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October Surprise: my prediction for war

Sometime between October 10 and October 22, the US will announce an adjustment in the One China Policy and upgrade its diplomatic relations with Taiwan to ambassador level. Within 24 hours, PLAAF will penetrate Taiwan airspace and commence an air war over Taiwan. The US will deploy at least one aircraft carrier to an area around 1000 km east of Taiwan to try to defend it. Fighter jets / bombers from Japanese bases and Guam will also join the war. Meanwhile, at least two aircraft carriers will travel from the Indian Ocean through the Straits of Malacca and launch an attack on China's South China Sea islands.

Within a few days of fighting, at least three US aircraft carriers will be heavily damaged by missile strikes and many US bases in Japan as well as Guam will be bombed. PLA will land on Taiwan within 3 days from the start of hostilities and the Taiwan will be declared fully liberated within one week.

During the Sino-US War of 2020, India will launch an attack in Ladakh on PLA but will suffer more than 100,000 casualties within one week from the PLA artillery and rocket fire. Then a 2.5 front war scenario will push them out from Leh and Kashmir Valley by November.

Trump will use the conflict as an excuse to postpone the November election indefinitely.
And if this happens I promise you to be my guest in Kashmir for one month
It doesn't matter what the land size was on lease, the fact was the most populated and prosperous land are HK island and Kowloon which it was with most of the HK GDP. UK would never give HK back to China if they had a choice.
Chairman Deng does not minced with his word?
Yes the choice s before 1997 or in1997.
Britain can pick its choice.
As Deng Xiaoping told Britain Ironlady Margaret Thatcher, we don't have to wait until 1997 to do that.

Ironlady was so shocked that she tripped and fall off the step of the Great Hall in China. The reality not only hurts but is SHOCKING.
The argument of China not having fought a war for 4 decades is another silly remark that not only is being overused all too often but brain dead fools really treat this as a valid reason for belittling China's military capability. It is merely suggesting that China lacks experiences, does not know how to fight and would surely lose to US. Unless it was intentionally done pure for trolling which is just a waste of time anyway. The only thing the US can brag about is using multi million dollar weapons bombing sheppards into pieces. What the US ought to do is give Tsai the full backing of US military power and officially declare Taiwan as an independent state. Only then can we get to see who is the real chicken or in case war breaks out who is the real winner. But if the US is not going to give this sort of assurance and Taiwan is too afraid to do it all talk about US supremacy turns out to be garbage.
WW2 is irrelevant since it was 75 years ago with totally different technology and demographics. In the time since, technology has improved greatly, with the average person's data consumption going from ~KB/day to ~GB/day, population has more than doubled, and the world more interconnected than before. Those who still think like WW2 or Cold War days will find themselves obsoleted and outcompeted.

Similarly, if a government cannot even deal with a small problem, how can it solve a big problem?
This is utter nonsense.

Back in WW II, the US mobilized the manufacturing industry that once made cars into making tanks, ships, and ships. There is no comparison to dealing with a virus originated from another country. I understand what you are desperately trying to insinuate here, but you are comparing the proverbial apples to oranges.

But if you want to go there, the small problem was the attack on Pearl Harbor. The big problem that the US ended up solving was being a global power that no one seen before.

US throws money at healthcare, are Americans the healthiest?
Medical care is not the same thing as healthcare. See if you can figure out the difference.
The argument of China not having fought a war for 4 decades is another silly remark...
No, it is not. You can be the same height and weight as Mike Tyson, but unless you have similar training and experience as he, you would be next to dead in less than five seconds in the ring against him.
This is utter nonsense.

Back in WW II, the US mobilized the manufacturing industry that once made cars into making tanks, ships, and ships. There is no comparison to dealing with a virus originated from another country. I understand what you are desperately trying to insinuate here, but you are comparing the proverbial apples to oranges.

But if you want to go there, the small problem was the attack on Pearl Harbor. The big problem that the US ended up solving was being a global power that no one seen before.

Medical care is not the same thing as healthcare. See if you can figure out the difference.

US didn't deal with a virus in its own country very well either - H1N1 was spread to the entire globe, no borders were closed. Your quibble with definitions is interesting. It shows you have nothing to say about the end result - US spends money yet is not getting results, and the problems are getting worse. Something is wrong. Is it more patriotic to bury your head in bombastic boasting, or is it more patriotic to fix the problem?

I'm pro-US: I don't want the US to make a major mistake. I just call out problems when things go wrong and don't believe jingoism is the way to go. You on the other hand have extreme bias towards establishment, conservative and militaristic policies. I laugh at Indians, but always try to patiently explain things to Americans here. Criticism is a sign of respect. I never criticize India, only mock it.

If US could solve coronavirus, healthcare, unemployment, wage stagnation and racism tomorrow, it strengthens the US and is great for me personally too. I make more money, have more freedom, and have more safety, why would I not welcome this. But alas, the progress is so slow.
Chairman Deng does not minced with his word?
Yes the choice s before 1997 or in1997.
Britain can pick its choice.
As Deng Xiaoping told Britain Ironlady Margaret Thatcher, we don't have to wait until 1997 to do that.

Ironlady was so shocked that she tripped and fall off the step of the Great Hall in China. The reality not only hurts but is SHOCKING.
IIRC, HK governor Edward Youde was the first one secretly went to Beijing to negotiate with China. The initial deal was to extend the lease, UK thought the victory over the Falklands War would sway the Chinese position on HK. However, thing turned out differently and by the time UK had calculated the war with China doesn't favor them a bit.

Moreover, before the tripped over Deng also told Margaret Thatcher that the Chinese have other ways to get back Hong Kong. On the surface UK may return HK to China unwillingly, however, like other former UK colonies the UK had left many landmines which contributes to the current situation in HK, like the high housing price.
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No, it is not. You can be the same height and weight as Mike Tyson, but unless you have similar training and experience as he, you would be next to dead in less than five seconds in the ring against him.

He is partially right.

The wars that the US has fought in the last decades has not been against peer adversaries and so it is questionable what useful experience they got out of that to say fight against a country like China.

What cannot be denied is that the US has mainly better equipment and much more of it than China - USN reigns supreme in aircraft carriers and SSNs especially.
Everybody in Taiwan knows the declaration of statehood is coming! US Army says they are ready to deploy to Taiwan!

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Everybody in Taiwan knows the declaration of statehood is coming! US Army says they are ready to deploy to Taiwan!

Lets get it make Taiwan 51st State


No peace talks, no white flags
No mercy, I'm gettin' yo' ***

That Ruger start to roar, iron is flyin'
Eight outta eight on movin' targets
Lets get it make Taiwan 51st State


No peace talks, no white flags
No mercy, I'm gettin' yo' ***

That Ruger start to roar, iron is flyin'
Eight outta eight on movin' targets
My fo fo make sure all your kids don't grow!
US didn't deal with a virus in its own country very well either - H1N1 was spread to the entire globe, no borders were closed. Your quibble with definitions is interesting.
China have a serious smoking problem. China is 3rd in the world for smoking sales and smoking related health related issues, including deaths. If China cannot handle this small problem, how can you expect us to believe China can take on US, or even Taiwan, in a war?

Do you see how stupid that sounds? That is YOUR line of argument.

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