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OIC Military Industrial Complex (OICMIC)

@Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa @al-Hasani

Please note brothers how some Pakistani's are attacking me personally and insulting my country just because I spoke unpleasant truth. I do not want to hurt any Pakistani's feeling just because of these trolls.

And BDforever is an Awami supporter, kind of people who are trying to make Bangladesh into an Indian slave country.

If Pakistani's do not like the idea, there are still plenty of OIC member countries who will agree to it, such as Indonesia and Malaysia. Indonesia already have defense deals with South Korea:
South Korea targets growing Asian defense market with fighter jets | GlobalPost

Getting military tech transfer deals with South Korea I think is a great option for OICMIC.

You are being sectarian for wanting to have close relations with fellow Muslim countries and because you know our enemies and those who try to conspire against us and the governments doing that. Thus you are labelled as that in order to defame you and dehumanize you. The next step is calling you a racist and accusing you of being superior or trying to act as one. The rest you can imagine.

Bangladesh is an important Muslim country with a great potential. Nothing will change that. I wish more Arab-Bengali cooperations could take place besides what is going on already.

The GCC and the Arab world need to look towards South East Asia too as well. Already quite good relations and many Arab students in Malaysia etc. Tourists too. But more could happen. Also 10 million Indonesians have Arab roots and a few million Malaysians too. That should be used better. It's not all about the Middle East.

What is the main problem with Pakistan/Bangladesh? Is it as our beef between iranians? Really?
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You are being sectarian for wanting to have close relations with fellow Muslim countries and because you know our enemies and those who try to conspire against us and the governments doing that. Thus you are labelled as that in order to defame you and dehumanize you. The next step is calling you a racist and accusing you of being superior or trying to act as one. The rest you can imagine.

Bangladesh is an important Muslim country with a great potential. Nothing will change that. I wish more Arab-Bengali cooperations could take place besides what is going on already.

The GCC and the Arab world need to look towards South East Asia too as well. Already quite good relations and many Arab students in Malaysia etc. Tourists too. But more could happen. Also 10 million Indonesians have Arab roots and a few million Malaysians too. That should be used better. It's not all about the Middle East.

What is the main problem with Pakistan/Bangladesh? Is it as our beef between iranians? Really?

Well said bro, you understood my mind. Thanks you for saying out loud.

Insha-Allah Arab-Bangladesh relations with flourish, just as it will for Arab-South East Asia.

Pakistan/Bangladesh issues ended in 1971, we have very little dealings between us. I think the main issue is that some Pakistani's think I am sectarian, because of their own sect, also there are some who may think that Pakistan should be the most important state for GCC, and would not like any other non-Arab country to get close to GCC, specially if it happens to be their former countrymen.

Unlike Iran who actually meddles in Arab world with their proxies, we have no such issues between us. I for one would always promote best relations between all Sunni majority countries, including Pakistan.

And that is not going well,

KFX remains paper jet fighter | The Jakarta Post

And for OICMIC, it is unrealistic for now

You have to start somewhere bro, don't loose hope and don't give up on Korea, they have tremendous potential, I know that country well.
Well said bro, you understood my mind. Thanks you for saying out loud.

Insha-Allah Arab-Bangladesh relations with flourish, just as it will for Arab-South East Asia.

Pakistan/Bangladesh issues ended in 1971, we have very little dealings between us. I think the main issue is that some Pakistani's think I am sectarian, because of their own sect, also there are some who may think that Pakistan should be the most important state for GCC, and would not like any other non-Arab country to get close to GCC, specially if it happens to be their former countrymen.

Unlike Iran who actually meddles in Arab world with their proxies, we have no such issues between us. I for one would always promote best relations between all Sunni majority countries, including Pakistan.

Well someone has to say it.

I have never hidden that my problem is not with Shias (regular ones) but those infected by the "holy men" in Qom. The "Qom school of jurisprudence" in other words. Notice that the highest authority in Shia Twelver Islam (Al-Sistani) is not a vocal proponent of the Iranian regime.

The problem is not the regular Shias. You have not seen me making any threads about Shias, Iran or even a post on the Iranian section. Nothing of this short. Any moderator can confirm it. It is only the usual discussions with you know who.

Look, even if we wanted to have excellent relations with ALL countries it would not be possible due to COLLIDING interests. It is not only about ideological concerns. It is also a collision of interests. Nobody can deny that.

I don't really know. GCC is not a world power yet. Both Pakistan and Bangladesh are not small or insignificant countries but rather among the most powerful Muslim countries in the world.

That is good to hear at least. It's mostly political then and old grievances?

