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Officers Detained at Dulles, Call off visit

So, not just a tempest in a teapot anymore, eh? So many well, intentioned persons have argued that this is a one of kind of thing - but they have not done their research - earlier a Pakistani Parliamentary delegation was handled in the same way -- what is one to make of all this?

That there a multiplicity of power centers within the US government is a given and that these opposing centers express their "sentiments" towards each other by exerting themselves on persons and policies the other centers support is also a given. Now, what of the Pakistanis, will anything change by trying to brush this stuff under the carpet?

What is the SUBSTANCE of this relationship between US and Pakistan, some immediately will point to F16 and US humanitarian assistance - Pakistanis fascination with F16s is morbid, a piece of machinery is said to be the substance between two countries - absurd? you be the judge. And what of humanitarian aid? US is the most prolific donor of humanitarian aid through out history and in the present situation, Pakistanis are grateful - but is this the substance of the relationship, one side gives aid and the other's role is to be grateful?

Between Pakistan and US there is a great deal of acrimony and disguised hostility and aggression - the more this is hidden or ignored the more it expresses itself openly - greater distance between these countries is absolutely essential - Pakistan OUGHT to want correct relations with US based on commercial ties, nothing more. Why?

Over the short term an d long term Pakistan is required to provide services to achieve US goals in the region - Pakistan is also required to facilitate the goals of US's strategic ally in the region and to integrate itself as a "heavy lifter", into the policy framework of the US's strategic ally - Pakistan finds that it's interest are served in neither of these. For a majority of Pakistanis, the notion that an enemy of China, is a enemy of Pakistan, is and OUGHT to be, God's truth, the US and it's strategic ally are determined that this truth must be determined to be false by both Pakistan and China.

To achieve it's goals, a wider regional war is a strong possibility - where will Pakistan stand, will it abandon it's true friend and ally in the pursuit of F16s and such? Will Pakistan accept that it's international goal is to be the furtherance of the US's strategic allys' ambitions?

Friends say "Muse, you have changed" - but is our role to be nothing other than cheerleader for US policies that are a mortal danger to Pakistan and to US interests?

SUBSTANCE, what is the substance of these relations with the US and vice versa?
Hussain Haqani is busy granting Pakistani Visa to US terrorists.
Wiki leaks have disclosed it.
That is really disgusting , this shows mentality of Americans , i think it should be taken very seriously and should be condemned at evry forum and every level..
So painful to hear that they are paranoid from the ones who are fighting against terrorism from front. Actually it shows their general behavior towars us. Decision to cancell the trip is quite right and for future too we should make Americans realise that such kind of approach will add to distances among us. This also supports the view OF anti-American lobby that is present in Pakistan because such approach add to their justifications that America never had been , is or will be sincere to us and looks upon as her servent. Such kind of behavior justify those elements who have a kind heart for Talibans. Allies are not treated in such way.Delecation of such high class even from enemy country is paid some respect but it is quite unfortunate to say that there is no word of respect in their dictionary for us. I think this incident is smoke gun for our policy makers. A nations honour is above every thing and we have made enough compromise on it. Now we should take stand as a nation and show America that there is going to be no compromise on honour in future. It would be tough i guess very tough but..........................
This will definitely not fare well.
Already, two bomb blasts today in Lahore indicate of coming days.
USA will definitely will use Zardari card.
Let us see how Zardari govt. react to this matter...
I will keep close watch on Pakistan media and politicians... if they bad mouth Pak army in coming days?
Pakistani diplomats should have briefed the generals before the visit, or, once on the phone with them during the incident, calmed them down so they could proceed with the meeting. For whatever their nationality, whatever their rank, officers who abort assigned missions rarely make a good impression, do they?

read the article buddy.....the leader of the delegation (2 star naval officer) reported to Islamabad what was going on, and they requested authorization to cancel the visit.

that is what happened....and it's good they stood by that decision. U.S. is desperate to find an exit out of Afghanistan; they shouldnt be alienating people they call ''major non NATO allies'' isnt it?

In fairness to DoD, they did apologize --but it was too little done, TOO LATE.

It annoys the officers of all ranks, and it annoys people like me to hear lame excuses, based on ultra-paranoia.
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I just have the following observation.


Its the same as an American on board a local Air Blue flight from Islamabad to Karachi yelling to his friend.............HI JACK!!!!
actually i think America too have some part in that dirty game of religious ethnicity among muslims in the world.......
Its the same as an American on board a local Air Blue flight from Islamabad to Karachi yelling to his friend.............HI JACK!!!!

hostesses would probably give a puzzled look before offering them fanta orange :lol::lol::lol:
Lo gi, now it's the fault of the officer for expressing his fatigue having flown for a better part of the day -- - careful what you say, Americans are listening and will punish you if they don't hear cheerleading and approval.
Lots of such shameful things are coming in Zardari's Era. What do you expect to happen when such a moron is in Govt?
Everyone gets treated the same general to janitor....the sub-continental deference to "superior ranks" is not present in the US. No wonder people from Pakistan and India are surprised when their dignitaries are treated the same as everyone else.

9/11 changed the rules on flying.

Before coming out with your sarcasm, can you justify the act of US authorities even after they were shown the CENTCOM invitation letter, passports showing them as military officers, wasn't that more then enough to tell the US people to atleast talk in a decent manner and treat them as humans not as some scumbags.

Read it carefully, the delegation fully cooperated and showed their credentials, even after that the US as per its hospitality custom showed paranoid behavior and insulted the delegation,which is quiet enough.

Hope next time same treatment is given to a US general and officers, lets see what US and you people have to say then. I bet, the talk of bombing the arse of that country who insulted the US officers would be heard from you guys as that is best what you can offer to the world.
Sorry to see you in pain & agony but weren't you cheering few days back when Chinese denied visa to an Indian Senior Army Officer on some flimsy ground?
Suggest, try to learn from the event.
The fact remains, that the officers should have stayed, expressed their dismay openly but still should have stayed and conducted the meeting.
This isnt Pakistan where an offended general can make life hell for a civillian, America is a democracy at work where, till recently, you were treated as equals in most places.. regardless of whether you had metal on your shoulders or not.

The general must have not acted alone,he must have consulted the higher ups and after getting approval the visit would have been scrapped.
"America is a democracy where..."

Yet another canard - friends, something is just plain wrong in the US -With evidence all around you, you seek succor in denial - why? Will problems be solved by hiding from them?
hahaha...... don,t know why indian ---- pinches every where ....
come on differebt case , different scenario .... here they come with their pain ... come on...
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