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Officially becoming a secular liberal person

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Where is @Zarvan ----

Having a wet dream about him n his Amir ul momineen blowing themselves in a mosque or a market place ..

@qamar1990 On a serious note, I've always felt that you and @DESERT FIGHTER are reasonable folk who've deliberately tried to rile up a few Indians here. You can't turn liberal and secular unless you have a natural predisposition towards it, borne by good grooming AND a balanced Worldview AND a certain ability to put yourself in the shoes of those less fortunate than you are. I'm sure you are way cooler men to interact with in real life.

I'm secular .. If that means respecting other religions .. Liberal .. Don't know what that means .. Although maybe I'm 50% of that too ..

As for your accusations .. Well I only rile those who deserve to be "riled"..
You need to tell this to @Akheilos

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Do not greet the Jews and the Christians before they greet you and when you meet any one of them on the roads force him to go to the narrowest part of it. ( Sahih Muslim, Kitaab ussalam )
as i said earlier,when u read something everyday starting from childhood.....................it becomes a part of ur life,no amount of proof will change ur mind.

so lets agree to disagree

i haven't insulted anyone here
So when monks read their scriptures every day they become insane? Is that what cuased the Burmese monks to go on a killing strike? :o:
then do one thing,,,,stfu and don't reply to me again and again.
i have an allergy to stupid people like u

You deserve -VE welcome to my world. You idiocy has no limits i rather adopt a dog from nearby garbage who could be more intelligent than stupid like you, now Get Lost.
Yet I quoted Quran and you still want to bring in Bukhari? How is that making any sense? BTW, Bukhari was born some hundreds of years after Muhammad died! So not sure what you are blabbing like you seem to contradict yourself :enjoy:
huh? Listen here Mr. Mullah Quran cant be refuted someone throws any other shit will be forced to eat his shit when you show him from the Quran...so stop beating about the bush with your limited knowledge!
Shariah is not in the quran. A major part of Shariah is derived from Hadith. The hadith of Bukhari is considered most authentic, virtually indisputable.

Will you guarentee in such situations that such content from Bukhari will not make way into laws - because KSA and Pakistan and many other such countries use this exact justification for having those laws. I hope you are aware of that.

And when KSA uses this as justification of its laws, it uses scholars

I didnt say that but assumed you would go looking for a prostitute coz who in their right mind would want one with your mentality of forcing what you know (even if it makes no sense) on to others and then declaring yourself as secular whatever!
Well then who will know of it? Who will charge you as a crime? In India or even in the West fathers hate the bf of their girls and warn against sex and what not! so please do correct your deprived mindset! Sex isnt as common as you think!

And if it is consensual who the heck will report you to get your head blown off?
So you are advocating that I conceal my actions and not break the law?
Because I dont know about which society you come from, but I and my partner can go out and say openly that we were involved physically to someone else and there is NO LAW by which I will be prosecuted. None of this 7th century stuff.

And if, in the 21st century you advocate that I hide my actions because a law is reprehensible then this law is wrong and bad.
Do you own the Universe? Did you create all these laws and laws of physics? If you can prove to me that you did I'll follow your lifestyle that you ordain on me.
I didnt.
I dont think any God who created the universe would also tells me that if I have premarital sex, I will go to hell either.

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Do not greet the Jews and the Christians before they greet you and when you meet any one of them on the roads force him to go to the narrowest part of it. ( Sahih Muslim, Kitaab ussalam )

Please do have a conversation with Rampage. He agrees that non Muslims become second class citizens in a state ruled by Shariah.
Shariah is not in the quran. A major part of Shariah is derived from Hadith. The hadith of Bukhari is considered most authentic, virtually indisputable.
The same Bhukhari has it written on its front cover if anything within this book contradicts the Quran throw away that hadith! Read the book before opening your mouth...
Will you guarentee in such situations that such content from Bukhari will not make way into laws - because KSA and Pakistan and many other such countries use this exact justification for having those laws. I hope you are aware of that.
I am aware of it but because I have done my homework no one can screw with me! Unlike you anyone can tell you anything and you start believing everything is wrong with Islam!
And when KSA uses this as justification of its laws, it uses scholars
KSA also has a Sultan that alone defies many of your soo loved hadith!

So you are advocating that I conceal my actions and not break the law?
Because I dont know about which society you come from, but I and my partner can go out and say openly that we were involved physically to someone else and there is NO LAW by which I will be prosecuted. None of this 7th century stuff.

