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Official British Brexit thread.

Nope, nobody is saying we dont european as anything. All we are saying is that business is benefitial and no party is doing the other one a favour. We will still maintan our close ties with the E.U and trade with them accordingly. It will still be a Win-win situation.

I dont see it that way. Sorry. Its like betrayal to your own family and you know as much as i do that all of europe sees it that way
good i hope he goes to germany with german his wife to open up a hotdog shop there. fu*king disgrace
good i hope he goes to germany with german his wife to open up a hotdog shop there. fu*king disgrace

His speech in the EU parliament was quiet a disaster. Its like he was intentionally trying to **** things up for UK negotiations post brexit.
His speech in the EU parliament was quiet a disaster. Its like he was intentionally trying to **** things up for UK negotiations post brexit.

He's a fucing coward that's what he is. He and Boris Johnson and the rest of them screwed all of Britain for political gains and now facing such a great magnitude of disaster can't handle it and jumping ship.
He's a fucing coward that's what he is. He and Boris Johnson and the rest of them screwed all of Britain for political gains and now facing such a great magnitude of disaster can't handle it and jumping ship.

you should read the unitedkingdom reddit thread,...its hillarious
I should also add, the next prime minister, whomever that may be, will be remembered as a major figure in history. He may very well become the most hated man in the UK (or what is left of it), but his legacy will be cemented.

Unless of course Article 50 is never enacted, and the UK gov finds a way out of this mess, without leaving the EU.

There are only 1 of 2 ways Article 50 did not ratify (hence the UK left EU) by the UK after the Brexit vote.

1.) Either the next British PM abandon the Brexit vote, as the vote is non-binding, there are technically no legal responsibilities for any incoming PM to put article 50 in force, however, by abandoning a public referendum, that PM (Whoever he/she may be) and his/her party would basically be committing a political suicide. Which means a guarantee one way ticket out of the office.

2.) 2 Years after the Article 50 is invoked, If the EU and UK did not reach an agreement, and all EU member agree to extend it for another 3 years, the UK can initiate another referendum 4 years after the one they just have. And if the Brits voted to stay, then the UK can dismantle the Brexit movement with minimal damage.

There are another way to prevent the UK from leaving, that is to suspend the UK as a member of EU (They cannot participate the EU negotiation when they were suspended) but this is highly unlikely the EU can invoke article 7 and suspend the UK.
Laugh India....Brxit gives zero advantage to a pansy (like a boot shaped country) but the vacuum created India will fill as the new emerging power.

the vacuum most likely would pull some dirt out of india and improve the hyginic standards there,

80 % of your people live under circumstances that are incredible cruel. I dont want my nation to be an "emerging power". I want my nation to give me and my people a good life.

Something india fails in almost 800 million cases.
the vacuum most likely would pull some dirt out of india and improve the hyginic standards there,

80 % of your people live under circumstances that are incredible cruel. I dont want my nation to be an "emerging power". I want my nation to give me and my people a good life.

Something india fails in almost 800 million cases.

we gave you two $hitty maros after putting them in solitary confinement for 4 years. In return you gave us MTCR, NSG and UNSC. Pansy country. It's good that your expectations are right, you won't ever be a great power so no reason why you should 'want' to be one.
we gave you two $hitty maros after putting them in solitary confinement for 4 years. In return you gave us MTCR, NSG and UNSC. Pansy country. It's good that your expectations are right, you won't ever be a great power so no reason why you should 'want' to be one.

as i said. I wish your country all the best.

The first goal you should achieve is to defeat Lepra and the black death.

Next step should be the erasion of the slums.

small steps my friend. Small steps.
as i said. I wish your country all the best.

The first goal you should achieve is to defeat Lepra and the black death.

Next step should be the erasion of the slums.

small steps my friend. Small steps.

we don't need small steps when we're dealing with pansies. We gave you two low level soldiers. There you have that bone ( though unclear what'll happen if the courts reject such suggestions). You had better cheerlead India into the UNSC/ MTCR/ NSG and any other group we want to get into.
we don't need small steps when we're dealing with pansies. We gave you two low level soldiers. There you have that bone ( though unclear what'll happen if the courts reject such suggestions). You had better cheerlead India into the UNSC/ MTCR/ NSG and any other group we want to get into.

black death and lepra my friend.


I hope ypu can solve this and also your gigantic poverty and misery level.

We currently develop a new GMO rice that produces vitamin A to fight malnutrition in your country.
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