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October Surprise: my prediction for war

You really are a dim-wit aren't you?

Trying to compare Covid-19 response in US with US military power.

So sweet seeing you talk against US while hiding out in US. Is China not good enough for you little boy?

No need to waste my time with you anymore.

sure it does. it shows the capability of the government to coordinate a response to a crisis. If the relatively simple test of COVID-19 is too much, imagine something more complex.

I'm not some illegal 3rd world refugee like you. when people chant "go back where you came from" they're referring to people like you, not people like me.

People like me are globally mobile talent. I go where my work commands the greatest profit. You cling to the west because that's your entire identity, otherwise the sacrifices you made or your parents made in getting on that rickety boat out of Bangladesh would mean nothing. If I'm not treated well enough, I make it known, simply because I can. You? We all know the answer.
Sometime between October 10 and October 22, the US will announce an adjustment in the One China Policy and upgrade its diplomatic relations with Taiwan to ambassador level. Within 24 hours, PLAAF will penetrate Taiwan airspace and commence an air war over Taiwan. The US will deploy at least one aircraft carrier to an area around 1000 km east of Taiwan to try to defend it. Fighter jets / bombers from Japanese bases and Guam will also join the war. Meanwhile, at least two aircraft carriers will travel from the Indian Ocean through the Straits of Malacca and launch an attack on China's South China Sea islands.

Within a few days of fighting, at least three US aircraft carriers will be heavily damaged by missile strikes and many US bases in Japan as well as Guam will be bombed. PLA will land on Taiwan within 3 days from the start of hostilities and the Taiwan will be declared fully liberated within one week.

During the Sino-US War of 2020, India will launch an attack in Ladakh on PLA but will suffer more than 100,000 casualties within one week from the PLA artillery and rocket fire. Then a 2.5 front war scenario will push them out from Leh and Kashmir Valley by November.

Trump will use the conflict as an excuse to postpone the November election indefinitely.

.. and then you will wake up from your sleep to realise your "Prediction" was a wet dream.

To predict, you need to think rationally..not with a biased mindset , favouring one and completely undermining the opponents.....

Nothing will happen...till US elections are over....you can sleep tight!!
CCP and leadership are career politicians. Xi already declared himself as lifetime president. Why would they take the risk and what's more incentive they get?
President Xi declared himself as a lifetime President as Modi did. :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
.. and then you will wake up from your sleep to realise your "Prediction" was a wet dream.

To predict, you need to think rationally..not with a biased mindset , favouring one and completely undermining the opponents.....

Nothing will happen...till US elections are over....you can sleep tight!!
.. and then you will wake up from your sleep to realise your "Prediction" was a wet dream.

To predict, you need to think rationally..not with a biased mindset , favouring one and completely undermining the opponents.....

Nothing will happen...till US elections are over....you can sleep tight!!
In fact I agree with Feng Leng that between now and November 2020 is a very dangerous period.

One of Trump re-election campaign manager strategy is to start an external war either in the Himalaya by proxy or in Taiwan.

Trump has the same campaign manager as GW Bush who started the Iraqi War.
It is only China which is very restraint and is taking some nasty blows to ride thru' the period to avoid war.

Mind you, never mistake this as weakness.

China understands the scenario very well like Trump trade war.

China knew it can win the trade war but the consequences are still not the ideal one they wanted. So why fight a war when China will be way ahead in a few more years time.

USA is in a Thucydides Trap.
Very true. Effectively ww3 starts
There won't be any fullblown WW3 but as the 2 Chinese PLA Colonel Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui wrote back in 1999 which is 2 decade ago in their book Unrestricted Warfare.
It was truly visonary as all the new wars that are fought are all like that.

But any war that is fought between 2 superpower is bound to have negative on the rest of the world in economic terms.
These are the 2 biggest consumer market globally. Let says China understands this better than Trump.

The world may be divided as USA sought them to take side but will they? Reluctantly perhaps or maybe not.

Based on the latest event in UN over Teheran, I tend to believe USA will be isolated.

No nation will ever trusted USA again after Trump Administration.
You forgot about Indian Navy, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam. Everyone will jump in settle with china for good. Tibet, Xinjiang, manchuria, inner mongolia will be independent.
Maybe it is just me. I don't rate Indian Navy very highly.
Indian Navy has a lot of catching up to do.
The rest are not worth mentioning.
You talk and think like an ignorant moron.
Stop trying.
You made me laughed uncontrollably.
Even my dog is laughing with me.
:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
When the British Archaeologists discovered a remnant of the Great Wall of China in Outer Mongolia about 2 decades ago, this very important question was raised.

Where is the real Mongolia or was there ever a Mongolia. In Siberia or Central Asia.

According Chinese history. Temujin was just one of the outcast among the nomadic tribes. After his death they disbanded and returned back home. So where is home for these nomads.
Taiwan is totally surrounded by PLAAF!


US aircraft approaching Taiwan is intercepted by PLAAF!

sure it does. it shows the capability of the government to coordinate a response to a crisis.
Then use WW II. Threads like this are stupid.

First, this is a military oriented forum. While this does not disqualify anyone who never served, lack of relevant knowledge and experience immediately put one's opinions on precarious grounds.


Opining on fleets requires the knowledge and experience of an admiral.

Opining on ships requires the knowledge and experience of a captain.

Opining on corps of armies requires the knowledge and experience of a general.

Opining on air strikes requires the knowledge and experience of a wing commander.

Opining on troops requires the knowledge and experience of a platoon/squad sergeant.

A virus have practically zero relations on military affairs as each crisis have its own designated department/ministry headed by a leader appropriately informed of responsibilities and capabilities available.
... US will launch merciless conventional strikes on Chinese military and economic targets on or near it's coasts. ...

I don't think so. China also possesses the "merciless conventional strikes" capability.

How many Chinese ballistic missile strikes you reckon are needed to cause the US irreparable damage?

An indication of US limitation was realised a few years back when the US could not handle North Korean threats to strike the US.

Within 24 hours, the US established direct line of communications with North Korea after decades followed by a Trump-Kim summit to clam the situation down.
If you say so then why hasn't anyone talked about it? The media would be drooling over it if they heard the slightest rumor about war.
I don't think so. China also possesses the "merciless conventional strikes" capability.

How many Chinese ballistic missile strikes you reckon are needed to cause the US irreparable damage?

An indication of US limitation was realised a few years back when the US could not handle North Korean threats to strike the US.

Within 24 hours, the US established direct line of communications with North Korea after decades followed by a Trump-Kim summit to clam the situation down.

China cannot get near US to launch masses of conventional strikes.

US can attack China from the sea - just one of it's converted SSGNs carries 154 cruise missiles. They have 4 of these submarines.

N Korean analogy is not appropriate here as completely different scenario.
China cannot get near US to launch masses of conventional strikes.

US can attack China from the sea - just one of it's converted SSGNs carries 154 cruise missiles. They have 4 of these submarines. ...

Where did you get the idea China can't get near the US?

And you also think, in a war-like situation the US can deploy its ships and submarines near China and survive?
Where did you get the idea China can't get near the US?

And you also think, in a war-like situation the US can deploy its ships and submarines near China and survive?

How the PLAAN going to get past the USN to get near US coast?

They won't make it to Hawaii before their ships are at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
How the PLAAN going to get past the USN to get near US coast?

They won't make it to Hawaii before their ships are at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
Once Taiwan is reunified, submarines based in Taiwan directly access the Pacific Ocean depths. Then there is no geographic barrier to PLA nuclear ballistic missiles submarines showing up off the coast of California.
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