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One has to admire the strong will and ability of Hamas

Well, they endured 8 years of Iran-iraq war which I guess was worse than current situation..

Iran-Iraq war, Kuwait invasion-Gulf war, Iraq invasion, Arab spring - West seems to be more involved, even in Syria the Russians would have been more than enough for Assad regime to continue.
But Iran is nowhere close to a regional hegemon.

Honestly all they do is go on crazy diatribes about the Zionist-Wahhabi-American bogeyman.

The Mullahs are using that agenda for their own power.
It's called honor and dignity. It's called determination to resist the oppressor. It's called will to never accept slavery and subjugation. It basically means living life as dignified and honorable Muslim.
Will you say the same for Hezbollah?
But Iran is nowhere close to a regional hegemon.

Honestly all they do is go on crazy diatribes about the Zionist-Wahhabi-American bogeyman.

The Mullahs are using that agenda for their own power.

Iran is an imperfect "regional hegemon" it has influence no doubt but its hamstrung by heavy sanctions I dont prefer regime change the Iranians will have to reform their system but the US keeps giving the ruling class more reasons to rule to their public due to their "idiotic" boomer policy makers who still cant get over the hostage crisis mindset from 1979
Will you say the same for Hezbollah?
Its funny Hezbollah and Hamas are on the opposite side these days
Iran is an imperfect "regional hegemon" it has influence no doubt but its hamstrung by heavy sanctions I dont prefer regime change the Iranians will have to reform their system but the US keeps giving the ruling class more reasons to rule to their public due to their "idiotic" boomer policy makers who still cant get over the hostage crisis mindset from 1979
Where does Iran have influence?

It has no influence in the erstwhile areas of the Persian empire- areas where Iranic people reside such as Tajikistan, Balochistan and Afghanistan. Or even Kurdistan.

It only has influence in some Shia fanatics of Iraq and Yemen. And it's losing that too.

Iran could have become a regional power by focusing on areas where Iranic people live like Central Asia and Kurdistan. But like we're obsessed with India, Khomeini Mullahs are obsessed with Arabs. 100 gaaliyan dein ge Arabiyon ko but aakhir mein validation un mein ghuss ke hi milegi.
Where does Iran have influence?

It has no influence in the erstwhile areas of the Persian empire- areas where Iranic people reside such as Tajikistan, Balochistan and Afghanistan. Or even Kurdistan.

It only has influence in some Shia fanatics of Iraq and Yemen. And it's losing that too.

Iran could have become a regional power by focusing on areas where Iranic people live like Central Asia and Kurdistan. But like we're obsessed with India, Khomeini Mullahs are obsessed with Arabs. 100 gaaliyan dein ge Arabiyon ko but aakhir mein validation un mein ghuss ke hi milegi.
I am not defending the regime they tried expanding influence but are hamstring by international sanctions
It's called honor and dignity. It's called determination to resist the oppressor. It's called will to never accept slavery and subjugation. It basically means living life as dignified and honorable Muslim.

Patience would've been better than this kind of honor in which you can't even stratch your enemy but hurt your own people.
If you can't understand the fight for freedom and love of Islam then you must be a stupid hindjew donkey.

Israel continues to provide Advance technology weapons to India, Pakistan must supply all the weapons the Palestinians need to defend themselves.

He is a hindjew in disguise. Ignore his crap.

I know its far beyond your mental capacity to think a few steps ahead, so I will let it go.
Munafiq, shaytaan, Haasid, you brought nothing but hasd to this thread as you can't contain your inner jealousy of people who exercise more patience and faith in God than you can do.

Not to mention you are wrong about everything, Hamas gets no aid money it's the PA and UN which control it and Hamas has its own way of getting revenue to support the defense budget of the Palestinians. All while doing everything they can to improve the everyday lives of Palestinians. You can go ask your own country to neglect it's defense budget if you think it's 'stupid' to invest in your military or if you think you can't support both infrastructure and military at the same time, hypocrite.

Yes it does help, their actions contributed to Israeli withdrawal from Gaza and if they were based in the West Bank it would also do the same. They can secure Gaza from Israeli incursions and settlement projects all while the Israeli army ransacks Palestinian cities in the West Bank whenever they feel like it and build settlements by the tens of thousands to takeover Palestinian towns and cities.

