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OIC Military Industrial Complex (OICMIC)

sorry.. thats not how international forums work.. you joined much before me.. you should know.
In any case how will I know what GoI will do, coz I am not in govt? I can only give my view about things, I might be right or wrong.

Just like that we are not sure what GOP will do, on top they will probably try to stay away from it, as China is siding with bachar. But I dont think many a Pakistanis on the ground actually do have any sympathies for asad at all.
We are in the business of promoting ideas, not writing to govt.

Then without taking the opinion of an 'individual' or 'writing to the Government' how can you then presume in what manner Pakistan would or would not act ?

If it was up to me, the defining feature may start with "willing" Muslim countries and then encompass small nations of the world in East Asia, ASEAN, Arab world and Africa, so eventually the OICMIC in cooperation with these nations can provide a comprehensive defense production platform that competes with those of NATO, Russia and China.

In my opinion, Turkey, China & some other countries are the way forward for us - Hardly any of them can be classed as Muslim Countries !
Sinan bro, the total population of these states are around 50 million. Kazakhstan has oil and Turkmenistan has gas, others are quite poor, like us South Asians. And all of them are dependent on Russia. Uzbekistan the biggest Turkic state with 25 million population is ambivalent. Chances of Turkey becoming a member of EU is higher than this Turkic Union materializing.

Mate, I know, it is hard to make this dream come but not impossible. But our PM doesn't work his way with Turkish states, he instead choose Arab states. I'm not against having relations with Arab states in mutual understanding and respect but he should prioritize Turkic states before Arab states.

for tanks and howitzers, if I am not mistaken.[/B]

Not only for tank and howitzers also UAVs, Attack Helikopters, We are running our İndigineous Fighter Aircraft project, Submarines, Warships, etc... Visit Turkey some time you would be amazed.

Besides, the total military budget for GCC states is about $85 billion ($56 billion for KSA, $18b for UAE), where as for Turkey it is about $18 billion.

I have a cousin used to work in Roketsan. Once he said, " we could easily achive missiles up to 1000 km, but it is all about funds and political determination ." With GCC funds and possible co/development. I can't even guess :)
Then without taking the opinion of an 'individual' or 'writing to the Government' how can you then presume in what manner Pakistan would or would not act ?

In my opinion, Turkey, China & some other countries are the way forward for us - Hardly any of them can be classed as Muslim Countries !
You are on the right way,the only thing that matters is bringing the country forward.:smokin:
China is your big brother,Turkey your twin(some others:USA,GCC,Iran),what more do you need?
A very informative post. I will do some reading about Bangladesh in the next few hours.

This Awami League. Are they the main poison as you see it? How come are they serving India's interests? Why have people, given the circumstances you list, not rejected them and exposed them? Is it corruption? Is India supporting them fully?

We thank you for your understanding and support. But let me make myself clear. There are normal and harmless Shias as you probably know and then there are the ones that I have described in this thread that are under the influence under the poisonous Mullah regime controlled Hawza of Qom. It is the latter that is a hindrance to us and quite honestly a hostile element. The efforts should be to target those ones and to tell the Shias the difference and that they should not come under its poisonous influence. I am mainly talking about the Shias in the Arab world. Southern Iraq, Southern Lebanon and to a MUCH smaller extent the Zaydi's in Yemen who are the oldest Shia community in the world and differ greatly from the Twelvers you see in Iraq, Lebanon, Iran etc. In Yemen in the only problem are the Houthi personal cult that only number a few thousands in parts of Northwestern Yemen. The regular Zaydi is much closer to the regular Sunni of the Shafi'i fiqh than he is to the Twelver.