And if, in the 21st century you advocate that I hide my actions because a law is reprehensible then this law is wrong and bad.
So you want to make a fb wall and post whom you have recently fucked? How would you feel if you passed such a wall and saw your sister's name on it or maybe your finacee? or maybe your new wife's? Dont lie you wont feel a thing...

I didnt.
I dont think any God who created the universe would also tells me that if I have premarital sex, I will go to hell either.


Please do have a conversation with Rampage. He agrees that non Muslims become second class citizens in a state ruled by Shariah.
He is on my ignore list hence I dont have a clue what you guys are talking about!
So to cater for your sexual pleasure before, at ,or after 50,the Daughter of Yashuda or sister of Seeta should be given licence to adopt the oldest profession,if you cannot find your like minded Female pleasure seeker, or would you go for
That is the difference between humans and Islamists.
They think that there can be no two adults who will agree to have physical relationship with each other.

No, I will not go out and rape. If two people find each other acceptable in this sense and are adults, there is no reason why your bigotry should prevent them.

He is on my ignore list hence I dont have a clue what you guys are talking about!
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Do not greet the Jews and the Christians before they greet you and when you meet any one of them on the roads force him to go to the narrowest part of it. ( Sahih Muslim, Kitaab ussalam )
I didnt.
I dont think any God who created the universe would also tells me that if I have premarital sex, I will go to hell either.

God forgives sins, if he would actually judge us through his criteria he would have destroyed this Universe we exist in.

What makes you think he wouldn't tell us what to do? As for premarital sex, it's less about you as an individual and more about it become a general norm in the society.

If God is telling us we will go back to him and that we don't have the memory of being with him then why should you live a life where he doesn't exist? This Universe isn't normal, we seem to be only intelligent life and the chemistry in this Universe is overwhelming.
I didnt.
I dont think any God who created the universe would also tells me that if I have premarital sex, I will go to hell either.

Just for sakes of understanding the God that created humans would also send you laws and Information of life as to what is right and what is wrong to be differentiated and why not, God don't have time to create an ungrateful human creatures and leave them He could have created something else entirely instead of humans thus there is a purpose so it is a slap on the face of atheists and like minded people.
Da fork r ya talkin abt lil kutrapilli ?

U South Indians got weird names ..:)

Qamar went the way of Harvey Dent. Those yevil Secularists have got him now.:ph34r:

And we South Indians have cool names Nigga! You just jelly!:mamba:
That is the difference between humans and Islamists.
They think that there can be no two adults who will agree to have physical relationship with each other.

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Do not greet the Jews and the Christians before they greet you and when you meet any one of them on the roads force him to go to the narrowest part of it. ( Sahih Muslim, Kitaab ussalam )
I already told you that the same books of hadith all from Bukhari, Mulsim to Tirmidzi say the same...if any of the compiled hadith contradicts the Quran or any hadith that is more sound or has a better chain of narration then throw away the hadith that I have compiled!

No, I will not go out and rape. If two people find each other acceptable in this sense and are adults, there is no reason why your bigotry should prevent them.

If 2 people found themselves soo comfortable why not marry? What are you scared of? Responsibilities?

Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Do not greet the Jews and the Christians before they greet you and when you meet any one of them on the roads force him to go to the narrowest part of it. ( Sahih Muslim, Kitaab ussalam )
Ahh quoting Answering Islam website...The same guy has been given an answer if you follow him soo much why not read the answers too? :unsure:

Now let me use a higher source the Quran for answering this:

“Do you take idols as aliha (gods)? Verily, I see you and your people in manifest error.” [Soorah al-An'aam (6): 74]

“He (the father) said: “Do you reject my gods, O Ibraheem? If you stop not, I will indeed stone you. So get away from me safely before I punish you.” Ibraheem said: 'Peace be on you! I will ask forgiveness of my Lord for you. Verily, He is unto me, Ever Most Gracious. And I shall turn away from you and from those whom you invoke besides Allah. And I shall call on my Lord, and I hope that I shall not be rejected in my invocation to my Lord.” [Soorah Maryam (19): 41]

The Arabic word peace here is Salaam! Now if out beloved prophet said peace to his father who was an idol worshipper....why cant we greet Jews and Christians who at least believe in some common prophets?
Man this is getting soo funny
I already told you that the same books of hadith all from Bukhari, Mulsim to Tirmidzi say the same...if any of the compiled hadith contradicts the Quran or any hadith that is more sound or has a better chain of narration then throw away the hadith that I have compiled!

I've invented a word "hinduists"
DEFINITION "Hindus by religion who are intolerant towards other people of other Religions and Extremists in their views willing to cross limits to eradicate and implement their barbaric views/laws "
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