What about their image? Since when is image gonna change anything if no other countries have stake in this conflict? They treat prisoners of war very well and when they did counter attacks inside Israel they targeted Israeli military bases only and didn't touch one civilian.

It's stupid to invest in Hamas specifically.
Each rocket they throw kills Palestinians only, destroys Palestinian hospitals, Palestinian schools. Israel is responsible, but Hamas needs to think that each of their rocket is intercepted, and it's giving Israel an excuse to hit back. Hamas is Israel's excuse to send rockets to Gaza. Realize that.

It's a joke if you think that a country which defeated so many arab countries in a war, now morethanever stronger, can't take out Hamas, who are NOT a gorilla-based fighters, but sort of an army unit.
Patience would've been better than this kind of honor in which you can't even stratch your enemy but hurt your own people.

I know its far beyond your mental capacity to think a few steps ahead, so I will let it go.

It's stupid to invest in Hamas specifically.
Each rocket they throw kills Palestinians only, destroys Palestinian hospitals, Palestinian schools. Israel is responsible, but Hamas needs to think that each of their rocket is intercepted, and it's giving Israel an excuse to hit back. Hamas is Israel's excuse to send rockets to Gaza. Realize that.

It's a joke if you think that a country which defeated so many arab countries in a war, now morethanever stronger, can't take out Hamas, who are NOT a gorilla-based fighters, but sort of an army unit.
Let them live in their fanaticism.
I am not defending the regime they tried expanding influence but are hamstring by international sanctions

And good for the international sanctions.

You know how big of a critic I am of Arabs. But the GCC is only soaring higher while Iran is sinking like a ship. Irani mullo ka zor sirf apni mazloom abadi pe chalta hai. It can't do shit against America or Israel.

Arab monarchs are looking after the interests of their population. Iran is just making life miserable for its own people.
Hezbollah is living in a independent country. That country has its own Army. Plus Hezbollah is only SHIA. Despite the fact Lebanon has all religions in it.
Well Palestine also has Christians and Shias.

Bas karde Wahhabi troll. Tu tou Pakistan ko bhi bech de Saudia ki himayat mein.
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Shush Iranian.
I think you're the one who needs to shush since i'm not Iranian. DIdnt you learn this already?

First look after the people who are starving in your own country due to your cray cray regime.[/QUOTE]
ha ha ...but 60% or more still support the govt..they're not built like your state....its a different state, and its so different more resilient than your state, so offcourse you probably dunno whats thats like. Please learn more on the intricacies and dont fall for hype and finger food headlines.

What did the recent protesters in your country say? Stop funding proxies outside Iran, oil money should stay in Iran.
Where ar the protests now??? They are dead...it was a brief event, and it probably didnt involve more than 10s of thousands of people so ts not that big a deal. Iran spends within its budget, has a large domestic military capability which subsidizes its overall military cost...why you think Iranian military strength grows year on year despte all the "sanctions" that are already getting wobbly and tired?

Mental toughness was Navid Afkari. And that girl jailed for 25 years for taking off her hijab in Tehran.
Mental toughness is SHaqil Afridi. He thought he was helping to destroy a terrorist like Bin Laden but instead the Pakistani state put him in jail.
Man you Iranians are so brainwashed. What has Iran done for Palestine except fcking over Lebanon and Syria?
What Iran has done for Palestine:
1) Supplied them with so many materials and supplies it can
2) Providing cash to Hamas to pay salaries(sometimes) during cash crunches
3)FIghting for Palestine's cause outside of Palestine, education, communications, TV, international politics...you think its so simple? what has your country done to help Palestine?
4) Helped keep Palestine consolidated territoriality due to strong and cohesive military and police forces and competency.But, nobody in the world trains asymmetrical forces as well as Iran, but Iran only trains worthy forces, and this training and patronage is the main reason for Hamas's current status and capability, thats the hot tea!
5) Deter Israel - gone are the days when ISrael can punish Gaza and it'll be a one way done deal, no more.Gaza is always able to fight back and hit Israel where it hurts- in its economic and strategic centers.
6) Countering the regional Muslim organizations and countries that are anti- Gaza and anti- Hamas - Neutralizing and actively working against counter operations and alliances that hate Hamas and Gaza and the people's true interests. Its interesting that your country attaches such low value to human lives in Gaza.

Now lets ask you - what has your country done to help Palestine?

