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One Iranian Secret Weapon That Really Works


Dec 12, 2008
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Leadership: One Iranian Secret Weapon That Really Works

December 18, 2013: As United States intensified its efforts to uncover and halt Iranian evasion of trade and financial sanctions during the last decade and this has uncovered some very interesting details of how the religious dictatorship in Iran maintains control of the country. One of the major tools used by the clerics is a huge pool of wealth (nearly $100 billion worth) controlled by the senior cleric (Ali Khamenei) and a staff of 500 officials. Called Setad (for short), it is technically a charity and does do some charitable work. But mainly Setad exists to keep the clerical dictatorship in power and exercise enormous control over the population and the economy. About half of Setad assets are real estate and most of the rest is stock, giving the clerics considerable direct control over much of the economy via ownership of shares in major companies.

While Setad began, in the 1980s, by obtaining the property of the deposed Shah and other aristocrats and their allies, this was augmented by continuing seizure of property from “enemies of Iran.” The clerics controlled the police and courts and this made it nearly impossible to resist Setad if it came after your property. While most Setad assets are in Iran, there are billions of dollars’ worth of assets (mainly real estate) around the world, including the United States.

Most of these overseas Setad properties conceal their true owners. For example, in September, 2013 an American court affirmed that Setad had, since the 1980s, been concealing its 40 percent ownership of a 36 story skyscraper in New York City. The building at 650 5th Avenue was built in 1978 for a charitable trust (the Pahlavi Foundation) funded and controlled by the Shah (king) of Iran. The Shah was overthrown in 1979, and his many overseas assets were taken over by the new Iranian government and then Setad. Iranian clerics took over that post-Shah government in the 1980s and declared war on the West. Because of this the new Islamic Iranian government was sanctioned for supporting terrorism (and in the last decade for developing nuclear weapons). Despite the decades of sanctions the Iranians managed to get lots of those overseas Pahlavi Foundation assets transferred to Setad and efforts were made to successfully conceal who the real owners were. This was done to cope with new American laws in 1995 that made Islamic Republic of Iran ownership of the Shah’s assets illegal. But many of those asserts were still controlled by the Setad. Thus for over two decades the income from those assets (including $5 million a year from the 5th Avenue skyscraper) was spent to quietly support Setad. As more of these assets are revealed in the United States they will be sold off by the U.S. government and the proceeds given to those who have already won court judgments against Iran (for terrorist attack losses or for property inside Iran stolen by the Islamic Republic of Iran).

Setad has some downsides. For one thing the management of Setad is corrupt. Even the clerics running Setad who are true believers and clean will feel obliged to get kin jobs in Setad and that usually leads to all manner of shady dealings. Also, the Setad custom of using the police and courts to “persuade” people to surrender their property or otherwise make donations is often abused. All this gives Setad and the senior clerics that control it a reputation for corruption. Beyond the corruption Setad backing gives inefficient Setad controlled companies an unfair advantage in the marketplace. Because Setad is so huge this bad influence lowers the overall efficiency of the Iranian economy and many Iranians have noticed this and do not like it. But so far Setad has proved untouchable, more so inside Iran than overseas.
In persian, the full name of this cartel is "Setad e Farman e 8 maade iye emaam". A persian link for Iranians to follow what you are talking about:
ستاد اجرایی فرمان امام - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
There is another big cartel which is called Mostazafan Foundation , these two big cartels, are exempted from paying any taxes as well. and they are controlled by suprem leader of Iran and Iranian government has no right to monitor them or their financial transactions. Moatazafan also has the same order of investments and money. overall, it is estimated that these religious foundations control over 50% of economy of Iran.
BTW, Setad is sanctioned by USA recently.

Not a weapon per-se by more like black power of the blackest Mullahs.

Wait till the blind followers will show up to drown out the truth by linking this to some kind of constipated conspiracy theory.

Not a weapon per-se by more like black power of the blackest Mullahs.

Wait till the blind followers will show up to drown out the truth by linking this to some kind of constipated conspiracy theory.

I know what you are talking about, but I think there is no way for a truth seeking person to deny these foundations.
It's interesting that some people are wondering why Iran has so many economical problems, and all the governments have failed to solve these issues. It's simple, when more than half of the economy is exempted from any tax and governmental transaction monitoring, what else can we expect?!!!
I know what you are talking about, but I think there is no way for a truth seeking person to deny these foundations.
It's interesting that some people are wondering why Iran has so many economical problems, and all the governments have failed to solve these issues. It's simple, when more than half of the economy is exempted from any tax and governmental transaction monitoring, what else can we expect?!!!

Long time ago I read about the concept of Khums and how that had allowed Mullahs to accumulate immense wealth and properties even in the time of Shah.

