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Once again the Indian Defence Minster Worried

I believe The United States of America has extra balls!

I mean how many people got killed in 9/11...round about 3000?

Look at what you did after that...Afghanistan war total killed till now...1315.

Iraq war total killed till now...4424.

Wow...in order to take the revenge of 3000 people you killed round about 6000 more Americans.

And the best thing is that even with your extra balls you are no where near a win in Afghanistan.

read this quoted statements and check whether america has balls or not...:rofl::rofl::rofl:
I believe The United States of America has extra balls!

I mean how many people got killed in 9/11...round about 3000?

Look at what you did after that...Afghanistan war total killed till now...1315.

Iraq war total killed till now...4424.

Wow...in order to take the revenge of 3000 people you killed round about 6000 more Americans.

And the best thing is that even with your extra balls you are no where near a win in Afghanistan.

Tell me your kidding??? :blink:

Do the US mean to kill civilian? If they did it would turn people against them and in turn they will loose more American lives.

Now tell me, If some terrorist group killed 3000 Indians and were hiding among civilians would you leave them be or do what you can to stop them?
Here is a citizen of a country of billion people who says they cant fight, because they are afraid of loss of live. They damn to criticize the nation that has the courage and bravery to fight! This is exactly called Cowardliness. 'Ouch, we will get killed if we fight; So let us not fight. We can hide so that we can live.

What a disgrace!

Hello: Where is the Bravery and self esteem?

As long this thinking exists, Pakistan does not need to worry about India
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Here is a citizen of a country of billion people who says they cant fight, because they are afraid of loss of live. The damn to criticize the nation that has the courage and bravery to fight! This is exactly called Cowardliness. 'Ouch, we will get killed if we fight; So let us not fight. We can hide so that we can live. What a disgrace!

Hello Where is the Bravery and self esteem?

As long this exists, Pakistan does not need to worry about India

By the people ..of the people and for the people.

Remember these words.. would be helpful in near future
Tell me your kidding??? :blink:

Do the US mean to kill civilian? If they did it would turn people against them and in turn they will loose more American lives.

Now tell me, If some terrorist group killed 3000 Indians and were hiding among civilians would you leave them be or do what you can to stop them?

comparing the coming of usa to capture one man osama, the american lives lost for one man its huge, dont u think?
Here is a citizen of a country of billion people who says they cant fight, because they are afraid of loss of live. They damn to criticize the nation that has the courage and bravery to fight! This is exactly called Cowardliness. 'Ouch, we will get killed if we fight; So let us not fight. We can hide so that we can live.

What a disgrace!

Hello: Where is the Bravery and self esteem?

As long this thinking exists, Pakistan does not need to worry about India

I am all for strong retaliation and all that, but your comments are amusing, to say the least.

I'd love to see what the US would do if they shared borders with Pakistan, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan (hypothetical situation). For all your talk, the US has never had to fight a war on its own territory. All your wars have been fought thousands of kilometers from your borders, and it is really simple to talk when you have the comfort of sharing borders with Canada and Mexico.

And maybe you didn't know this, but India has fought wars with Pakistan in the past, as recently as 1999. And one of those wars resulted in the breakup of Pakistan and the formation of a new country named Bangladesh!
Tell me your kidding??? :blink:

Do the US mean to kill civilian? If they did it would turn people against them and in turn they will loose more American lives.

Now tell me, If some terrorist group killed 3000 Indians and were hiding among civilians would you leave them be or do what you can to stop them?

The figures i provided is of US soldiers killed till now in Afghanistan And Iraq.

Forget about balls and bravery for a while and lets discuss things in a more sensible way.

Would it be wise to get 6000 people killed to take the revenge of 3000 people?...and mind you things arent over as yet.

The great nation of "extra balls" is finding GOOD and BAD taliban...i mean Wow...you go on a war against people living in caves and when you cant even win against them you are trying to find a way out?

The whole world is on their side yet they cannot defeat taliban...think of USSR who had Pakistanis and Americans supporting Mujahideens...their(USSR) defeat is understandable...but who the heck is preventing super humans with extra balls from winning.

Now they want every other country to send troops in Afghanistan.

@ Hawkish

Dude...you want to know when we showed our courage...then read this list:-

1.By testing nuclear weapons in 98.

2.By attacking Pakistan in 71 even when your great nation had warned us and had even sent an aircraft carrier.

3.By mobilising troops in 2001...and you had to send your politicians to convince us to not start a war.

4.By allowing Dalai Lama and tibetians to live in India instead of China warning us to not do so.

We are a nation of peace loving people and followers of Mahatma Gandhi but we still know when we should take the right steps to defend ourselves.

