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One Iranian Secret Weapon That Really Works

bahai is a fake religion created by U.K government in Iran,.


Every religion can be said as fake.

If you know your history, a king said the same thing about Iranians who were majority Sunnis back then


then persecuted and forced pretty much the whole nation of Iran (with few pockets of Sunnis remained) to Shiaism.

So please do not get emotional about other religions. Look at yours first.

And your account will delete soon
@WebMaster @Jungibaaz @Aeronaut
this user had double accounts , I think his another account was @amirmahdi or something similar to it, and he has started to threaten and assault other members in the forum in a clear form, the quoted comment is an example of it. in which he can be permanently banned due to laws of the forum for each of these reasons.
he was suspended recently for his trolling, but he has been unbanned all of a sudden and started to continue his misbehavior in the forum.
I ask you to investigate his case very seriously. Other members, including Arab members, and many of Iranian and Turkish members are suffering from his constant trolls and threats.
our mod @Serpentine has deleted some of his troll posts in this thread, but he still continue to insult, troll and threatening other members. I mention one of his deleted posts, which was about Pakistan and in this thread, as an example:
OhO ,your contry did not transfer power without coup or bleeding except last time funny.:cuckoo: :wacko: :rap: :laughcry::laughcry::laughcry:
Thanks in advance for your consideration and time.
iran's only secret weapon is its jewish population who'll be massacred en masse upon an Israeli airstrike

Every religion can be said as fake.

If you know your history, a king said the same thing about Iranians who were majority Sunnis back then


then persecuted and forced pretty much the whole nation of Iran (with few pockets of Sunnis remained) to Shiaism.

So please do not get emotional about other religions. Look at yours first.

It seems that your mind doesn't distinguish any difference between a prophet and a well known liar, but dear the very least trait of a prophets is his honesty else every liar can spread his BS as a religion (for example marriage between siblings in Bahai), and soon society will engage in chaos.
in your previous comment you talked about the Hitler, I should remind you, what happened to the Germany was the exact result of another man made Ideology.

forcing the Iranian to Islam or Shiaism is also khalifa's and western's made stories, It was our people's choice to accept the Islam as a saving religion, the same thing applies to shiasim, Iranian always loved the Ahlulbait and believed in Imamat, but for obvious reasons some people prefer to call the (semi)sunni governors as the Iranian religion, but if you look at our pre safavid's literature you will see the opposite, also Mamoon the Abbasi khalifa brought our eighth Imam Reza to Iran because he knew how much Iranian loved these people, and he made him his locum, beccause he knew Iranian believed in Imamat as the true owners of the government (shia belief).
It seems that your mind doesn't distinguish any difference between a prophet and a well known liar, but dear the very least trait of a prophets is his honesty else every liar can spread his BS as a religion (for example marriage between siblings in Bahai), and soon society will engage in chaos.
in your previous comment you talked about the Hitler, I should remind you, what happened to the Germany was the exact result of another man made Ideology.
You don't know anything about your country and also about logic.:disagree:
Bahaullah is a liar just in your opinion and his unbelievers.
your beloved prophet and religious guys are also considered as liars in the exactly the same way by their unbelievers.
got it? what's the difference?!!!
forcing the Iranian to Islam or Shiaism is also khalifa's and western's made stories, It was our people's choice to accept the Islam as a saving religion, the same thing applies to shiasim, Iranian always loved the Ahlulbait and believed in Imamat, but for obvious reasons some people prefer to call the (semi)sunni governors as the Iranian religion, but if you look at our pre safavid's literature you will see the opposite, also Mamoon the Abbasi khalifa brought our eighth Imam Reza to Iran because he knew how much Iranian loved these people, and he made him his locum, beccause he knew Iranian believed in Imamat as the true owners of the government (shia belief).

Are you freaking kidding me?!!!
Have you ever heard about tabarraaiyaan?!!! If someone refused to insult caliphates, they were behead him immediately.
and also your other BS about loving ahlulbait by Iranian before Safavids is also hilarious. Mahmoud Qaznavi is famous for killing every shias in which they were called Rafidzi.
Have you ever heard about Qazali? He was the greatest Iranian Faqih, and also Muslim Faqih in 5th century. Do you know what they were saying about Rafizis?!!!
Come on... you don't know anything, even a little bit, about Iran's history.:disagree:
It seems that your mind doesn't distinguish any difference between a prophet and a well known liar.

