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Official British Brexit thread.

I don't understand half the posts on here. He has always stated that this was his one and only goal i.e. to leave the EU. He has contributed to that and the result he wanted has happened. What more is there for him to do? He is passing on the leadership to a new person who can take the party to electoral success. His own party and backers wanted this move.

There is no going back. The leadership contest will be decided soon and article 50 enacted, that is the will of the people. Numerous MP's have said the same i.e they will respect the public vote. The UK will grow to become even stronger as a state.

lol, I am just saying in a legal point of view how Article 50 could be revoke, I live outside the UK, so it does not matter me much whether or not UK revoke or invoke article 50.......
yeah...richest pansy country in the world has been fattened by us to be our doormen for all our needs. It's good to know you're in good health...we expect you to be at our beck and call with great alacrity. Make sure you don't get any ideas for a bigger role for yourself.

dude, problem with UK is an exaggerated idea of what it means to be British. You had some $20 billion in trade surplus. 'Sovereignty etc. are frankly your internal problems. If you decided on this after calculating everything people would have not had a problem no matter what you decided. But it looks like you decided on the basis of some outmoded idea of what 'Britain' is. That doesn't fly.

That's what you do to your sacrificial lambs.

i'm not fat. I compete in natural bodybuilding competition and my bodyfat is at 6-7% at best. I m healthy and fit and not fat. Beside that i dont know how my nutrition would be supplied from india :D Most products that end in my belly are made in europe.

or do you mean soy beans farmed in india that are used to feed our animals?
i'm not fat. I compete in natural bodybuilding competition and my bodyfat is at 6-7% at best. I m healthy and fit and not fat. Beside that i dont know how my nutrition would be supplied from india :D Most products that end in my belly are made in europe.

or do you mean soy beans farmed in india that are used to feed our animals?

That's thr problem with low IQ. You thought we were fattening you up....before that you thought we were fattening two low level soldiers...we fattened your whole country up and sacrificed it on the altar of our UNSC ambitions. Now you will stand and deliver on all the things we need in Europe for UNSC. We're officially your daddy. So....no talkey of big role for Italy...only talkey of small role.
That's thr problem with low IQ. You thought we were fattening you up....before that you thought we were fattening two low level soldiers...we fattened your whole country up and sacrificed it on the altar of our UNSC ambitions. Now you will stand and deliver on all the things we need in Europe for UNSC. We're officially your daddy. So....no talkey of big role for Italy...only talkey of small role.

i like to be healthy :D

Dude, not one fig will be lost fo EU if it sticks the guns and say that Britain will not enter without EU conditions fully satisfied. EU should recognize your sovereignty etc. but has no reason to treat you as equals. Frankly Britain is not equal to EU.
I know it'd unrealistic Brexit would ever lead to a war, but if there were a conflict between UK and France, for example, would it really go as shown here?

dude, problem with UK is an exaggerated idea of what it means to be British. You had some $20 billion in trade surplus. 'Sovereignty etc. are frankly your internal problems. If you decided on this after calculating everything people would have not had a problem no matter what you decided. But it looks like you decided on the basis of some outmoded idea of what 'Britain' is. That doesn't fly.

There is nothing exaggerated about the fifth biggest economy on the planet. Worst case scenarios were discussed at length and the general conclusion was that it be short term loss/uncertainty, but long-term gain. What has happened is very little loss, and some uncertainty. Some folks may have decided on what "Britain" is, but there is no problem with that. Why can't people vote on patriotic lines.
As for people having a problem with what we did, apart from our own citizens, and those of our closest friends, we don't really care whether they have a problem with it. They should channel their energies into bettering their own nations.
my mp sent me this

Living with the BREXIT vote

Last week’s referendum result was not what I and the Labour Party wanted.

I still believe ****** future will be best served in the future by having a close relationship with our neighbours in Europe. That said, the people have spoken and we have to accept last Thursday’s result however damaging that could be.

We campaigned for the UK to remain within the EU because we believed the economic case for doing so was unequivocal. We did not agree with the sentiments of the Leave campaign and are deeply worried about the impact this decision will have on the people of ******* in the years ahead.

Since the result was announced, it looks increasingly as though the Leave campaign have no idea what to do next. They are already reneging on the policy promises and commitments which were central to their campaign. Their claim to spend an additional £350 million on the NHS has been admitted as false; their promise to stop the freedom of movement unattainable; and vital infrastructure projects planned to be funded by the EU in areas that need them such as the north of England are at risk.

In addition, from David Cameron’s performance in the House of Commons yesterday, the Government clearly has no plan in the event of a Leave vote. This suggests that that over the next months and possibly years we are in for a turbulent time that will put on hold investment decisions and cause uncertainty that will affect jobs and prosperity in towns like *******.

As ******* Member of Parliament I will ensure that the interests of our area are paramount and not sacrificed by a Tory Party that is still turning in on its self and putting individual’s careers before the interest of the Country.

As usual the strong message from ******* is that you can never trust the Tories

********* **********MP
@waz what do you think ?
my mp sent me this

Living with the BREXIT vote

Last week’s referendum result was not what I and the Labour Party wanted.

I still believe ****** future will be best served in the future by having a close relationship with our neighbours in Europe. That said, the people have spoken and we have to accept last Thursday’s result however damaging that could be.

We campaigned for the UK to remain within the EU because we believed the economic case for doing so was unequivocal. We did not agree with the sentiments of the Leave campaign and are deeply worried about the impact this decision will have on the people of ******* in the years ahead.

Since the result was announced, it looks increasingly as though the Leave campaign have no idea what to do next. They are already reneging on the policy promises and commitments which were central to their campaign. Their claim to spend an additional £350 million on the NHS has been admitted as false; their promise to stop the freedom of movement unattainable; and vital infrastructure projects planned to be funded by the EU in areas that need them such as the north of England are at risk.