That may have been exaggeration to some extent

But now

Mullahs have full control of the Iranian economy.

In Pakistan we have a saying that I'll transliterate for you

-- Having all 5 fingers in ghee (clarified butter).
----------- (perhaps similar to "the whole hand in cookie jar")

:lol: but sad.
And u attack with all of your power to it.
Till now u could not succeed and never will succeed dirty murders jewish.
However I should say 98% of Iranian voted to IR and in every election over than 80% of them take part.It means near 90% if count 10% oldmen and women who can not vote.So go to hell dirty God enemies Zions .
Long time ago I read about the concept of Khums and how that had allowed Mullahs to accumulate immense wealth and properties even in the time of Shah.

That may have been exaggeration to some extent

But now

Mullahs have full control of the Iranian economy.

In Pakistan we have a saying that I'll transliterate for you

-- Having all 5 fingers in ghee (clarified butter).
----------- (perhaps similar to "the whole hand in cookie jar")

:lol: but sad.

Yeah, the good fact is hopefully no one elses pays khums anymore to these thieves.
Anyway, this khums, is a made up rule by shia clerics, in prophets time, and even later than that, khums was only for the trophies of war (ghazwa), but those greedy clerics, expanded it to peoples revenues as well.
And u attack with all of your power to it.
Till now u could not succeed and never will succeed dirty murders jewish.
However I should say 98% of Iranian voted to IR and in every election over than 80% of them take part.It means near 90% if count 10% oldmen and women who can not vote.So go to hell dirty God enemies Zions .


number of votes is not a guarantee that government is just and good for its people in the long run.

Nazis era Germany voted for Hitler

And look what happened to Germany.

So please consider the bad policies of a fascist government before counting votes.

Thank you.
I suggest you to look at post #6 :rofl:
It seems that I was wrong, they will finally find a way to throw mud on other people.
BTW, that election that he is talking about was one of the most hilarious elections of all times. I can explain about it later to you, but for now, lets ignore these trolling and continue the thread ;)
OhO ,your contry did not transfer power without coup or bleeding except last time funny.:cuckoo: :wacko: :rap: :laughcry::laughcry::laughcry:

This is called a professional trolling. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Maybe we can hire him later, he is really good at his job.:cheesy:
Anyway, please ignore him, and do not reply his posts, he wants to direct the thread to off-topic subjects. ;)
Persecution of Bahai in the hands of Mullahs is no laughing matter

It should be considered as bad as persecution of Shias in areas dominated by freaks claiming to be Sunni.

BTW, They always call their opposition as Bahai, zionists, western poppet, .... Do not take him seriously, he even does not know what is Bahaism.
Dear @Serpentine, A member, @Ghulam-Alazhar , has started to troll and write off-topic posts in this thread. please delete his posts, and issue infraction if its needed for him. Thank you ;)

BTW, They always call their opposition as Bahai, zionists, western poppet, .... Do not take him seriously, he even does not know what is Bahaism.
Dear @Serpentine, A member, @Ghulam-Alazhar , has started to troll and write off-topic posts in this thread. please delete his posts, and issue infraction if its needed for him. Thank you ;)

U started to attack mullas in Iran and I said what u think bahai
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as always someone without any proof starts to insult Iranian leaders and beliefs. well this is you, whatever you are, a pro dictator, Zionist, mko member, anti religion or whatever else you are.

Persecution of Bahai in the hands of Mullahs is no laughing matter

It should be considered as bad as persecution of Shias in areas dominated by freaks claiming to be Sunni.
bahai is a fake religion created by U.K government in Iran, the opposite version of it, is the wahhabi foundation in Saudi Arabia. they both had the same purpose, destroying the Islam, divide and rule.
the founder of bahai first claimed to be the messiah, then insulted the Muslim's prophet, claimed to be the prophet himself, and finally in Israel claimed to be God and for all of his helps to the U.K, the queen of Britannia gave him the Sir title. yet there is not any Persecution as long as they don't cross the law.
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as always someone without any proof starts to insult Iranian leaders and beliefs. well this is you, whatever you are, a pro dictator, Zionist, mko member, anti religion or whatever else you are.

bahai is a fake religion created by U.K government in Iran, the opposite version of it, is the wahhabi foundation in Saudi Arabia. they both had the same purpose, destroying the Islam, divide and rule.
the founder of bahai first claimed to be the messiah, then insulted the Muslim's prophet, claimed to be the prophet himself, and finally in Israel claimed to be God and for all of his helps to the U.K, the queen of Britannia gave him the Sir title. yet there is not any Persecution as long as they don't cross the law.

:tup: :tup: :tup:
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