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Once again the Indian Defence Minster Worried

US with Pakistan's help has captured and killed several militants. They have also completely destroyed ALQUIDA network that is on the run. This is has been achieved with nations of responsible powers. Eliminating the terrorist infrastructure has been a biggest achievement of the US Coalition. But this is a process, not just a milestone and this process will continue with the help of the US Coalition.

Don’t equate success with just capturing one person. But I agree it remains one of our primary goals

If there is only one threat to US, then it has to be Osama. Nobody, at least in the recent past, had profound effect on US Military strategy, US economy or US domestic policy as Osama had…and you call him one person?

Leave Osama, why a USD 600 Billion military budget was not enough to attack North Korea…just because North Korea has nuclear weapons? or you don't have balls
As long this thinking exists, Pakistan does not need to worry about India

This is the point you are trying to make in every post of urs...."India should attack Pakistan"

We may be enemies but still a lot of people in India and Pakistan hope for peace and there is still love for each other in the hearts and minds of people.
US with Pakistan's help has captured and killed several militants. They have also completely destroyed ALQUIDA network that is on the run. This is has been achieved with nations of responsible powers. Eliminating the terrorist infrastructure has been a biggest achievement of the US Coalition. But this is a process, not just a milestone and this process will continue with the help of the US Coalition.

Don’t equate success with just capturing one person. But I agree it remains one of our primary goals

Dude you seriously need to read the daily news between the lines .....the Al Queda network exists all over the world in places as diverse as Sudan to Morocco to Yemen .....withdrawing in disarray from Iraq after losing approximately 3 soldiers a day and calling that a successful end ,to boot ....may be a fine example of "balls"
to you ......to the rest of us its stupid and funny.....

Even today we hear of droves of German nationals being trained for rapid spread of Extremism in the Afghan - Pak border region .....and you call hitting one terrorist and 50 civilians with a combat drone ....an example of your bravery and success.....

accept this fact that you were granted a safe and secure neighbourhood.....with no overt or covert threats permanently stationed at your borders ....the only difference between the calibre of our leadership and our soldiers is that you have an unlimited amount of resources stationed at your disposal....reverse the roles and the situations and we ll see what real balls you people are made of ......

as it is at present ...we find your reactions quite revealing when
you are inconvenienced ......

Obama sharply increases secret military operations

speaks volumes about the changed American mentality after a single strike .....9/11 doesnt it ?
Your congressional panel doesn't seem to like the idea of a second one does it ? .......and in the process is quite willing to sacrifice thousands of innocents in rendition and experimental interrogation .......:devil: :devil::devil:
comparing the coming of usa to capture one man osama, the american lives lost for one man its huge, dont u think?

Your right but killing 3000 innocents, taking out the WTCs, the pentagon and some other targets + promising more attacks is well worth a war, isn't it?
typical crying from typical indian..national habbit of all indians! ;-)
typical crying from typical indian..national habbit of all indians! ;-)

Since your objective was to troll..I could not help my self, but ask you this.
"Do you want know what your national habit is?"

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Folks, I am not advocating war between the nations. I am merely telling you the consequence of being afraid. You just cant live with fear. Think about it.

If there is a scenario where Terrorists from foreign soil has launched an attack and killed innocent civilians in Pakistan, The Pak Army would have bombed the hell out of the terrorist infrastructure. Now don't quote examples of bomb blasts happening in paksiatn by its own people. It is a different matter similar to the situation in India

But what is the typical Indian reaction? For the past 4 years or so, Indian leadership has associated every terrorist incident with Pakistan and came running to UK, US and Europe complaining about Pakistan. I am not really getting in to the truth of this issue. The reality is you have demonstrated your fear and softness. You are crying loud that you can't protect yourself.
Folks, I am not advocating war between the nations. I am merely telling you the consequence of being afraid. You just cant live with fear. Think about it.

If there is a scenario where Terrorists from foreign soil has launched an attack and killed innocent civilians in Pakistan, The Pak Army would have bombed the hell out of the terrorist infrastructure. Now don't quote examples of bomb blasts happening in paksiatn by its own people. It is a different matter similar to the situation in India

But what is the typical Indian reaction? For the past 4 years or so, Indian leadership has associated every terrorist incident with Pakistan and came running to UK, US and Europe complaining about Pakistan. I am not really getting in to the truth of this issue. The reality is you have demonstrated your fear and softness. You are crying loud that you can't protect yourself.