Please watch this video below 7abibi (short one) and you will understand my thinking and reasoning. I believe that we have rather similar views.

My worry is also the MB and GCC relations and how that can be solved. This is also poison for the region.

Sayyed Ayad Jamal Aldin: Difference b/w Najaf Hawza & followers of wilayat al-faqih is latter LIE - YouTube

Ignore the source of the video. Could not find another English version of that interview (extract actually of a longer interview).
Throwing Bangladesh in there with the big boys huh? Bangladesh is an Indian satellite it has nothing to offer to such an alliance.

Pole vaulting cannot be used in warfare.

Pole Vaulting may be used to cross into the infidel lands ( like over the west bank wall). :cheesy:
You are being sectarian for wanting to have close relations with fellow Muslim countries and because you know our enemies and those who try to conspire against us and the governments doing that. Thus you are labelled as that in order to defame you and dehumanize you. The next step is calling you a racist and accusing you of being superior or trying to act as one. The rest you can imagine.

Bangladesh is an important Muslim country with a great potential. Nothing will change that. I wish more Arab-Bengali cooperations could take place besides what is going on already.

The GCC and the Arab world need to look towards South East Asia too as well. Already quite good relations and many Arab students in Malaysia etc. Tourists too. But more could happen. Also 10 million Indonesians have Arab roots and a few million Malaysians too. That should be used better. It's not all about the Middle East.

What is the main problem with Pakistan/Bangladesh? Is it as our beef between iranians? Really?

Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan until we became a separate entity in 1971. We had our issues/grievances, right or wrong, but India, which didn't want an united Muslim Pakistan (two wings of Pakistan separated by 1200 miles of Indian land in-between) played an important role for the secession of East Pakistan (now BD). Now Bangladesh Awami League, a pro-India secular anti-Islam political party, is against the normalization of relations between BD and Pakistan and they do everything in their capacity to deteriorate good relations between these two countries whenever they come to power. In fact peoples of both BD and Pakistan (these immatured trolls from both sides on PDF are an insignificant hated minority) want good relations between these two nations- only hindrance is Bangladesh Awami League alongwith its master India.
Bangladesh was a part of Pakistan until we became a separate entity in 1971. We had our issues/grievances, right or wrong, but India, which didn't want an united Muslim Pakistan (two wings of Pakistan separated by 1200 miles of Indian land in-between) played an important role for the secession of East Pakistan (now BD). Now Bangladesh Awami League, a pro-India secular anti-Islam political party, is against the normalization of relations between BD and Pakistan and they do everything in their capacity to deteriorate good relations between these two countries whenever they come to power. In fact peoples of both BD and Pakistan (these immatured trolls from both sides on PDF are an insignificant hated minority) want good relations between these two nations- only hindrance is Bangladesh Awami League alongwith its master India.

The problem sounds strikingly familiar to some of the internal Arab problems we have in connection to Iran. A minority spoils it for the majority as is often the case.

What is the possibility of Pakistan and Bangladesh uniting somewhere in the future to counter India? Too far fetched a thought? I know about the succession between West and East Pakistan and I also read that it did not went at it was supposed to.

What do you think about my post number 112? And specially the video? Do you understand my viewpoints now?
The problem sounds strikingly familiar to some of the internal Arab problems we have in connection to Iran. A minority spoils it for the majority as is often the case.

What is the possibility of Pakistan and Bangladesh uniting somewhere in the future to counter India? Too far fetched a thought? I know about the succession between West and East Pakistan and I also read that it did not went at it was supposed to.

A BD Pakistan merger is far-fetched right now or in near future. It would require a stable Pak and a stable BD free from any hostile foreign influence. Majority people from both nations haven't reached that level of maturity required to consider a merger or for the post-merger nation-building process to take place from a diverse ethnic and cultural background. But closer trade and military ties are always a possibility.

What do you think about my post number 112? And specially the video? Do you understand my viewpoints now?

The Shia-Sunni enmity in Middle East is an alien concept to most Bangladeshis (me included). Is the rivalry between the Iranian regime and its neighboring Muslim/Arab countries resulting from the relation dynamics of a strong nation-weak ideology combo (read Shia theocracy in Iran) vs a weak or strong nation-strong ideology combo (any Sunni majority nation)? I can't watch the video you posted, right now I'm on mobile.
What is the main problem with Pakistan/Bangladesh? Is it as our beef between iranians? Really?

I believe that's IT.

Most moderate Muslims don't want to take sides in the Arab-Iranian, Shia-Sunni conflict, so any move by either side is viewed with suspicion as having ulterior motives.

