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October Surprise: my prediction for war

Once Taiwan is reunified, submarines based in Taiwan directly access the Pacific Ocean depths. Then there is no geographic barrier to PLA nuclear ballistic missiles submarines showing up off the coast of California.

You need to take Taiwan first.

We are talking massive conventional strikes here and PLAAN does not have the hardware for this.

Where are the thousands of bombs and missiles going to come from?

Your aircraft carriers are too few and no match for even US light carriers that can hold 20-25 F-35Bs.
You need to take Taiwan first.

We are talking massive conventional strikes here and PLAAN does not have the hardware for this.

Where are the thousands of bombs and missiles going to come from?

Your aircraft carriers are too few and no match for even US light carriers that can hold 20-25 F-35Bs.
We already surrounded Taiwan with PLAAF. Today we imposed a blockade on Taiwan by intercepting an American aircraft. The bloody part of the campaign will start in just three weeks.
We already surrounded Taiwan with PLAAF. Today we imposed a blockade on Taiwan by intercepting an American aircraft. The bloody part of the campaign will start in just three weeks.

So now no ability to launch massive conventional strikes on US like US can do on China?

China is a growing power and the balance may shift say by 2030 where China would have a realistic chance of taking Taiwan, even if US intervenes.

I totally get why China thinks of Taiwan as being part of it's territory under CPC rule but right now, China can only bark.
So now no ability to launch massive conventional strikes on US like US can do on China?

China is a growing power and the balance may shift say by 2030 where China would have a realistic chance of taking Taiwan, even if US intervenes.

I totally get why China thinks of Taiwan as being part of it's territory under CPC rule but right now, China can only bark.
LOL you and your imaginary US conventional strikes on China :lol:

When it's time for China to spill Taiwanese blood, then we will spill it like we spilled the blood of the Hong Kongers.
LOL you and your imaginary US conventional strikes on China :lol:

When it's time for China to spill Taiwanese blood, then we will spill it like we spilled the blood of the Hong Kongers.

Right now you can only take Taiwan with their consent.

Hong Kong was given back to you by UK as 99 year lease expired.

Two situations are totally different.
The US will not give up that easily, all the western countries and Australia and south east asians along with india will join forces. This can be a big problem for china. I think China knows this and thus first want the US pawns to be destroyed or taken over one by one. They might as well attack india, join hands with Pakistan and take away all of J&K and laddakh from india to weaken it. They will next threaten chicken neck and tame india.

Bangladesh will capture chicken's neck from India.
How the PLAAN going to get past the USN to get near US coast?

They won't make it to Hawaii before their ships are at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

You seem to be under the impression that the US can sink PLAN ships (like as if PLAN will just sit there waiting to be sunk) but China can't sink USN ships.

Is this well researched theory based on a video game or something?
Hong Kong was given back to you by UK as 99 year lease expired.
HK island and part of Kowloon was ceded to UK, not rent for 99 years. Before the negotiation, the UK gov't had calculated they would mostly lose the war with China for HK, so they tried another approach as trading HK sovereignty for administration rights, which was also turned down by CCP. As a matter of fact, UK had no choice but to return the whole HK back to China.
HK island and part of Kowloon was ceded to UK, not rent for 99 years. Before the negotiation, the UK gov't had calculated they would mostly lose the war with China for HK, so they tried another approach as trading HK sovereignty for administration rights, which was also turned down by CCP. As a matter of fact, UK had no choice but to return the whole HK back to China.

Yeah I know that but most of Hong Kong was on 99 year lease.
Yeah I know that but most of Hong Kong was on 99 year lease.
It doesn't matter what the land size was on lease, the fact was the most populated and prosperous land are HK island and Kowloon which it was with most of the HK GDP. UK would never give HK back to China if they had a choice.
It doesn't matter what the land size was on lease, the fact was the most populated and prosperous land are HK island and Kowloon which it was with most of the HK GDP. UK would never give HK back to China if they had a choice.

How do you expect the UK part of Hong Kong to survive without co-operation from China?

Yes UK could not win a war with China over Hong Kong, but the fact remains that the territories perpetually ceded to UK were never viable without co-operation from China.

Anyway we are detracting from the thread on China launching a decapitation strike on Taiwan and annihilating 3 US carriers to boot!
How do you expect the UK part of Hong Kong to survive without co-operation from China?

Yes UK could not win a war with China over Hong Kong, but the fact remains that the territories perpetually ceded to UK were never viable without co-operation from China.

Anyway we are detracting from the thread on China launching a decapitation strike on Taiwan and annihilating 3 US carriers to boot!
HK was never sustainable without China's necessity and co-operation, even during the colonial time. But how come UK could colonize HK for so long? The answer was their old British Empire's might. If the old Qing cut out the supplies for HK, the UK would possibly use their warships to bomb the hell out of China, like how they forced Qing to open their ports. However, it seems we both agree that the reason why HK was able to return back to China, was not the good will and the "99 years lease", but the hard power.
Since we already derail the thread, then we should stop here.
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