Firstly,this is off topic.

Secondly, we agree that we are a soft state and it is in the best interest of the nation to focus on growth and development and not on war coz unlike your country we are not ****** rich.

We have reached the position we are in after decades of hardwork so we cant throw it away like that.

Thirdly,attacking Pakistan is not like attacking Afghanistan.They have a powerful military and most importantly the nuclear bombs which could prove to be very deadly if used on a populous country like India.

If we are called cowards coz of this then its fine....better to live in a "coward developed nation" than to live in a "brave extra ball failed state".
We do have the balls and we are not cowards. There is a reason for us to be the world leader. The point is: we are not afraid that we will lose our lives. That is called 'Bravery'. After 9/11, we have prevented attacks unlike India where terrorist attacks have become Common.

I think United States of America was formed by 13 British colonies. And I also think it was inhabited originally by Asians. This Population was reduced by disease and warfare.
I think the name America was itself given by a German scholar.
Bravery my ***!!!
And I am sure u must be an american citizen of a Pakistani Origin!!
(no offenses)
How will Indian react when they are the largest economy in the world? I am dreadful of such scenerio!

Haha.. Don't worry.. we'll be more modest as we grow.. There is an Indian saying :when a pot is full it makes lesser noise.
lolzz you see the problem with you Indians is that you think you can carry on your rant viz a viz US-Pakistan relations.

Both US and Pakistan understand each other very well thats why both still join hands despite all the differences. Both need each other.

Jana ji, Pakistan is the so called "the Most important Non Nato ally of USA" anyways wat did the USA tell pakistan in 2001???

did u forget "we will bomb u to the stone age" dialogue from BUsh to mussaraf :rofl::rofl:

Understan each other my foot, let alone understand each other USA doesnot even consider pakistan's freedom..Look at the way they are bombing u and u know its like a video game for the US army personal killing ur men on ur holy land.
I think United States of America was formed by 13 British colonies. And I also think it was inhabited originally by Asians. This Population was reduced by disease and warfare.
I think the name America was itself given by a German scholar.
Bravery my ***!!!
And I am sure u must be an american citizen of a Pakistani Origin!!
(no offenses)

13 colonies didn't want to consider themselves "British". They revolted and created a nation called, United States of America. America was named after a Spanish man, Amerigo.(All of Americas) The indigenous people are the Natives.
Jana ji, Pakistan is the so called "the Most important Non Nato ally of USA" anyways wat did the USA tell pakistan in 2001???

did u forget "we will bomb u to the stone age" dialogue from BUsh to mussaraf :rofl::rofl:

Understan each other my foot, let alone understand each other USA doesnot even consider pakistan's freedom..Look at the way they are bombing u and u know its like a video game for the US army personal killing ur men on ur holy land.

It was Armitage not bush and the statement was delivered to ISI chief not Mushraff.

Mushy manipulated the statemen to make his book famous, the actual remark was in context of conversation flow and could have been a shot of anger or sarcasm. It was related to the presence of OBL inside Pakistan in contrast to immediate post 9/11 anger in US administration.

The possibility of delivering such a threat was itself denied by US officially, tainting Mush own career.
well same crying as always yet buyes=d trillions of weapon stilll srying isnt americans helping india too to buy weapons
Jana ji, Pakistan is the so called "the Most important Non Nato ally of USA" anyways wat did the USA tell pakistan in 2001???

did u forget "we will bomb u to the stone age" dialogue from BUsh to mussaraf :rofl::rofl:

Understan each other my foot, let alone understand each other USA doesnot even consider pakistan's freedom..Look at the way they are bombing u and u know its like a video game for the US army personal killing ur men on ur holy land.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: hmmmm...? bomb us to the stone age.
especially which they have 200,000 troops which we can bomb back to the big bang, or we can just help the Taliban and cut off supplies, that would create a Vietnam like situation for them.
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