We are no war junkies...its your thing and you carry on with it and best of luck you "extra balls super brave war junky people"

And Hawkish just wanna ask a personal question....have you lost anyone in war?
Our determination to fight:

Last month a plane (I think Air France) was flying to Canada (Don't know where it started, but did not touch any US Airport, but merely flying thro our airspace.)The Department of Homeland security got intelligence that the plane had a fugitive. The airline was contacted and they were told that US has the right to arrest the fugitive since the plane was in US airspace. Two F16 were dispatched and the Plane was escorted and forced to land in US. The Mexican Fugitive was arrested and now currently under trail. No one can even imagine that arrest can be made mid air! This is the kind of determination that keeps us the leader of the free world
'Tell me one thing...what point are you trying to make?'

You are drinking cool-aid. You are just proving my point that Indians don't have the balls.

If it has been any other country in the world, they would have acted appropriately to an act that killed 200 of their citizens. To make sure this does not happen again. The Realty is that this will get repeated because you are establishing that India is a soft state. If you accuse some one of harming you gravely, and your reaction is ....to brush it aside, than it is called cowardliness.

What balls are you taking about? Osama has killed 3000 of your citizens, what have you done? You don’t even know where Osama is? Or is it easy for you people to carpet bomb unarmed innocent civilians using high tech weapons than know the whereabouts Osama

First prove your balls by catching Osama and then preach others
Our determination to fight:

Last month a plane (I think Air France) was flying to Canada (Don't know where it started, but did not touch any US Airport, but merely flying thro our airspace.)The Department of Homeland security got intelligence that the plane had a fugitive. The airline was contacted and they were told that US has the right to arrest the fugitive since the plane was in US airspace. Two F16 were dispatched and the Plane was escorted and forced to land in US. The Mexican Fugitive was arrested and now currently under trail. No one can even imagine that arrest can be made mid air! This is the kind of determination that keeps us the leader of the free world

Just that???...We made a plane full of US Marines land at our airport :azn:

Our determination to fight:

Last month a plane (I think Air France) was flying to Canada (Don't know where it started, but did not touch any US Airport, but merely flying thro our airspace.)The Department of Homeland security got intelligence that the plane had a fugitive. The airline was contacted and they were told that US has the right to arrest the fugitive since the plane was in US airspace. Two F16 were dispatched and the Plane was escorted and forced to land in US. The Mexican Fugitive was arrested and now currently under trail. No one can even imagine that arrest can be made mid air! This is the kind of determination that keeps us the leader of the free world

Well US is a different game altogether.Your defense budget is almost equal to our whole GDP. Plus as i said earlier attacking Afghanistan/Iraq and attacking trigger happy nuke state is very different.
What happens when you face a determined country is something you guys have learnt in Vietnam.Just imagine Vietnam flying F-16 and having 100 of nukes in your neighborhood...
All this 'Hawish' bravado is will vanish when war come on your turf.

As previously said by another member, whom do you have as neighbours? Evil Canada? Mighty Mexico?

We're in an tough (understatement) neighborhood, Pakistan, Afghanistan not to meintion the rest of the states are/were totally in turmoil: Nepal, Sri Lanka (was in a civil war), Bangladesh (military coup few years back), Burma (dictatorship).

We don't have 11 Nimitiz class carriers to project power everywhere around and bomb people with democracy
What balls are you taking about? Osama has killed 3000 of your citizens, what have you done? You don’t even know where Osama is? Or is it easy for you people to carpet bomb unarmed innocent civilians using high tech weapons than know the whereabouts Osama

First prove your balls by catching Osama and then preach others

US with Pakistan's help has captured and killed several militants. They have also completely destroyed ALQUIDA network that is on the run. This is has been achieved with nations of responsible powers. Eliminating the terrorist infrastructure has been a biggest achievement of the US Coalition. But this is a process, not just a milestone and this process will continue with the help of the US Coalition.

Don’t equate success with just capturing one person. But I agree it remains one of our primary goals
US with Pakistan's help has captured and killed several militants. They have also completely destroyed ALQUIDA network that is on the run. This is has been achieved with nations of responsible powers. Eliminating the terrorist infrastructure has been a biggest achievement of the US Coalition. But this is a process, not just a milestone and this process will continue with the help of the US Coalition.

Don’t equate success with just capturing one person. But I agree it remains one of our primary goals

Good work, and more power to you. I hope you do get him some day.

But please realize that India is in a very different environment when compared to the US, and with vastly different dynamics. Actually, a lot of Indians will agree that India is a 'soft state', but ptting it all down to 'cowardice' is overly simplistic.
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