If the Arabs and the Iranians could get over their past rivalries and form a joint federation, like France and Germany did with the EU, you wouldn't believe how quickly it would mushroom into a wider regional entity. It would form a power block to rival the superpowers, in terms of economic might.

All it takes is for the Arabs and Iranians to learn from the example of France and Germany...
I'm sorry to hear that you've been bashed bro : (


I think it is a great idea my fellow. We did start doing something similar on our own with some member-state of the OIC. For example, KSA had just pledged to fund Indonesia's aerospace industry, which is amazing.

Any initiative involves risks and stepping on toes, so I expect and welcome bashing, it only makes the bashers look bad.

As for KSA pledging fund to Indonesia's aerospace industry, it is a great move and in fact this was the trigger for me to think about the more general case of this OICMIC idea, in a way to expand on this leadership example shown by the KSA move.
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A BD Pakistan merger is far-fetched right now or in near future. It would require a stable Pak and a stable BD free from any hostile foreign influence. Majority people from both nations haven't reached that level of maturity required to consider a merger or for the post-merger nation-building process to take place from a diverse ethnic and cultural background. But closer trade and military ties are always a possibility.

The Shia-Sunni enmity in Middle East is an alien concept to most Bangladeshis (me included). Is the rivalry between the Iranian regime and its neighboring Muslim/Arab countries resulting from the relation dynamics of a strong nation-weak ideology combo (read Shia theocracy in Iran) vs a weak or strong nation-strong ideology combo (any Sunni majority nation)? I can't watch the video you posted, right now I'm on mobile.

Yes, I imagined that. A united body or some kind of federation would be a great counter to India's influence.

Ethnicity was never the problem here from what I understand given that Pakistan's founding was based on religion (Islam) rather than one homeland for ethnic group x or y. How is the situation in Bangladesh? Are most of the population not fairly homogenous? (Bengalis)? Closer economic and military ties should be a must IMO.

That is due to Bangladesh' location. You firstly don't border any Muslim country. From what I am aware of there are very few religious minorities among Muslims themselves. The Middle East on the other hand in particular the Arab world is another story altogether.

It is a very complex matter that also partially predates Islam but that is one of the problems.

You should really watch the video when you get the opportunity. It gives a good picture of the difference between the Shia Arab Hawza in Najaf which aims to be a purely religious establishment with the poisonous and political one found in Qom that works for the Mullah regime. As the Shia Arab cleric said then lying and deceiving is also the favorite past time for the latter. All in order to continue with the status quo (securing the existence of the regime and spreading its influence by all means).
I believe that's IT.

Most moderate Muslims don't want to take sides in the Arab-Iranian, Shia-Sunni conflict, so any move by either side is viewed with suspicion as having ulterior motives.

If the Arabs and the Iranians could get over their past rivalries and form a joint federation, like France and Germany did with the EU, you wouldn't believe how quickly it would mushroom into a wider regional entity. It would form a power block to rival the superpowers, in terms of economic might.

All it takes is for the Arabs and Iranians to learn from the example of France and Germany...

It is easier said than done. Firstly the Arab world is not entirely one single body. 90% of all states might be majority Sunni Arab but there are political, geographical and ideological differences. There cannot be a solution since in our eyes the rule of the Mullah's are the equivalent of the Nazi rule in Germany (1933-1945) as seen by the Allies. You don't do peace with such people. I have always insisted that relations between the Arab world and the Iranian Mullah's will remain poor as long as the latter is trying to expand their influence in the Arab world whether they are successful or not and they are not.
having bilaterial relation with countries that have same interest or some sort of religious/cutural/civilizational bond is one thing.. making a sectarian super army is another.. it will push shias to do the same .. and is a recepe for WW 3...

both pakistan and bangladesh wont agree ... to begin with.

Shia's have already done it, why are you not calling it sectarian? Who helps Assad regime, who helps Hezbollah, who helps Iraqi shia dominated govt. and who helps Houthi's in Yemen with money and arms? Non-Arab Iran is already in the process of creating this sectarian super army with its proxies in the Arab world. Why does it become sectarian when Sunni majority countries govt. and people want to help each other, following the example of the Shia?

What business is it anyways for an Indian to take Shia side and sing for them? Let me guess it, because Indians will always side with the Shia in a Shia-Sunni conflict? Why is that? Its because you guys need Iran to get access to Central Asia and to promote division within Muslims, just like the West.

And let Pakistani's and Bangladeshi's speak for themselves, please, if we may.

Sectarian has become a slur word for insulting Sunni Muslims who want greater cooperation among Sunni Muslim majority countries. Shia's have license to do whatever they want, but when Sunni's attempt to do the same, it becomes sectarian.
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