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Oman says no to union of Gulf states

Does not matter at all. Oman is a GCC member state and will always remain as such and be our key ally and vice versa. There are brotherly ties between KSA and Oman and the people.

GCC is already more or less a union. More and more decisions are going that way and Oman are very much part of that.

Besides things will change when the Sultan dies and another heir will arrive. He is childless.

One day I am sure that there will be some kind of further unification of the Arabian Peninsula. The Gulf states cannot last on their own and likewise Oman. KSA will naturally assume a leading position as it already has.
Oman is more "Iran-Neutral" than any other country in the region and is determined to be as free of KSA influence than any of the others.

Actually, The reason why Oman is not willing to join the union is based on economics. They still haven't paid their independence debit yet as of right now.

If there is going to be a union, Oman will have to spend more money on the Joint Command of the Peninsula Armor Shield.

And UAE???
I read somewhere that UAE backed out because the HQ of the union would have been in KSA.
Cant believe it though.

The HQ will be built in Bahrain.

The one you are referring to was the Central Bank whereby the UAE proposed a plan to unite the GCC currencies into one.

The Saudis wanted the Central Bank to be founded in Riyadh while the UAE insisted that it should be based in Abu Dhabi.

Right now, they are reaching an agreement to base the Bank in Dubai.

Well done Oman :tup:

Oman is one of the GCC's rational actors that dont suffer from same level of Iranophobia, as the rest.

They don't suffer from Iranhobia.

I hate to say it, but it is called Iranorealism, due to the reckless policy the mullahs are playing off and on.

Look at history, the Omani sultan regime and the Saudi kingdom regime have had tensions decades ago

The tensions weren't politically motivated :lol: .. It was due to the oust of Qaboos's father by his son.

the Saudi regime supported an opposition against the sultan but it failed.

A political one, it is called yes. Similarly, we exchange heated natters with the Qatari's too.

Dhofar Rebellion & Jebel Akhdar War

These wars came way before Qabbos became a sultan. You clearly don't know the hell you're talking about.
Makes sense.

Look at history, the Omani sultan regime and the Saudi kingdom regime have had tensions decades ago, the Saudi regime supported an opposition against the sultan but it failed. ( Dhofar Rebellion & Jebel Akhdar War )
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From Hijacking the Kuwaiti Emiri Airplane, to the knives violence during Hajj, to intercepting oil shipments on the sea, and last but not least to the provocation of the Baathist Iraq.

How did we provocate Iraq? Be specific lol
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How did we provocate Iraq? Be specific lol

I though you knew better than anyone else here.

Here comes the escalation line in Iraq by Iran:

Some scholars have argued that Iranian-backed attacks and cross-border raids on Iraqi territory compelled Iraq to launch a preemptive invasion

Can Saddam Be Contained? History Says Yes - Harvard - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

According to some sources, Khomeini's hostility towards Saddam was actually milder than his Arab neighbors hostility towards Saddam.

Viewpoints of the Iranian Political and Military Elites towards the Iran-Iraq War

April 1980, Shia militants assassinated 20 Ba'ath officials, and Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz was almost assassinated on 1 April.

Book sources - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I though you knew better than anyone else here.

Here comes the escalation line in Iraq by Iran:

Some scholars have argued that Iranian-backed attacks and cross-border raids on Iraqi territory compelled Iraq to launch a preemptive invasion

Can Saddam Be Contained? History Says Yes - Harvard - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

According to some sources, Khomeini's hostility towards Saddam was actually milder than his Arab neighbors hostility towards Saddam.

Viewpoints of the Iranian Political and Military Elites towards the Iran-Iraq War

April 1980, Shia militants assassinated 20 Ba'ath officials, and Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz was almost assassinated on 1 April.

Book sources - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Never claimed to know better than anyone else, maybe you're hearing voices.

Border attacks or border tension was a normal thing of the time. Even during the Shah's days there were border disputes between Iran and Iraq. So that would not exaclty match up to launching a full scale invasion (in an obvious attempt to conquer the oil fields of Ahvaz, which was the real goal. Not some phony "border attacks")

Saddam was on a war path. He attacked Kuwait shortly after, barely giving his people a chance to breath from previous war.
2-3 years and he was at it again, invading Kuwait, right at your doorstep. Which is why KSA had to beg America for protection from Saddam and hosted thousands of coalition forces from UK, France and the US on Saudi soil.
But yeah, clearly Iran was the agressive actor at the time... Comedy :disagree:
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Never claimed to know better than anyone else, maybe you're hearing voices.

Your sarcastic tone suggests the other way around though. :lol:

Border attacks or border tension was a normal thing of the time. Even during the Shah's days there were border disputes between Iran and Iraq. So that would not exaclty match up to launching a full scale invasion (in an obvious attempt to conquer the oil fields of Ahvaz, which was the real goal. Not some phony "border attacks")

A- Boarder attacks never took place after Iraq and Iran reached an agreement until the crazed mullahs kicked in. Maybe you're living in a state of denial.

B- I didn't solely speak about boarder fire exchange, you may refer to the links which I provided once more.

C- Despite the issues we had had with Iran in the past, I never have been a fan of Saddam, as a matter of fact I find him as disgusting as his adversaries.

Saddam was on a war path. He attacked Kuwait. 2-3 years and he was at it again, invading Kuwait, right at your doorstep.