Awami League is one part of a bigger problem, which is corrupt political class in Bangladesh. But the difference between Awami League and others is that Awami League was the historical party that led East Pakistan into a drive for federal autonomy which resulted in separation from West wing in 1971. After the separation, Awami League leaders, specially late Mujib and his daughter Hasina used and continue to use India's help to get to and stay in power. In this effort, the 9% Hindu of Bangladesh vote for them blindly and help them to rig elections. They have been thoroughly exposed for who they are and only the party workers and those who got financial benefit support them among Muslims. So I would say that 85% of Bangladesh population is against them. If there is a free and fair election in January 2014, the opposition BNP led alliance will win hands down and Awami League will be destroyed as a revenge for their atrocities in past 6 years. So Awami League and India is trying to make sure that they have a rigged election with or without election boycot by opposition, just to save their behind. For Awami League it is a fight for their existence now as 85% of the country is against them. Only 5-6% party worker and beneficiary cronies and 9% Hindu's will vote for them, but their biggest strength is India and its intelligence agency R&AW, which is currently running Bangladesh.

Bro, thanks for the info about Zaydi's and Houthi's in Yemen. The problem as you said is that Iran's current regime is using religious ideology to achieve geopolitical gain (persian imperial agenda) where they can. The Shia twelver ideology Hawza of Qom did not work in Azerbaijan for example, which is the original home of twelver Shia's. So no I am not a sectarian who hates Shia because of their belief's and practices, just like yourself, I am against Iran's regime practices of using religious ideology to foment trouble and making geopolitical gains in far flung places.
Unity in the Ummah has always been close to the heart of the Muslim masses minus the compliant rulers/leaders established by the West / Oil Majors. We want coop in all matters - currency, trade, defense, international relations, all. But for that we need leaders like Shah Faisal, Gen Zia of Pakistan and Gen Zia of BD, Tunku Abdur Rahman and Mahathir of Malaysia and Gaddafi. Unfortunately leaders with bal-- is in short supply in the Muslim world.
Unity in the Ummah has always been close to the heart of the Muslim masses minus the compliant rulers/leaders established by the West / Oil Majors. We want coop in all matters - currency, trade, defense, international relations, all. But for that we need leaders like Shah Faisal, Gen Zia of Pakistan and Gen Zia of BD, Tunku Abdur Rahman and Mahathir of Malaysia and Gaddafi. Unfortunately leaders with bal-- is in short supply in the Muslim world.

asad71 Bhai, with discussions from Arab brothers in this forum, I see hope for the future. Instead of lamenting, idolizing and hero worshipping (no offense to past leaders, I have greatest respect for them), we need to work with people within the Muslim world who have the power to make a difference. There are people who need each others help, not just Muslim nations, but other small nations threatened by bigger neighbors, regional and global powers - all can help each other and make a difference.
Mate, I know, it is hard to make this dream come but not impossible. But our PM doesn't work his way with Turkish states, he instead choose Arab states. I'm not against having relations with Arab states in mutual understanding and respect but he should prioritize Turkic states before Arab states.

Not only for tank and howitzers also UAVs, Attack Helikopters, We are running our İndigineous Fighter Aircraft project, Submarines, Warships, etc... Visit Turkey some time you would be amazed.

I have a cousin used to work in Roketsan. Once he said, " we could easily achive missiles up to 1000 km, but it is all about funds and political determination ." With GCC funds and possible co/development. I can't even guess :)

Bro, I think there is very good reason for Erdogan to give more importance for Arab states, it is because of history (Turkic states have common roots but no shared history such as Ottoman, Seljuk and Khilafa with Arab states), geographic proximity, population size (400 million), resources (hydro carbon) although Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan are both hydro carbon rich as well, but not as much as Arab League.

Korea as you said is important for tech transfer to Turkey, so it is for OICMIC idea. Since Korea (and Japan) follows NATO standards, I am guessing that OICMIC standard will be close to NATO standard, rather than Chinese or Russian standard.

And Turkey among the OIC member states has the highest amount of indigenous tech already acquired from other countries, so such an idea will be good for Turkey and other nations participating in OICMIC, as GCC funds will be invested for indigenous production and R&D within OIC member states, to capture an internal market and produce high ROI for the investors.
I am more worried about the MB and GCC relations. The Muslim Brotherhood is not going anywhere. Banning it would make no sense and only increase its popularity.

