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Onus of Creating Environment for Talks is on Pakistan, Says Arun Jaitley

so in short since you dont have any valid answer for my posts you are trying to proove yourself write by making fun of my gramattick mistakes than answering with some logic .... you know what this attitude of "mai nahi manta mai nahi manta" is the reson why pakistan finds itself where it is now and guess what india has shown this picture to every one else who matters for pakistan and that they too are victim of terror originationg from pakistan have given pakistan a cold shouldar and things will onli go to bad to worse ifit dosent changes its tracks

ya thats the right approach :devil: :butcher:

so when are you coming for Gazwa e Hind:haha:

What you are saying is an opinion and it is respected in your brain. If you have something more real, you will get a reply back.
You cant leave Pakistan out now can you, where ever you go the only thing coming out from your mouth is Pakistan this Pakistan that.
On topic while India takes prides in supporting terrorist activities resulting in loss of our territory, Indian ministers openly advocating use of terrorism as a state policy, even threatening of war and yet the onus for creating environment for talks is on Pakistan? You Mr. Finance Minister are delusional.:disagree:

Doc Holliday: A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of him. He can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.

Doc Holliday was talking about Indians
Lakvi was released by court. pakistanis do not have proof of his wrongdoings, that can hold in a court of law. If you understand how judiciary works(same in Indian judiciary), its not surprising that you cant hold a high profile prisoner for infinite time.
They tried trumped up charges just so that the guy is inside. They got more interest in keeping him inside than outside.

I am sure most Indians would not agree with you. Anyway, the peace between India and Pakistan depends a lot on what Pakistan army wants and not what NS wants.
Keeping Pakistan unstable is understandable but not improving relationship is now against India's own interest. We are their gateway to trade and energy needs. Where Pakistan stands today, it doesn't need India for anything at all but India needs Pakistan for multiple good reasons.

In terms of terrorism, India has lost on all the fronts it had invested on. Namely Afghanistan, TTP terrorists in FATA and western front and Political Terrorists in Karachi. Look where is any of its interest standing today? This is rather time for Pakistan to strike-back and I don't see why India should be spared. Good relationship or not, India will be paid for the service it offered. Now if India steps ahead and tries to improve relationship, that is for the 4th time in its best interest instead of ours.
That gateway is of zero use if your precondition is solve Kashmir. Because we are not willing to pay that price. So we will not solve Kashmir and you will not give access to gateway. Hence from Indian perspective the Gateway is useless.

It's like someone is selling something in market with terms and condition other cannot sign.. Even if the product is good, I have to think alternative's.

This is where Pakistan has to innovate.
I am sure most Indians would not agree with you. Anyway, the peace between India and Pakistan depends a lot on what Pakistan army wants and not what NS wants.
Many Indians wont agree because they dont think themselves. If pakistan wants to jail xyz Indian (say accusing him of involved in samjhota bombing) I dont think India can cooperate beyond a point.
Lakvi was released by court. pakistanis do not have proof of his wrongdoings, that can hold in a court of law. If you understand how judiciary works(same in Indian judiciary), its not surprising that you cant hold a high profile prisoner for infinite time.
They tried trumped up charges just so that the guy is inside. They got more interest in keeping him inside than outside.
This was planned release to put pressure on India. Indirect message was if you do not talk we will not act on your terrorist. The reason the case was slow because they did not want conviction. They have zero intention of helping India or punishing Lakhvi.
That gateway is of zero use if your precondition is solve Kashmir. Because we are not willing to pay that price. So we will not solve Kashmir and you will not give access to gateway. Hence from Indian perspective the Gateway is useless.

It's like someone is selling something in market with terms and condition other cannot sign.. Even if the product is good, I have to think alternative's.

This is where Pakistan has to innovate.

Buddy Pakistan wouldn't want solution of Kashmir from India, it will solve it against Indian consent anyway. It has already been awaken, internationalized and back on the discussion tables. And you are not paid a price for something which didn't belong to you.

For the rest part, our economy at a time was dependent on increased trade, now it has changed it mode and it is now it is natural resources and route centric. Even when we are looking to trade with the countries depending upon each other, India doesn't block any significant market for us but we block entire western part of the world for you. You don't need to be a certified economist to know who's loosing what here. Through China, we have access to Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar anyway but their economy is fractional as compared to the potential that lie on the west.

This was planned release to put pressure on India. Indirect message was if you do not talk we will not act on your terrorist. The reason the case was slow because they did not want conviction. They have zero intention of helping India or punishing Lakhvi.
no self respecting country agrees to preconditions expressed publicly in a form of list, for dialogue to happen. It can be conveyed in back channel. Only reason you put public precondition, is to scuttle any dialogue and empower hawks in pakistan who oppose any dialogue. Then you can conviniently blame pakistan, see we want but they dont.
Many Indians wont agree because they dont think themselves. If pakistan wants to jail xyz Indian (say accusing him of involved in samjhota bombing) I dont think India can cooperate beyond a point.

