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One dead and 14 injured in twin rush-hour blasts in Jerusalem


Oct 2, 2015
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

One dead and 14 injured in twin rush-hour blasts in Jerusalem​

Initial findings show blasts result of nails and explosive devices left in bags at two sites, say police

Bethan McKernan in Jerusalem

One person has died and another 14 have been injured in twin blasts targeting rush-hour commuters in Jerusalem, attacks that hark back to the violence of the second intifada, or Palestinian uprising.
A first explosion occurred just after 7am (5am GMT) on Wednesday near a bus stop packed with civilians on the divided city’s western outskirts, causing 12 casualties, and a second blast half an hour later near a busy junction in the Ramot settlement, north of Jerusalem, injured another three.

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If it was sarcasm then i loved that
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Israel is a fragile den of hyena. They can't tolerate smallest unrest, don't you expect them to suicide like that, or are you saying that they are that retard?
Your country faces them. Plz elaborate if their army and civilians can take casualties?
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