And cherry on top is that you cray cray Khomeinists have the nerve to come and say Pakistan is extremist.
IS this you projecting? Can you show me exactly where Iranians say Pakistanis are extremist? Iranian govt doesnt even feel that way about Pakistan..Iran is your Islamic brother, always ready to help you guys out, so why start playing victim when Iran has no ill intention towards Pakistan. The relationship has been rough and patchy, but its overall stable and good.
I think you're the one who needs to shush since i'm not Iranian. DIdnt you learn this already?

First look after the people who are starving in your own country due to your cray cray regime.
ha ha ...but 60% or more still support the govt..they're not built like your state....its a different state, and its so different more resilient than your state, so offcourse you probably dunno whats thats like. Please learn more on the intricacies and dont fall for hype and finger food headlines.

Where ar the protests now??? They are dead...it was a brief event, and it probably didnt involve more than 10s of thousands of people so ts not that big a deal. Iran spends within its budget, has a large domestic military capability which subsidizes its overall military cost...why you think Iranian military strength grows year on year despte all the "sanctions" that are already getting wobbly and tired?

Mental toughness is SHaqil Afridi. He thought he was helping to destroy a terrorist like Bin Laden but instead the Pakistani state put him in jail.

What Iran has done for Palestine:
1) Supplied them with so many materials and supplies it can
2) Providing cash to Hamas to pay salaries(sometimes) during cash crunches
3)FIghting for Palestine's cause outside of Palestine, education, communications, TV, international politics...you think its so simple? what has your country done to help Palestine?
4) Helped keep Palestine consolidated territoriality due to strong and cohesive military and police forces and competency.But, nobody in the world trains asymmetrical forces as well as Iran, but Iran only trains worthy forces, and this training and patronage is the main reason for Hamas's current status and capability, thats the hot tea!
5) Deter Israel - gone are the days when ISrael can punish Gaza and it'll be a one way done deal, no more.Gaza is always able to fight back and hit Israel where it hurts- in its economic and strategic centers.
6) Countering the regional Muslim organizations and countries that are anti- Gaza and anti- Hamas - Neutralizing and actively working against counter operations and alliances that hate Hamas and Gaza and the people's true interests. Its interesting that your country attaches such low value to human lives in Gaza.

Now lets ask you - what has your country done to help Palestine?

IS this you projecting? Can you show me exactly where Iranians say Pakistanis are extremist? Iranian govt doesnt even feel that way about Pakistan..Iran is your Islamic brother, always ready to help you guys out, so why start playing victim when Iran has no ill intention towards Pakistan. The relationship has been rough and patchy, but its overall stable and good.

Irani Mullahs have done nothing for Palestine (except destroying Lebanon,Yemen and Syria). Press TV may fool you natives but it doesn't fool us.

Your mullahs are nothing less than mafioso. Using the Israel cause to keep your country in their strongholds and extend their so called militias in the Middle Eastm

What a beautiful country you had. And look how utterly isolated it is now. Your only allies are freaking Hezbollah and Bashar al Assad.
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Hamas are totally beholden to Iran. Notice whenever Iran is under pressure Hamas decides to launch some unprovoked attack - rockets - on Israel? Hamas takes dictation from Tehran, it's as simple as that. If I was Israel, I would launch a ground operation go into the area and wipe out Hamas once and for all, deliver the people of Gaza from the real cause of their misery.
It's called honor and dignity. It's called determination to resist the oppressor. It's called will to never accept slavery and subjugation. It basically means living life as dignified and honorable Muslim.
Something the Indians can't relate to because of their historical servitude under 1000 years of occupation.
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The Mullahs are using that agenda for their own power.
Everyone is, including Chinese CCP, Trump, Pakistani military and so on.
What a beautiful country you had.
But the GCC is only soaring higher while Iran is sinking like a ship.
  1. Gulfies have been throwing money like water too, I don't know how that is "looking for best interests" when they are actively funding regime changes and terrorism from Syria to Egypt to Lebanon to Libya. Their common man don't bear the brunt because of 1) much higher oil revenue per capita than Iran, 2) They are American bootlickers.
  2. West itself was hostile to post-1979 Iran since their puppet ***-kissing regime was toppled and Arabs supported by west collectively attacked a newly-destabilized country for fricking 8 years but Iranians held their ground. Why do you expect Iran to bend over when the west supported Iraq for 8 continuous years?
And honestly Iran is still miles ahead of Pakistan and even India (or say much of South Asia) in science, technology and HDI.
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