In addition, from David Cameron’s performance in the House of Commons yesterday, the Government clearly has no plan in the event of a Leave vote. This suggests that that over the next months and possibly years we are in for a turbulent time that will put on hold investment decisions and cause uncertainty that will affect jobs and prosperity in towns like *******.

As ******* Member of Parliament I will ensure that the interests of our area are paramount and not sacrificed by a Tory Party that is still turning in on its self and putting individual’s careers before the interest of the Country.

As usual the strong message from ******* is that you can never trust the Tories

********* **********MP
@waz what do you think ?

To be honest the MP sounds very sore his side lost. But I'll reply.
Our future is not only best served by having ties to Europe, but myself and the vast majority of Brexit folks, and a growing number of remain people, want to place ties with our kin in NZ, AUS, CN and the USA as a priority. Our trade with these economies dwindled once we signed up to the ECM in 1975. These are trillion dollar economies, which are growing and offer us enormous scope for our economy to grow, and for our consumers to enjoy rock bottom prices, for example farming produce.
So it's long term "impact" is it now? During the campaign the talk was of an immediate impact, or one within weeks, but yet the markets are stable and firms buoyant. There has been a delay on investment, but that is to expected in light of the uncertain political situation.
The leave campaign has now disbanded, the MP should be better informed. The "leavers" have gone back to their respective parties, in order to prepare for the future ahead i.e. making the best of what we currently have and seizing upon the new opportunities that we are presented, as the Bank of England chairman said this week.
There was no lie regarding the £350 million figure all going to the NHS. This was said time and time again, that the savings made from the annual contribution, we can also spend that money on the NHS and other priorities.
The freedom of movement issue is a red line for us and this has is being clearly supported by the front runners for the premiership. Even among staunch remain MP's there is little desire to force this issue upon the people of the United Kingdom, as this was a major issue on why so many people voted out.
The infrastructure funding grants were sparse, and the bulk of funding for our projects comes directly from central government e.g. Cross Rail. It can also be argued that seeing the UK had the highest net contribution bar Germany, a funding shortfall can be plugged by savings made from withdrawing from the EU.
There will be some short-term loss, but the long-term gains will make for a far more powerful country.
The rest of what he says seems to be an anti Tory rant. But anyway.
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To be honest the MP sounds very sore his side lost. But I'll reply.
Our future is not only best served by having ties to Europe, but myself and the vast majority of Brexit folks, and a growing number of remain people, want to place ties with our kin in NZ, AUS, CN and the USA as a priority. Our trade with these economies dwindled once we signed up to the ECM in 1975. These are trillion dollar economies, which are growing and offer us enormous scope for our economy to grow, and for our consumers to enjoy rock bottom prices, for example farming produce.
So it's long term "impact" is it now? During the campaign the talk was of an immediate impact, or one within weeks, but yet the markets are stable and firms buoyant. There has been a delay on investment, but that is to expected in light of the uncertain political situation.
The leave campaign has now disbanded, the MP should be better informed. The "leavers" have gone back to their respective parties, in order to prepare for the future ahead i.e. making the best of what we currently have and seizing upon the new opportunities that we are presented, as the Bank of England chairman said this week.
There was no lie regarding the £350 million figure all going to the NHS. This was said time and time again, that the savings made from the annual contribution, we can also spend that money on the NHS and other priorities.
The freedom of movement issue is a red line for us and this has is being clearly supported by the front runners for the premiership. Even among staunch remain MP's there is little desire to force this issue upon the people of the United Kingdom, as this was a major issue on why so many people voted out.
The infrastructure funding grants were sparse, and the bulk of funding for our projects comes directly from central government e.g. Cross Rail. It can also be argued that seeing the UK had the highest net contribution bar Germany, a funding shortfall can be plugged by savings made from withdrawing from the EU.
There will be some short-term loss, but the long-term gains will make for a far more powerful country.
The rest of what he says seems to be an anti Tory rant. But anyway.
:o: what. have you seen the news?

banks are allowing to make more and more loans below the limit of 10 times their capital. you do know a stress test on our banks revieled all banks passed but some just about and that that just made it were past banks with problems lloyds rbs. heck in italy 9 of them failed and a few others. also dont forget paris and berlin are proposing to banks to move to their cities as they are promissing better deals than us. at upto 10% of our gdp right their gone. why? some orangutan and a nut case scaredthe sh!t out of the british public. we give 350 million to the eu. bla bla bla. did you read the email where she said that they established that was a lie this was debated on the 28th of june (her email was in my spam inbox hence the lateness) also that for a few months and possibly years were in for a rough ride.

boris..... his political career is down the drain
farage........ him to
the pair of them basically abandoned ship.
:o: what. have you seen the news?

banks are allowing to make more and more loans below the limit of 10 times their capital. you do know a stress test on our banks revieled all banks passed but some just about and that that just made it were past banks with problems lloyds rbs. heck in italy 9 of them failed and a few others. also dont forget paris and berlin are proposing to banks to move to their cities as they are promissing better deals than us. at upto 10% of our gdp right their gone. why? some orangutan and a nut case scaredthe sh!t out of the british public. we give 350 million to the eu. bla bla bla. did you read the email where she said that they established that was a lie this was debated on the 28th of june (her email was in my spam inbox hence the lateness) also that for a few months and possibly years were in for a rough ride.

boris..... his political career is down the drain
farage........ him to
the pair of them basically abandoned ship.

Yes I have;

FTSE 100 rebounds and pound steadies as financial markets price in 78% chance of rate cut next week


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