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Only 11 Persons Died, not 2500: DMP Commissioner

Propaganda is tool for anarchy..

3000 dead ppl will be blood bath.. One photo seems photochopped, the guy walking in blood and there is no blood on his feet. :P
One does not have to be card carrying member to propagate Awami League statement for genocide cover up. Awami league fans comes in many shades, some shoot in the street in Bangladesh and some shoot in the internet with Awami League party and domesticated officials issued statement. I am sure you can find your reflection in one. such type.

You do not have to trust what DMP Chief says. But, he is correct to ask if 2500 have been killed, where are the dead bodies and why the relatives of the killed do not come to claim bodies? @idune, could you please answer these simple questions?

On the other hand, AL govt needed some self-made acts to prove that the Hefazat is nefarious in nature. So, the Jubo League and CL cadres grew beard, came to the spot with Topi on heads and burned the shops and religious books. In the morning, AL govt squarely blamed Hefazat for that crime organized by itself.

This is what AL is, and I still remember how that Nanak put a private bus on fire and killed five innocent passengers in 2007. I still believe Pilkhana was also orchestrated by AL govt to punish both the military and BDR. AL did it successfully.

After saying all these I will not believe 2500 can be killed on that night. It is same as Indian stupids claiming PA troops killed 11,000 Bangalis every 24 hours during the nine months of LW in 1971. Lanat on those enemy Indians.
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People who call themselves protector of Islam do many crazy things, like blowing up in crowded places.

Anyway it could be that they didn't identity the Qur'an shop in dead of night. Or their foot soldiers were infiltrated by usual suspects from bd who do this kind of vandalism.

I simply don't understand why would shop owners, all of them, lie about HEI.

They were simple villagers not affiliated to any Islamic party, they were there only protect their religion. But I can assure you I'm sure about one group of people who are really good at damaging properties of others, especially if it is related to Islam.
You do not have to trust what DMP Chief says. But, he is correct to ask if 2500 have been killed, where are the dead bodies and why the relatives of the killed do not come to claim bodies? @idune, could you please answer these simple questions?

When DMP commissioner is the executioner of massacre, no one can trust his statement. But my point was posting his statement by you shows where is your trust. Awami League genocidal force removed dead bodies that has stated by multiple eye witness. And if were not massacre (be that hundreds or thousands) and not for hiding dead bodies why Awami League turned light off and media out? And why international organization is not allowed to investigate? Answer is simple, Awami League is hiding the genocide it committed and its propagators are coming up with absurd question for Awami cover up ploy. Even a naive has the understanding that a genocidal regime that commits cold blooded murder and hide dead bodies to hide its crime, is NOT going to admit its crime by handing over dead bodies. That being said, people are still trying to figure out what happen to their loved ones and many young students who died are eatims, who doesn't have parents. Even dead bodies which are found and shown I have not seen victims family came to claim bodies from genocidal regime. That goes to show even relative of Awami League genocide victims feel they could die in hand Awami League if they come to claim bodies. Fact that you inventing argument why relatives are not coming out to claim dead bodies from genocidal regime who killed their loved ones, shows your atrocious thinking. It's like asking relatives of 1971 genocide victim to go ask for dead bodies from perpetrator of crime.
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How ironic..

Same people (mostly Indian posters), on other threads multiply many-folds, the figures of alleged killings by Pak Army in 1971. Here they are trying to downplay the incidents against Islamic protestors. Just because they are innocent muslims who want some change in constitution to protect their rights??
What the hell it has to do with Indians to come here and talk about muslims and Bangladesh?
2 Tv pro-opposition channels shut down leaving awami boot licking channels who practically copy paste stuff from Btv. 10 K awami police/Rab/BGB ousting a mass of lacs of people in only 10 min with only 11 dead. Is it even believable? What ever the actual number is, its definitely so high that this fagotic regime needs to hide. whether its 30/40/50/100 or even over 1000 as the rumour say, it was a massacre of innocent protesters in the middle of the night deserving a just and independent inquiry in presence of Intl monitoring. Amazingly these fagots are defending murder by saying only 11 died, as if its legitimate. BAL scums just did what they are best at i.e killing and they will have to be bought to justice for this one day.

@madx DA thanx for the lovely pic 1st one shows clearly what happens to AL when Hefazat umbrella is open.:cheesy:

I think the first pic shows him and his herds of chapatti clowns.
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You do not have to trust what DMP Chief says. But, he is correct to ask if 2500 have been killed, where are the dead bodies and why the relatives of the killed do not come to claim bodies? @idune, could you please answer these simple questions?

On the other hand, AL govt needed some self-made acts to prove that the Hefazat is nefarious in nature. So, the Jubo League and CL cadres grew beard, came to the spot with Topi on heads and burned the shops and religious books. In the morning, AL govt squarely blamed Hefazat for that crime organized by itself.

This is what AL is, and I still remember how that Nanak put a private bus on fire and killed five innocent passengers in 2007. I still believe Pilkhana was also orchestrated by AL govt to punish both the military and BDR. AL did it successfully.

After saying all these I will not believe 2500 can be killed on that night. It is same as Indian stupids claiming PA troops killed 11,000 Bangalis every 24 hours during the nine months of LW in 1971. Lanat on those enemy Indians.

I see your pain in proving that you are not a AL supporter and India stooge. I feel sorry for you that normal debate cannot be done without a traditional swearing of 'death to India' here. :P
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One does not have to be card carrying member to propagate Awami League statement for genocide cover up. Awami league fans comes in many shades, some shoot in the street in Bangladesh and some shoot in the internet with Awami League party and domesticated officials issued statement. I am sure you can find your reflection in one. such type.

Can anyone tell me why eastwatch and Capt. Planet thanked the above post?

Hefajat members who died, there is an effort to collect information about them, but Awami goons have been busy trying to intimidate the Madrasa students and even reached some of the victims family to shut their mouth, with money and threats against their life, I heard from some sources.
How ironic..

Same people (mostly Indian posters), on other threads multiply many-folds, the figures of alleged killings by Pak Army in 1971. Here they are trying to downplay the incidents against Islamic protestors. Just because they are innocent muslims who want some change in constitution to protect their rights??
What the hell it has to do with Indians to come here and talk about muslims and Bangladesh?

Morons think BD is their BAP KA MAAL.:what:

In this one pic you can count around 50 bodies and thats just one frame ...Total count must be in hundreds..Army should take over and hang all who are in govt .

Have you got some special super natural power in your eye that you can count here 50 bodies?? I thought you would add another 1 or 2 zero with it. All the media both electronic and print were present there and they took the pictures and video not different Jamaat propaganda sites like basherkella. If it would be really 50 body it would be reported as such. But here we can see one injured person is on the street not even 2 and other person was walking beside the injured man.
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