Actually, Saddam was busy fighting on the front against Iran, the reason why he invaded Kuwait was because they wanted him to pay his debit back to them as quickly as possible to prevent an inflation, so Kuwait provoked him in the first place.

Which is why KSA had to beg America for protection from Saddam and hosted thousands of coalition forces from UK, France and the US on Saudi soil.

Bro, please don't try to intimidate me on this :lol:

As a matter of fact, the deployment came in after two resolution to demand Iraq's withdrawal from Kuwait not Saudi :lol:

Another thing is that the Kuwaitis were the ones asking us to allow the coalition forces to be deployed on Saudi soil.

Suffice to say that there were only two Saudi-Iraqi engagement during the war and all.

But yeah, clearly Iran was the agressive actor at the time... Comedy :disagree:

Not. Iran, but the Mullahs were and they got what they deserve.

I just don't appreciate being called an iranophope.
Never claimed to know better than anyone else, maybe you're hearing voices.

Border attacks or border tension was a normal thing of the time. Even during the Shah's days there were border disputes between Iran and Iraq. So that would not exaclty match up to launching a full scale invasion (in an obvious attempt to conquer the oil fields of Ahvaz, which was the real goal. Not some phony "border attacks")

Saddam was on a war path. He attacked Kuwait shortly after, barely giving his people a chance to breath from previous war.
2-3 years and he was at it again, invading Kuwait, right at your doorstep. Which is why KSA had to beg America for protection from Saddam and hosted thousands of coalition forces from UK, France and the US on Saudi soil.
But yeah, clearly Iran was the agressive actor at the time... Comedy :disagree:
Lol al-Bedouini calling GCC a union. What a worthless union if the member states even haven't a common foreign policy.
Lol al-Bedouini calling GCC a union. What a worthless union if the member states even haven't a common foreign policy.

Which is the reason why your people marched all over Iran protesting against the annexation of Bahrain by KSA. :lol:

All States agree not to trust Iran.
Which is the reason why your people marched all over Iran protesting against the annexation of Bahrain by KSA. :lol:

All States agree not to trust Iran.

Bahrain is not Iranian soil. You guys consider it Arab soil, not? So how come your country is scared to react when Iran is meddling in its own affairs, and the affairs of Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine, Iraq, Syria?

Oman trusts Iran.
Iranians consider Bahrain as a part of Persia!

What affairs are you meddling in? We crushed your brothers and sisters in Bahrain and Yemen, everything you spent was gone like a pie in the sky, and your people back home are starving to death. :lol:

And if you think we don't pay you on the spot then you are being far from delusional!
Bahrain is not Iranian soil. You guys consider it Arab soil, not? So how come your country is scared to react when Iran is meddling in its own affairs, and the affairs of Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine, Iraq, Syria?

Oman trusts Iran.

Oman doesn't give a fuzz about Iran. All what they want is your money and cheap gas. We paved up the way for the $60 billion contract, and if it didn't come from our end, Iran would never dream of it.
Iranians consider Bahrain as a part of Persia!

What affairs are you meddling in? We crushed your brothers and sisters in Bahrain and Yemen, everything you spent was gone like a pie in the sky, and your people back home are starving to death. :lol:

And if you think we don't pay you on the spot then you are being far from delusional!

Yes, the historical Persia. Heck, we even consider Georgia to be part of Persia. But nobody in Iran really gives a flying duck about Bahrain. Besides the regime, who likes to frustrate Arabs with their policy.

We are meddling in the affairs of the whole Arab world, while your country is scared to do something about it, besides secretly urging the US to 'cut the head off the snake'. Your people is a scared beoble.

Oman doesn't give a fuzz about Iran. All what they want is your money and cheap gas. We paved up the way for the $60 billion contract, and if it didn't come from our end, Iran would never dream of it.

You mean Arabs paying for Iranian gas, and thus stimulating Iran's economy, which could be used to meddle more in Arab affairs? Nice. And Iranian gas is known to be the most expensive gas in the world. Ask the Turks and Pakistanis.
You mean Arabs paying for Iranian gas, and thus stimulating Iran's economy, which could be used to meddle more in Arab affairs? Nice. And Iranian gas is known to be the most expensive gas in the world. Ask the Turks and Pakistanis.

Sometimes buying Iranian gas & export your own gas turns out in a bigger profit than using your own gas.
We are meddling in the affairs of the whole Arab world, while your country is scared to do something about it, besides secretly urging the US to 'cut the head off the snake'. Your people is a scared beoble.

As I said. You saw your brothers and sisters getting butchered and you manage to keep your mouth shut. Let's see what you can do to set your brothers free.

You're paying to spread chaos while your own people are dying out of the lack of medicine :lol:

Yes, the historical Persia. Heck, we even consider Georgia to be part of Persia. But nobody in Iran really gives a flying duck about Bahrain. Besides the regime, who likes to frustrate Arabs with their policy.

We are meddling in the affairs of the whole Arab world, while your country is scared to do something about it, besides secretly urging the US to 'cut the head off the snake'. Your people is a scared beoble.

You mean Arabs paying for Iranian gas, and thus stimulating Iran's economy, which could be used to meddle more in Arab affairs? Nice. And Iranian gas is known to be the most expensive gas in the world. Ask the Turks and Pakistanis.
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