vessels, well enjoy trying to stop other countries ships because we hardly send anything to your side any more. And as it is our waters we can decide by law to see who can and who can not pass through.

Ah yes but after the refusal to provide troops things have changed, again hyped up media reports are not a good thing to read

actually most countries are neutral with more leaning towards Pakistan and China and Kashmir, read real reports, not the feel good guide to the country
India does not needs to pass through your waters , even your recently extended EEZ , does not covers the southern parts of the , Indian oceans but , India's south cover much more of the south side of the Indian ocean , the route goes straight to Oman & Yemen & U.A.E , to go to gulf India can just go to it , by simply bypassing Pakistani EEZ even the new extended one & approach straight south to the waters of Oman straight to the water's of U.A.E to Iran

here is a map of EEZ take a look
the pink line i have extended Pakistan's EEZ as per the recent extension of its EEZ still it cannot effect India's route to Chabahar in Iran the blue line i have shown how India can completely bypass Pakistan's EEZ

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Pakistan(NS regime) has genuine intention of solving issues, India is sitting on it expecting time will solve everything. But then India likes status quo.

Nawaz Sharif may have the best of intentions but even if you discount the Pakistani army's influence on relations with India, you still face the problem that what the Pakistanis want on Kashmir, India cannot give. Unless Pakistan can come to terms with the the borders not changing, no amount of talk will make any difference. Even Nawaz Sharif wants to go back to the Lahore declaration rather than where Musharraf left off. Ministers have made public their refusal to work on the Musharraf formula saying that he agreed to too many things that they don't & that the army doesn't agree to. No Indian leader will risk his/her political capital to try for an agreement that the Pakistanis will either repudiate or undermine.

India, as you pointed out is a status quo power. There is no overwhelming necessity for it to reach an agreement with Pakistan that will give it nothing more but may need it to give more which was the Musharraf-MMS formula was, even if the boundaries would remain unchanged. Since Pakistan doesn't seem to interested in that proposal anymore, there is nothing India can do.

Lakvi was released by court. pakistanis do not have proof of his wrongdoings, that can hold in a court of law. If you understand how judiciary works(same in Indian judiciary), its not surprising that you cant hold a high profile prisoner for infinite time.
They tried trumped up charges just so that the guy is inside. They got more interest in keeping him inside than outside.

Lakhvi fathered a child while supposedly in jail & lived a life of considerable luxury. It is unlikely that anyone will believe that Pakistan was genuinely interested in keeping him out. Of all the organisations in Pakistan, the LeT is the one that works pretty much as an extension of the Pakistani (deep) state. It's why the LeT has never attacked within Pakistan while many others have. In any case, after the Abu Jundal extradition & the Pakistani state's desperate attempt to stop it, there are no takers in India for the argument that Mumbai attacks were conducted by purely non-state elements. (Former HM Chidambaram is on record saying that)
Thanks for the laughs....these scum-bags make provocative statements, call flag meetings followed by firing on our jawans and then yap about "onus is on Pakistan"

my simple answer is "go to hell" ......Lets face it. We hate eachother. Lets just accept that and down-grade diplomatic relations until someone sane (sans the blood of thousands of Muslims) assumes power in the neighbour to the east.

we are headed towards confrontation, the way things are going
Since when did FATA is part of India. Update your country's geography. We don't want an inch of what is Pakistan. And would take what is ours.

If you don't want an inch of what is Pakistan, you will end up loosing Jammu and Kashmir. There is no legal ownership of Kashmir with India and the so yelled document of association was put in a dustbin by UN. You occupation with force is the only string which is keeping Kashmir under you. But for how long :)
If you don't want an inch of what is Pakistan, you will end up loosing Jammu and Kashmir. There is no legal ownership of Kashmir with India and the so yelled document of association was put in a dustbin by UN. You occupation with force is the only string which is keeping Kashmir under you. But for how long :)

Better read instrument of accession by Kashmir Maharaja. All princely states joined either India or Pakistan by instrument of accession only.
Better read instrument of accession by Kashmir Maharaja. All princely states joined either India or Pakistan by instrument of accession only.

I have read that, a paper that has no witnesses, no ceremony, no handling over, taking over, no historical reference and no authenticity in the international court of justice. There was a reason UN asked both India and Pakistan to do plebiscite in Kashmir and its because this document has no authenticity. Pakistan doesn't accept that, Kashmiris don't accept that, UN doesn't accept that - so place it on the wall and give yourself a sense of ownership as this is the only thing which says Kashmir belongs to India as entire Kashmir otherwise says it doesn't.

And you took life of 70 thousand Muslims there, killed them, torched them, tortured their families because you have this paper.. just one bloody paper with no value. Imagine if Pakistan would do this with you and your town claiming we have a similar bloody paper. Think about it.
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