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Onus of Creating Environment for Talks is on Pakistan, Says Arun Jaitley

Agreements are signed between States, not Political Governments. Read up on that

Err...so what? Agreements cannot be broken? Think LoC violation in Kargil...LoC is a treaty, not just a line. In any case, non-state actors can always be used to up the ante if the political dispensation & army is not satisfied with the status quo. Why should India risk anything to be in a worse position than today?

If you think a deal could have been done, why should it matter who was in government in Pakistan or who the CoAS was? It remains Pakistan who pulled back, any deal done by Musharraf would probably have been repudiated & undermined & the Indian political establishment would have had egg on their faces for all the political capital that they had expended on such a deal.

Looks like you have been hallucinating

Ya, along with everyone else I suppose.....

UK saw Kayani as obstacle to Kashmir deal - The Express Tribune

"General Kayani had himself made no secret of the fact that Pakistan's Kashmir policy under his former boss General (retd) Pervez Musharraf would undergo changes as several events had led Pakistan to think afresh."
General Kayani major "obstacle" in almost done Indo-Pak deal on Kashmir - Yahoo News India
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Pakistan(NS regime) has genuine intention of solving issues, India is sitting on it expecting time will solve everything. But then India likes status quo.

I am of the same opinion. Even during previous BJP regime he responded positively to bus diplomacy. But Kargil happened and it derailed the talks. It is not NS who did Kargil, so it is not fair to fault him for that fiasco.

I do have a genuine doubt if NS will be able to marshal all his military institutions to his vision for south asia.

This was planned release to put pressure on India. Indirect message was if you do not talk we will not act on your terrorist. The reason the case was slow because they did not want conviction. They have zero intention of helping India or punishing Lakhvi.

I would like to believe you, but to be fair to Pakistan, I don't think so.

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