One man's prophet can easily be another man's liar.

Read up please.

Repeating childhood stories about Santa Claus won't make him real.

your beloved prophet and religious guys are also considered as liars in the exactly the same way by their unbelievers.
got it? what's the difference?!!!

I see this almost daily my fellow Muslims repeating history that Prophet Mohammad pbuh was mistreated, and Makkan opponents called him a pide piper (poet), liar etc.

Thus we should be extremely careful in calling anyone else's prophet as a liar.

The way we feel hurt about someone calling our prophet Mohammad pbuh as liar,

other people feel the same way.

I see this almost daily my fellow Muslims repeating history that Prophet Mohammad pbuh was mistreated, and Makkan opponents called him a pide piper (poet), liar etc.

Thus we should be extremely careful in calling anyone else's prophet as a liar.

The way we feel hurt about someone calling our prophet Mohammad pbuh as liar,

other people feel the same way.


Exactly Right :tup:
You don't know anything about your country and also about logic.:disagree:
Bahaullah is a liar just in your opinion and his unbelievers.
your beloved prophet and religious guys are also considered as liars in the exactly the same way by their unbelievers.
got it? what's the difference?!!!

Are you freaking kidding me?!!!
Have you ever heard about tabarraaiyaan?!!! If someone refused to insult caliphates, they were behead him immediately.
and also your other BS about loving ahlulbait by Iranian before Safavids is also hilarious. Mahmoud Qaznavi is famous for killing every shias in which they were called Rafidzi.
Have you ever heard about Qazali? He was the greatest Iranian Faqih, and also Muslim Faqih in 5th century. Do you know what they were saying about Rafizis?!!!
Come on... you don't know anything, even a little bit, about Iran's history.:disagree:
Thanks god, Bahaullah has lived in current era and his claims are well registered, either you don't know the meaning of messiah or your stupidity prevents you to realize it's meaning, how is it that first he called himself the messiah of Muslims then started to insult our prophet? and finally became god! we are not living in the ancient greece era and it's collection of GODS.

and regarding our history you just ignored what I said, ignoring our literature, ignoring the actions of the Mamoon, and just referring to your favorite historians. even our Sunnis don't recognize post Ali governors as the Khalifah, in fact you are just following the same wahhabi's method, uniting these khalifahs with Islam, and in this case calling them Sunni to prove your allegation; not only these khalifas weren't Sunni, even their Islam was nothing but an empty shell, the reason for their hostility against Iranian wasn't Islam but our beliefs which endangered their position as a ruling monarchy.
Thanks god, Bahaullah has lived in current era and his claims are well registered, either you don't know the meaning of messiah or your stupidity prevents you to realize it's meaning, how is it that first he called himself the messiah of Muslims then started to insult our prophet? and finally became god! we are not living in the ancient greece era and it's collection of GODS.
First of all, only stupids believe in a messiah who lives for 1400 years at the bottom of a well.
Second, Exactly the same things are true about your prophet, and his life is very well documented and non muslims believe that he was a liar.
Third, You said a lot of non sense lies about Bahaullah in your previous posts which shows either you don't know anything about him, or you are lying.
and regarding our history you just ignored what I said, ignoring our literature, ignoring the actions of the Mamoon, and just referring to your favorite historians. even our Sunnis don't recognize post Ali governors as the Khalifah, in fact you are just following the same wahhabi's method, uniting these khalifahs with Islam, and in this case calling them Sunni to prove your allegation; not only these khalifas weren't Sunni, even their Islam was nothing but an empty shell, the reason for their hostility against Iranian wasn't Islam but our beliefs which endangered their position as a ruling monarchy.
If you want to know about our literarure, go and read what rumi(molaanaa) has wrote about Shias. Again , you don't know anything about literature as well.
Rest of your post was insult, BS and :blah::blah::blah:.
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