Now, you cannot say Indians don't have the capacity to think on their own. Instead of thinking all Indians are wrong, why didn't it cross you mind that you alone could be wrong instead of all others.

There is a difference between samjhota bombing and Mumbai. samjhota happened in India done by an Indian terrorist. Mumbai happened in India by a group of Pakistani terrorists.

Buddy Pakistan wouldn't want solution of Kashmir from India, it will solve it against Indian consent anyway. It has already been awaken, internationalized and back on the discussion tables. And you are not paid a price for something which didn't belong to you.

For the rest part, our economy at a time was dependent on increased trade, now it has changed it mode and it is now it is natural resources and route centric. Even when we are looking to trade with the countries depending upon each other, India doesn't block any significant market for us but we block entire western part of the world for you. You don't need to be a certified economist to know who's loosing what here. Through China, we have access to Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar anyway but their economy is fractional as compared to the potential that lie on the west.


Your map is wrong Azad Kashmir and GB should be part of India. Hence post correct maps.
Now, you cannot say Indians don't have the capacity to think on their own. Instead of thinking all Indians are wrong, why didn't it cross you mind that you alone could be wrong instead of all others.

There is a difference between samjhota bombing and Mumbai. samjhota happened in India done by an Indian terrorist. Mumbai happened in India by a group of Pakistani terrorists.

But what is the veracity and value of proof india provided in eyes of law ? Nill. You didn't let ajmal interrogated by prosecution or judicial team from Pakistan. How do you expect court would act upon these half arse proofs ? Like someone said, 90 percent of indians don't have an idea of of how Law works..
Buddy Pakistan wouldn't want solution of Kashmir from India, it will solve it against Indian consent anyway. It has already been awaken, internationalized and back on the discussion tables. And you are not paid a price for something which didn't belong to you.

For the rest part, our economy at a time was dependent on increased trade, now it has changed it mode and it is now it is natural resources and route centric. Even when we are looking to trade with the countries depending upon each other, India doesn't block any significant market for us but we block entire western part of the world for you. You don't need to be a certified economist to know who's loosing what here. Through China, we have access to Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar anyway but their economy is fractional as compared to the potential that lie on the west.

but thing is indian economy is not dependent on exports alone + we know that no one is pakistan will ever want india to make money thru its "rahdaari" hence any importence for pakistani is nullified like a person has a very nice thing to sell but is reluctant to sell it as he doesnt likes the buyer

and thats pricieslli india has invested in chabahar port and gone for BBIN
Blah blah bla Pakistan Blah bla bla Pakistan Blah bla bla Pak...
But what is the veracity and value of proof india provided in eyes of law ? Nill. You didn't let ajmal interrogated by prosecution or judicial team from Pakistan. How do you expect court would act upon these half arse proofs ? Like someone said, 90 percent of indians don't have an idea of of how Law works..
Perhaps Indians know how law works for both the countries have similar penal code (Act XLV of 1860) in place but since supa powa fart has gone up into their heads, they think that can twist other's arms to obtain favorite and desirable verdicts.
But what is the veracity and value of proof india provided in eyes of law ? Nill. You didn't let ajmal interrogated by prosecution or judicial team from Pakistan. How do you expect court would act upon these half arse proofs ? Like someone said, 90 percent of indians don't have an idea of of how Law works..

What was the proof against Peshawar terrorist that you army started military operations in tribal areas?

Most of the evidence has to be collected in Pakistan as the Mumbai plot was hatched in Pakistan? What Mumbai saw was the act of the plot.

If Pakistan would have wanted Mumbai culprits would have been brought to book long time ago and hanged
but thing is indian economy is not dependent on exports alone + we know that no one is pakistan will ever want india to make money thru its "rahdaari" hence any importence for pakistani is nullified like a person has a very nice thing to sell but is reluctant to sell it as he doesnt likes the buyer

and thats pricieslli india has invested in chabahar port and gone for BBIN

Chahbahar is not Indian asset and ports add shipment cost a great deal. Also this trade will now take place through Pakistan's extended waters and that is increasing its dependency on Pakistan regardless.

Now, you cannot say Indians don't have the capacity to think on their own. Instead of thinking all Indians are wrong, why didn't it cross you mind that you alone could be wrong instead of all others.

There is a difference between samjhota bombing and Mumbai. samjhota happened in India done by an Indian terrorist. Mumbai happened in India by a group of Pakistani terrorists.

Your map is wrong Azad Kashmir and GB should be part of India. Hence post correct maps.

Why stop at GB buddy, why don't claim FATA, Afghanistan and some part of Europe to be Indian territory? When you are determined to lie, then lie if moon was yours. :crazy:

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