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Onus of Creating Environment for Talks is on Pakistan, Says Arun Jaitley

Aren't you really forcing me to accept what you are saying :) Really pushing as "for the last time" or else :p

Size of navy matters less when you have to pass through sea touching our coast for hundreds of miles. Even couple of JF-17s with anti-ship missiles would block India's trade route.

It isnt that easy to identify civilian cargo. How will JF-17s identify targets..?
Doesn't get more silly than that. What do you think India's response will be to that provocation?

We are talking about a scenario in which offence has happened. If there is a war or war-like scenario, you know you won't be able to pass your vessels thorough our waters and to make that happen, couple of sea-attack aircraft would do the job.

Besides you guys are so deluded about your muscle.. but you forget what would happen to you as a return.
Does the PA really want to improve relations with India? No! Otherwise the PA would be out of business! They need a conflict situation to be relevant in society.

When will the Indians stop harping about this fallacy over and over again? I could make the exact same argument about the Indian Armed Forces needing a conflict with Pakistan to keep increasing its Defence Budget. Peace on the Eastern Borders will suit PA right now as it is focused on eliminating terrorists on our Western flank who use your money and guns. So please, keep this hypocritical attitude to yourself and start thinking objectively.

PA gave its blessings to go ahead and carry out the peace talks, but Modi Sb with his RSS roots was simply not interested in peace. He was more interested in flashing his 56 inch chest, but later on when he realized there is nothing he can do he was forced to back track and send well wishes for Ramzan.
PA gave its blessings to go ahead and carry out the peace talks, but Modi Sb with his RSS roots was simply not interested in peace. He was more interested in flashing his 56 inch chest, but later on when he realized there is nothing he can do he was forced to back track and send well wishes for Ramzan.

Modi has shown a typical Indian.. they go out of mind pretty early but then realize they cannot pull a hair and then coil back to their bed like a grumpy helpless child.
We are talking about a scenario in which offence has happened. If there is a war or war-like scenario, you know you won't be able to pass your vessels thorough our waters and to make that happen, couple of sea-attack aircraft would do the job.

Besides you guys are so deluded about your muscle.. but you forget what would happen to you as a return.

Err...no one is talking about trade during war though in such a case the last thing Pakistan would do is to give India an excuse to do serious damage.

No one here was talking about muscle but you. You brought in fighter jets to an economic discussion.
It isnt that easy to identify civilian cargo. How will JF-17s identify targets..?

Since when it became hard? So how does Indian navy and airforce is able to defend its waters or are you saying they don't since it is hard to identify civilian cargo?

Err...no one is talking about trade during war though in such a case the last thing Pakistan would do is to give India an excuse to do serious damage.

No one here was talking about muscle but you. You brought in fighter jets to an economic discussion.

Why didn't India want its gas or oil pipelines to pass through Pakistan' territory? It is the same fear of interruption in a future time of heat. I am reminding you the same "risk" already exists for its trade when your vessels are passing through our waters and so close to our coastline and to deny India its trade route, we wouldn't need to create concrete walls in the water and the job can be done using few if not two sea attack aircraft. Was it hard to understand the first time?
PA gave its blessings to go ahead and carry out the peace talks, but Modi Sb with his RSS roots was simply not interested in peace. He was more interested in flashing his 56 inch chest, but later on when he realized there is nothing he can do he was forced to back track and send well wishes for Ramzan.

Yeah like there was a lot of peace during the non-RSS Manmohan Singh's time.....Give it a rest, no one is buying that argument. India-Pakistan relations were bad long before Modi got into the picture, if anything, events like 26/11 propelled Modi to the centre stage.

Modi does not need to do anything, you don't seem to understand the discussion topic. Modi is doing just that - nothing. Pakistan is not on his bucket list of things to do, it is in the much shorter list of things to manage. Ramzan wishes are just that, there is almost no appetite in India for talks with Pakistan. That is not just in the political environment alone, most Indians seem to have less & less interest in a possible better relationship with Pakistan, a point alluded to by the former NSA Shivshankar Menon who said that outside of a small section of Punjabis, there is no real interest among Indians for attempting better relationship with Pakistan. He pointed out that this was primarily the outcome from 26/11.

Why didn't India want its gas or oil pipelines to pass through Pakistan' territory? It is the same fear of interruption in a future time of heat. I am reminding you the same "risk" already exists for its trade when your vessels are passing through our waters and so close to our coastline and to deny India its trade route, we wouldn't need to create concrete walls in the water and the job can be done using few if not two sea attack aircraft. Was it hard to understand the first time?

