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Only nukes can truly protect Iran


Jan 5, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United Kingdom
Hi All,

I am new to this forum. I have made this comment in another thread but will post it in a new thread.

This news about Iran's response in reducing its nuclear commitment is utterly weak when considered in the context of retaliation against the attack on Soleimani. I am not saying this move is Iran's main retalitation but by itself its nothing. It is only a "fifth step" in Irans's reduction in its JCPOA commitment. All it says is Iran now removes its limit on centrifuge production. Iran is still abiding by the JCPOA (according to Iran) and is still in the Non proliferation treaty.

Look we don't know if Iran truly has nukes or not. We don't know to what extent Iran truly means its fatwa on nukes being haram. All I will say is if this current Iranian regime truly does not believe in having nukes, then it simply deserves to be removed/wiped out due to this sheer incompetence. When faced with a rabid state like US ruled by someone like trump, only having the capability to wipe the US off the face of the map will truly protect you. If you don't believe this, then ask yourself this question. What is truly stopping the US nuking Iran if it decides to? What could Iran do about it? The mutually assured destruction fear that exists between nuclear states is NOT there for the US when it comes to Iran. An ancient nation like Iran should NOT allow its survival to be based on the decision making of some rabid fool like Trump.

Having nukes does not mean you have to use them. They provide you with this potent protection and give you time to build yourself economically etc. Just ask the Chinese. In my opinion, Iran's main obstacle in developing nukes was this issue of once Iran gets it, others in the region might. In my opinion, that is no longer enough to prevent Iran going nuclear OPENLY.
Pakistan got nukes.
Pakistan got droned for a decade like a b1tch.

Welcome to the forum, by the way.
Iran getting nukes is much different than Pakistan getting nukes though. Iran is a major enemy of the United States (on the same level as North Korea), while Pakistan was mainly on friendly terms with the US for the past couple decades.
Pakistan got nukes.
Pakistan got droned for a decade like a b1tch.

Welcome to the forum, by the way.

Thanks for the welcome,

It's a different situation my friend. I know Pakistan does not openly have an ICBM to reach the US, but the US knows very well not to cross certain lines with Pakistan purely due to Pakistan being a nuclear state.
Thanks for the welcome,

It's a different situation my friend. I know Pakistan does not openly have an ICBM to reach the US, but the US knows very well not to cross certain lines with Pakistan purely due to Pakistan being a nuclear state.

Having nukes and delivering those said nukes to the second hemisphere is a totally different ballgame, Iran has yet to develop the nukes and I don't think they ever will because none of the scientists involved actually live long enough to get the job done before being picked off by CIA or Mossad.

Having said that nukes will certainly provide Iran with a fighting chance as they would be able to take out Israel before going under, Israel would as their policy suggest take out every one else even the Europeans before going themselves so I guess in a way it would trigger MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) like scenario.
Having nukes and delivering those said nukes to the second hemisphere is a totally different ballgame, Iran has yet to develop the nukes and I don't think they ever will because none of the scientists involved actually live long enough to get the job done before being picked off by CIA or Mossad.

Having said that nukes will certainly provide Iran with a fighting chance as they would be able to take out Israel before going under, Israel would as their policy suggest take out every one else even the Europeans before going themselves.

US and Israel haven't slowed down Iran's nuclear program, its a political decision. How to make a nuke 101 is basically open source information to world governments.
Having nukes and delivering those said nukes to the second hemisphere is a totally different ballgame,

So your thesis is that Iran cannot make a nuke? Forgetting the obvious and demonstrable falsehood of this notion, lets not forget that Pakistan made nukes decades ago (with or without help), you want us to believe Iran, which has a very robust technological base cannot? You're talking as if nukes are some high tech weapons. They're a piece of cake for Iran. The difficulty is in getting the fissile materials, which Iran can.

As for delivery devises, forgetting the fact Iran most definitely has ICBM technology (search ghaem rocket SLV), it has launched multiple satellites into orbit. In the words of the missile expert Uzi Rubin, "any nations that can put a satellite into orbit, can put a nuke anywhere on the planet", Iran also has the re-entry technology as proven.

Iran has yet to develop the nukes and I don't think they ever will because none of the scientists involved actually live long enough to get the job done before being picked off by CIA or Mossad.

Iran has already finished the nuclear weapon design in 2003. Just go on youtube and see Netanyahoo's speech on the materials taken from some old archive showing that Iran finished the design.

As for this ridiculous notion that these spy agencies will manage to kill 100's if not 1000's of nuclear scientists, I mean seriously dude?
US and Israel haven't slowed down Iran's nuclear program, its a political decision. How to make a nuke 101 is basically open source information to world governments.

If it was that easy than every country on Earth would be nuclear armed.
If it was that easy than every country on Earth would be nuclear armed.

You need to think before you comment. How many nations can get their hands on fissile materials? And even if they could are willing to take the punishment of making nukes?
So your thesis is that Iran cannot make a nuke? Forgetting the obvious and demonstrable falsehood of this notion, lets not forget that Pakistan made nukes decades ago (with or without help), you want us to believe Iran, which has a very robust technological base cannot?

As for delivery devises, forgetting the fact Iran most definitely has ICBM technology (search ghaem rocket SLV), it has launched multiple satellites into orbit. In the words of the missile expert Uzi Rubin, "any nations that can put a satellite into orbit, can put a nuke anywhere on the planet", Iran also has the re-entry technology as proven.

Iran has already finished the nuclear weapon design in 2003. Just go on youtube and see Netanyahoo's speech on the materials taken from some old archive showing that Iran finished the design.

As for this ridiculous notion that these spy agencies will manage to kill 100's if not 1000's of nuclear scientists, you seriously need to lay off these hollywood spy movies for a while.

Why than Iran entered into a nuclear deal when you are so sure that they would easily be able to build a nuke and deliver the payload to the American continent?
Why than Iran entered into a nuclear deal when you are so sure that they would easily be able to build a nuke and deliver the payload to the American continent?

It was a different situation back then. Under Obama, Iran's main focus was to rid itself of the sanctions to develop its economy. The nuclear deal was nothing but a temporary agreement. As you can see, under this clown trump, things are very different. Going nuclear has always been a political decision for Iran, nothing more.
It was a different situation back then. Under Obama, Iran's main focus was to rid itself of the sanctions to develop its economy. The nuclear deal was nothing but a temporary agreement. As you can see, under this clown trump, things are very different. Going nuclear has always been a political decision for Iran, nothing more.

Yeah I'm not buying that if the regime had the capability in 2003 to go nuclear they would gone nuclear in 2003 and no amount of sanctions would have stopped that from happening.
Yeah I'm not buying that if the regime had the capability in 2003 to go nuclear they would gone nuclear in 2003 and no amount of sanctions would have stopped that from happening.

Bro, you need to consider a difference between covert vs overt nuclear capability. The evidence shows Iran has the capability to make the bomb as far as back then, but that does not mean Iran would have openly declared itself nuclear. That's why in my opening statement I said Iran could already be a nuclear power (covertly). We simply don't know. All I do know is that evidence showed Iran was much more advanced in the design than anyone had thought at that time.
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