This theme deserves a whole thread and is very complicated but that is a major hurdle right there.
You are on a wrong thread bangla. This is about military co-op between Muslim nations, I asked a legitimate question, what can Bangladesh bring to the table militarily? I only ask because I literally have no clue. :unsure: India is not a Muslim country so India is irrelevant here. Now stop trolling. :)

Bangladesh can offer a strategic base right under india's arm pit. Like a knife waiting to be lunged into the bharati rib cage.


A concentrated armored thrust from bangaldesh with a simultaneous Armored/Mechanized thrust from Pakistan in the West, along with a Chinese invasion of indo-Chinese disputed territories in the North will surely knock india off balance and keep its resources/manpower divided on multiple fronts.

This is only possible if the current political setup in Bangladesh witnesses any significant change.

@BDforever @DESERT FIGHTER @KingMamba93 @kalu_miah

Let me know what you guys think.
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asad71 Bhai, with discussions from Arab brothers in this forum, I see hope for the future. Instead of lamenting, idolizing and hero worshipping (no offense to past leaders, I have greatest respect for them), we need to work with people within the Muslim world who have the power to make a difference. There are people who need each others help, not just Muslim nations, but other small nations threatened by bigger neighbors, regional and global powers - all can help each other and make a difference.

I totally subscribe to that view.
@Desert Fox - Oi Rommel Khan bandaa bunnn jaaa ! :lol:

We have neither the capability nor the ambition of doing anything of the sort ! Nor are the Bangladeshis suicidal enough to be allowing something like this from happening from their land !

I am more worried about the MB and GCC relations. The Muslim Brotherhood is not going anywhere. Banning it would make no sense and only increase its popularity.

This theme deserves a whole thread and is very complicated but that is a major hurdle right there.

Oi Al-Hasani either grow a proper moustache ! :smokin:

Or get it trimmed ! :pissed:

You look like a girl going through puberty injected with an overdose of testosterone ! :whistle:
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@Desert Fox - Oi Rommel Khan bandaa bunnn jaaa ! :lol:

We have neither the capability nor the ambition of doing anything of the sort ! Nor are the Bangladeshis suicidal enough to be allowing something like this from happening from their land !

It was just a hypothetical situation. Though if such a thing would materialize it might actually work.
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Unity in the Ummah has always been close to the heart of the Muslim masses minus the compliant rulers/leaders established by the West / Oil Majors. We want coop in all matters - currency, trade, defense, international relations, all. But for that we need leaders like Shah Faisal, Gen Zia of Pakistan and Gen Zia of BD, Tunku Abdur Rahman and Mahathir of Malaysia and Gaddafi. Unfortunately leaders with bal-- is in short supply in the Muslim world.

You colluded with the enemy against your fellow Muslim Brethren ! :cray:

Sure we might be guilty of some excesses & quite a few bad things ourselves ! :ashamed:

But one still doesn't band together with the enemy against his own Muslim Brothers ! :cry:

Larnaa thaaa tou Yayha ya Bhutto ke saath larteiii - What did the rest of us do to you ? :pissed:
@Desert Fox - Oi Rommel Khan bandaa bunnn jaaa ! :lol:

We have neither the capability nor the ambition of doing anything of the sort ! Nor are the Bangladeshis suicidal enough to be allowing something like this from happening from their land !

Oi Al-Hasani either grow a proper moustache ! :smokin:

Or get it trimmed ! :pissed:

You look like a girl going through puberty injected with an overdose of testosterone ! :whistle:

If we think this way we will forever remain in this dire state. At least trying never hurts. I will do my part. I am not familiar with India's action on a daily basis since I have no ties to South Asia but India has a sizable Muslim minority within it borders. Nearly 200 million people. What would their role be in case of ay tensions? It is too naive to think that they would somehow side with their Muslim brethren in Pakistan and Bangladesh?

LOL, you little vandal. I will catch you one day Mr. Buttstrong. The avatar picture is small and thus not of the best quality. Posted a bigger picture in the "Photos of Saudi Arabia" thread if you are into stalking. My mustache looks like that today.

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