A whale of a difference between the two. In the first Pakistan could simply turn of the tap or have militants blow it up, effectively shutting off the line completely. No such possibility exists in the second because use of direct force will constitute an act of war. Your two planes would result in plenty of damage to Pakistan, one cannot use military force outside of one's own territory without risking retaliation which is guaranteed. Pakistan needs oil, does it not? An attempt to use militants would only give the Indian navy an excuse to be in closer proximity to Pakistan shores, something that the Pakistani navy will certainly not want. In any case, the line isn't shut off in case of an attack because it would involve just one or two ships after which security will automatically be beefed up.
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Both countries need a break. Pakistan can be occupied in CPEC, and India can act East and consolidate BBIN.
A whale of a difference between the two. In the first Pakistan could simply turn of the tap or have militants blow it up, effectively shutting off the line completely. No such possibility exists in the second because use of direct force will constitute an act of war. Your two planes would result in plenty of damage to Pakistan, one cannot use military force outside of owns territory without risking retaliation which is guaranteed. Pakistan needs oil, does it not? An attempt to use militants would only give the Indian navy an excuse to be in closer proximity to Pakistan shores, something that the Pakistani navy will certainly not want. In any case, the line isn't shut off in case of an attack because it would involve just one or two ships after which security will automatically be beefed up.

So you are too accepting that Pakistan can block Indian trade but you are only talking about its consequences. Good.

But to bring in your knowledge, we have access to China and direct land connectivity with Iran. We have our options to get needful oil at the time of need but the way future is turning, China and Russia too are going to be dependent on our water-routes for their trade and supplies. That means if Indian navy think about blockade, it will be offending 3 countries. Now what consequently can happen to India and Indian Navy is left to discussion.
So you are too accepting that Pakistan can block Indian trade but you are only talking about its consequences. Good.

But to bring in your knowledge, we have access to China and direct land connectivity with Iran. We have our options to get needful oil at the time of need but the way future is turning, China and Russia too are going to be dependent on our water-routes for their trade and supplies. That means if Indian navy think about blockade, it will be offending 3 countries. Now what consequently can happen to India and Indian Navy is left to discussion.

Seriously? If you think Pakistan is going to be allowed to get away with an act of war, you are being incredibly silly. Neither Russia or China will be bothered, Pakistan will be the one without oil. Pakistan cannot stop trade in normal course. In times of tension, the ships will take a slightly longer approach or be escorted by the Indian navy. Your two fighters would not even get close & pretty soon, it will be Pakistan that faces the consequences. Talk about dropping an axe on one's own feet.
Solving what?...if Pakistanis want to solve issues with India, they would not have released Lakvi. The main player in India and Pakistan relations is their Army. Peace with India and Pakistan Army survival are mutually exclusive
why did india release that colonel Probhit who attack on innocent Pakistanies in Samjotha Express...
Grow up, these kind of ladies talk will get you nothing.. either open your heart of get the grudge out once for all.
we are ready either way~
Seriously? If you think Pakistan is going to be allowed to get away with an act of war, you are being incredibly silly. Neither Russia or China will be bothered, Pakistan will be the one without oil. Pakistan cannot stop trade in normal course. In times of tension, the ships will take a slightly longer approach or be escorted by the Indian navy. Your two fighters would not even get close & pretty soon, it will be Pakistan that faces the consequences. Talk about dropping an axe on one's own feet.

Yup, pretty logical to think Indian Ships are passing along the Pakistanis costs within 200KM range and are not bothered with anything :) I won't call you silly because your words are telling this plainly. China will not be bothered even though India is blocking its second biggest trade-supply line? And not be bothered because India thinks so?

The way maps have turned, India has rather lost its footprint in the region and Chinese expansion is cutting Indian ambitions short. After-all something is felt in India that Narandra Modi had to speak against Economic Corridor even though it knows his words buy no cup of tea.
Yup, pretty logical to think Indian Ships are passing along the Pakistanis costs within 200KM range and are not bothered with anything :) I won't call you silly because your words are telling this plainly. China will not be bothered even though India is blocking its second biggest trade-supply line? And not be bothered because India thinks so?

The way maps have turned, India has rather lost its footprint in the region and Chinese expansion is cutting Indian ambitions short. After-all something is felt in India that Narandra Modi had to speak against Economic Corridor even though it knows his words buy no cup of tea.

Your silliness knows no limitation. You think the world community would sit by with you attacking a ship in international waters? Then you expect the Russians & the Chinese to take your side against Indian retaliation. No one is that stupid or that deluded. excepting your types.

Modi's interest in the China-Pakistan corridor is limited to it cutting though the territory of Kashmir. If you haven't figured out the diplomatic reasoning, there is very little to say.

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