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Onus of Creating Environment for Talks is on Pakistan, Says Arun Jaitley

Chahbahar is not Indian asset and ports add shipment cost a great deal. Also this trade will now take place through Pakistan's extended waters and that is increasing its dependency on Pakistan regardless.

Why stop at GB buddy, why don't claim FATA, Afghanistan and some part of Europe to be Indian territory? When you are determined to lie, then lie if moon was yours. :crazy:
1.pakistan cannot and has not the power to stop india doing trade with iran and from there to central asia ya shipment charges might add upto cost but its better to have a marginalli less profit than bieng always at mercy of a nation whome you cant trust and if pakistan tries to create trouble in high seas for india we can do the same for pakistan

2.as for Iran it knows its much much safer and profitable to do buisness with independent india than saudi leaning pakistan

3.as for G&B it is indian territorry which pakistan has illeagal occupation pakistanies might think itsthere but the rest of the world dosent and all including china support indian stand on kashmir

so the fact of the matter it india will do trade and commerce with every nation in the regon but pakistan as india knows pakistan will never let good relations with india prosper so better to invest in other options.... get used to it
Chahbahar is not Indian asset and ports add shipment cost a great deal. Also this trade will now take place through Pakistan's extended waters and that is increasing its dependency on Pakistan regardless.

Why stop at GB buddy, why don't claim FATA, Afghanistan and some part of Europe to be Indian territory? When you are determined to lie, then lie if moon was yours. :crazy:

Since when did FATA is part of India. Update your country's geography. We don't want an inch of what is Pakistan. And would take what is ours.
What was the proof against Peshawar terrorist that you army started military operations in tribal areas?

Most of the evidence has to be collected in Pakistan as the Mumbai plot was hatched in Pakistan? What Mumbai saw was the act of the plot.

If Pakistan would have wanted Mumbai culprits would have been brought to book long time ago and hanged

What idiotic proof is that ? TTP released the video of attackers which corroborated the dead terrorists. It's better to keep the beak shut if you don't have all the facts at hand goes on making idiotic comparisons.

And what is the evidence in eyes of law Ajmal is who he claims to be and whatever he said infront of indian authorities were 100 percent verified ?

The case began and ended with ajmal kassab confession being extracted by pakistani judicial authorities. Which India didn't let, so how law of Pakistan can accept Indian confession and build case on it ?

Like I said before arguing uselessly, Read how the law works. When Samjhota Blast main suspect was let free (SAWAMI something), Lakhvi could be get free due to lack of evidences.
What idiotic proof is that ? TTP released the video of attackers which corroborated the dead terrorists. It's better to keep the beak shut if you don't have all the facts at hand goes on making idiotic comparisons.

And what is the evidence in eyes of law Ajmal is who he claims to be and whatever he said infront of indian authorities were 100 percent verified ?

The case began and ended with ajmal kassab confession being extracted by pakistani judicial authorities. Which India didn't let, so how law of Pakistan can accept Indian confession and build case on it ?

Like I said before arguing uselessly, Read how the law works. When Samjhota Blast main suspect was let free (SAWAMI something), Lakhvi could be get free due to lack of evidences.

It is clear that you don't know what constitute evidence . As I said, Pakistan never wanted to bring Mumbai terrorists to book. I doubt any government in India can go ahead with talks with Pakistan unless Mumbai terrorists are hanged. I also know that Pakistan too is not interested in talks under conditions. Good for both of us.
1.pakistan cannot and has not the power to stop india doing trade with iran and from there to central asia ya shipment charges might add upto cost but its better to have a marginalli less profit than bieng always at mercy of a nation whome you cant trust and if pakistan tries to create trouble in high seas for india we can do the same for pakistan
Who ever said we will stop trade. Trade does not bother us, and as far as India creating trouble for Pakistani vessels, well enjoy trying to stop other countries ships because we hardly send anything to your side any more. And as it is our waters we can decide by law to see who can and who can not pass through.
2.as for Iran it knows its much much safer and profitable to do buisness with independent india than saudi leaning pakistan
Ah yes but after the refusal to provide troops things have changed, again hyped up media reports are not a good thing to read
3.as for G&B it is indian territorry which pakistan has illeagal occupation pakistanies might think itsthere but the rest of the world dosent and all including china support indian stand on kashmir
actually most countries are neutral with more leaning towards Pakistan and China and Kashmir, read real reports, not the feel good guide to the country
India must stop its terror activities in Pakistan and Kashmir must be on top of the list.
Since when did FATA is part of India. Update your country's geography. We don't want an inch of what is Pakistan. And would take what is ours.

That is what Indians say because India is already fat and contented after seizing swathes of land decades ago. After Junagadh, Sikkim, Hyderabad, Kashmir, and Goa, (not to forget Indian meddling in East Pakistan and Sri Lanka), do not expect Pakistan to think India is a peaceful country.
This is the Right approach by India , although i don't doubt Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's intentions , it is Gen Raheel Sharif ( the Army ) i think who's intentions actually counts , right from the suspicious meeting of the Pakistani High commissioner to India with the hurriyat leader's which resulted in damaging a cordial atmosphere of improvement in Indo-Pak ties right after the visit of PM Nawaz Sharif to India , coupled with the Agitations by Imran Khan (many say the Army was behind it including ex-Pti Javed Hashmi ) & then clipping of PM Nawaz's powers by the establishment & the Establishment not being happy with PM Nawaz's trade with India initiatives , along with the Release of the 26/11 mastermind Zakhiur Rehman Lakhwi , clearly indicates that the establishment in Pakistan is not interested in peace & is run by hawks who clearly opposes peace with India , & here India is right to have its reservations regarding this peculiar & hawkish Anti-India behavior of the Pakistani Establishment & in this regard India has charted the right course of action , with regards to Pakistan .
Which is , if Pakistan want dialogue then the Establishment there has to demonstrate its sincerity , since it is them who calls the shots in Pakistan & India is in no mood to entertain theatrics & India is totally right this regard & has thereby taken the correct course of action , which is that , if the Pakistani establishment wants peace , then they have to earn the talks with sincerity , & the release of dreaded terrorist like Zakhiur Rehman Lakhwi is anything , but sincerity , the Pakistani high commissioners ruining the atmosphere with the hurriyat meeting is anything but sincerity , the Establishment backed agitations of Imran Khan & clipping of the PM Nawaz Sharif's power's & opposing his trade with India initiatives are any thing but sincerity , so when Pakistan has not been sincere Then why should India ?
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@hinduguy - Tu nei sentimental kar diyaaa....aa jaa galeiii luggg ja mereiii bhai ! :cry:

'By the power vested in me, I dub thee an Honorary Pakistani' ! :kiss3:
These politicians are making the fool out of themselves .... talks for What ?

Kashmir issue had reached its dead end long ago this left us with trade and shyt like cultural contacts ....So no point of high level meeting for trading potatoes and Bikes and Lahore Food festival in Delhi.
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India ab duniya ko pagal nahe bana sakta it is india who runaway from pakistan dialogue if cracker goes off in india they say isi send this cracker mentality of india has to be change other wise it is no end to stupidity
your wrong NS onli visited india inNaMos oath taking ceremonny when Namo called him so it was Namo's vission for peace
And NS came to India without any vision.. right??

There is a difference between samjhota bombing and Mumbai. samjhota happened in India done by an Indian terrorist. Mumbai happened in India by a group of Pakistani terrorists.
There is not difference in Samjhota Express and Mumbai attacks..

Samjhota express bombing is done by indians ---- victims were Pakistani..
Mumbai bombing is done by pakistanis ---- victims were Indians..

Your map is wrong Azad Kashmir and GB should be part of India. Hence post correct maps.
Why stop at GB buddy, why don't claim FATA, Afghanistan and some part of Europe to be Indian territory? When you are determined to lie, then lie if moon was yours. :crazy:
Sir, you forget to mention Iran.. Iran is also part of Indian territory according Ramayan..
no self respecting country agrees to preconditions expressed publicly in a form of list, for dialogue to happen. It can be conveyed in back channel. Only reason you put public precondition, is to scuttle any dialogue and empower hawks in pakistan who oppose any dialogue. Then you can conviniently blame pakistan, see we want but they dont.
I am yet to see any evidence that Pakistan will do even iota of work for India. Please list me one thing they have done? A country that openly lets terrorist killer of our country roam. I have no problem if we do not talk to them.

Buddy Pakistan wouldn't want solution of Kashmir from India, it will solve it against Indian consent anyway. It has already been awaken, internationalized and back on the discussion tables. And you are not paid a price for something which didn't belong to you.

For the rest part, our economy at a time was dependent on increased trade, now it has changed it mode and it is now it is natural resources and route centric. Even when we are looking to trade with the countries depending upon each other, India doesn't block any significant market for us but we block entire western part of the world for you. You don't need to be a certified economist to know who's loosing what here. Through China, we have access to Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar anyway but their economy is fractional as compared to the potential that lie on the west.

You do not lose somthing u never had or never had chance to have. Pakistan will never give access. So why even work on it.
Chahbahar is not Indian asset and ports add shipment cost a great deal. Also this trade will now take place through Pakistan's extended waters and that is increasing its dependency on Pakistan regardless.
Does trade have to be explained to Pakistan?
The only country that India does not have direct access to is Afghanistan. Which is a minutely small market.

Apart from that Pakistanis should be aware - which none are - that trade over land cannot be done over vast distances. It is prohibitively expensive. Which is why the bulk of long distance world trade is over sea. The trade over water is a fraction of the cost of trade over land. I don't know who taught you economics, but you have certainly studies in a Pakistani school.

And we have one of the largest coastlines in the world as does the Gulf region - with Iran, our partner in that region which is connecting the port with its trans national railway system.

Lastly, any trade done through Pakistan's EEZ does not increase dependency on Pakistan because Pakistan under international law cannot stop any Indian trade...its as good as Pakistan not being there. Indian trade ships and war ships can traverse that area at will and without Pakistani permission.

Who ever said we will stop trade. Trade does not bother us, and as far as India creating trouble for Pakistani vessels, well enjoy trying to stop other countries ships because we hardly send anything to your side any more. And as it is our waters we can decide by law to see who can and who can not pass through.
This is getting ridiculous.

No, Pakistan cannot stop anyone in the world from crossing its EEZ. Its illlegal to stop any trade ship from crossing. The Charter of the Seas under UNCLOS ensures that.

The only place where Pakistan can stop other vessels where its domestic laws apply is its territorial sea - which is useless to the rest of the world anyways.
No, Pakistan cannot stop anyone in the world from crossing its EEZ. Its illlegal to stop any trade ship from crossing. The Charter of the Seas under UNCLOS ensures that.
sigh you really need to have everything spelt out. Stopping vessels does not always need to be official, get my drift......Harassing certain trade ships is very easy, and we do not even need to do it officially.... you speak like a child world laws are very flexible when it comes to certain loopholes like ship checks to ensure certain things.
But like I said we have nothing against trade or Iran, let them grow stronger, good leadership is going to easily rectify all our problems... with the current operations border attacks will stop and the smuggling will too.. And the talk of a gas and oil pipeline for us and China will really help us grow closer. Do not think that the rhetoric used is being ignored by Iran. Ports help Iran, but they can run them easily... They will not be dependant on Indian goods to pass to make them work.

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