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Only 13% Indians hold favourable opinion on Pakistan

Hi Abindboy, now that you've got the Pakistan hate our of your system, can you state the "facts" now?

Mate it is established, I can post hundreds of news articles if you like. If I had acsess to the 500+ page dossier the GoI sent to the GoP after 26/11 then I'd post that but obviously as a civlian I am not given such material. But when you have guys like Hafiz Saed running around going to rallies attracting 1000s of people, when you have terrorists like Rashid Raulf being effectively released by the police then what more proof do you need? Pakistan uses these people against India, that is just how it is and we all know it.
Mate it is established, I can post hundreds of news articles if you like. If I had acsess to the 500+ page dossier the GoI sent to the GoP after 26/11 then I'd post that but obviously as a civlian I am not given such material.

But when you have guys like Hafiz Saed running around going to rallies attracting 1000s of people, when you have terrorists like Rashid Raulf being effectively released by the police then what more proof do you need? Pakistan uses these people against India, that is just how it is and we all know it.

---Hafiz Saeed doing rallies with a thousand people.
---Rashid rauf released by the police.

What is the proof in this? Have they been convicted of doing 26/11?
Absolutely 0 proof- not even you leaders say this in public so what credence to I give to these BS claims?

Let me correct you a little. One, I am no Pakistani. Two, the information provided is fact based. There are many human rights reports within India that talk about ow barbarically Hindu fundamentals kill other minorities like Christians and Muslims. So if you guys can kill freely in your country ....what love do you have for the Pakistanis? Really man?
Forgot the hundreds of thousands of children and women in Kashmir....the ones you raped and then killed and the one you just killed? Let me know if you need proof. I'll even put some youtube videos here for you. Shame on you. You talk about democracy and rape it behind your smile!
Let me correct you a little. One, I am no Pakistani. Two, the information provided is fact based. There are many human rights reports within India that talk about ow barbarically Hindu fundamentals kill other minorities like Christians and Muslims. So if you guys can kill freely in your country ....what love do you have for the Pakistanis? Really man?
Forgot the hundreds of thousands of children and women in Kashmir....the ones you raped and then killed and the one you just killed? Let me know if you need proof. I'll even put some youtube videos here for you. Shame on you. You talk about democracy and rape it behind your smile!

Off topic, but you need to be answered.

Yeah, a guy with a name "Orangzaib" (Aurangzaib) tells us what background you are coming from. You might not be from Pak, but definitely a South Asian Muslim (probably Kashmiri going by your post).

Also, Mr. Human Rights, Human Rights is a two way street. Slaughtering and driving away all the Pro-India Kashmiri Buddhists and Pandits, and then claiming how your land of now pure Muslims need independence from Hindu/non-Muslim India is not how human rights work. I can post youtube videos too of how Kashmiri Pandit women were kidnapped, raped and hanged from trees naked with writings in their bodies asking Kafirs to leave Kashmir when it all started in 1989 and there was no Indian Army troop presence in the valley. It was only once you jihaddi seperatists got out of hand, with funding from Pakistan did we start sending troops to control the situation. But of course, according to people like you those are not human rights violations, and these people are just outisders who do not represent the true religion of peace.
Let me correct you a little. One, I am no Pakistani. Two, the information provided is fact based. There are many human rights reports within India that talk about ow barbarically Hindu fundamentals kill other minorities like Christians and Muslims. So if you guys can kill freely in your country ....what love do you have for the Pakistanis? Really man?
Forgot the hundreds of thousands of children and women in Kashmir....the ones you raped and then killed and the one you just killed? Let me know if you need proof. I'll even put some youtube videos here for you. Shame on you. You talk about democracy and rape it behind your smile!
What the heck do they mean by "favourable opinion"? I simply can't see a way that any Indian, let alone 13% have favourable opinion of Pakistan. What exactly is the favourable opinion based on? It's one thing to be neutral or want peace but have a favourable opinion? This survey must be using the term in very general terms with no real logic behind the word.
Who cares what Indians -out of all people- think??
Who cares? Nobody cares what they think an irrelevant country.
Who cares what Indians -out of all people- think??

Your government at least think that is why they are running for normalcy in ties. Though you may build great opinion again with "low level" insurgency.

On the topic. We dint have that bad reputations till 1999 but Kargil then attack on parliament and finally Mumbai attack has build a dangerous opinion about Pakistan.

Who cares? Nobody cares what they think an irrelevant country.

I still feel proud even if my country is "irrelevant" at least it does not have labels like "Failed state" or "terrorist".
Can somebody tell me how much % of Pakistan hold favorable opinion on India? Nobody is stating that.
Who cares? Nobody cares what they think an irrelevant country.
Mate i can understand your frustration... but calling a country from which your country has been carved out irrelevent??????.... Chill..... .take a deep breath...smile....:) now lets discuss... :)
May be some >50 age group people having favorable opinion towards Pakistan. But Indian youth population having animosity with Pakistan and they don’t want any kind of ties with that country. Talks with Pakistan regarding border disputes wouldn’t accomplish anything it’s well known fact, just for name sake India conducting such meets.
Looks like the feeling is mutual.
Only 22% of Pakistanis have a favorable view of traditional rival India, although this is actually a slight improvement from 14% last year. Moreover, when asked which is the biggest threat to their country, India, the Taliban, or al Qaeda, 59% name India.

Pakistanis have consistently identified India as the top threat since the question was first asked in 2009. The percentage fearing India has increased by 11 points since then, while the percentage naming the Taliban has decreased by nine points.

Despite these negative sentiments, 62% of Pakistanis say it is important to improve relations with India. And roughly two-thirds support more bilateral trade and further talks to try to reduce tensions between the two nations.

Most Indians also want better relations, more trade, and further talks between the two nations. Still, Indian attitudes toward Pakistan remain largely negative. Roughly six-in-ten Indians (59%) express an unfavorable opinion of Pakistan, although this is down slightly from 65% in 2011.

India is not the only country, however, where negative views of Pakistan prevail. Majorities or pluralities give Pakistan a negative rating in six of the seven other countries where this question was asked, including China, Japan, and three predominantly Muslim nations – Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia.
Pakistani Public Opinion Ever More Critical of U.S. | Pew Global Attitudes Project
I am surprised... who is that 13 per cent that view Pakistan favourably?
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