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Obama: Iran sanctions won't be lifted


Nov 4, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
US President Barack Obama said the US remains open to new nuclear talks with Iran but the Middle Eastern nation needs to recognize that powerful economic sanctions will not be lifted unless Iran takes significant steps to make clear it's not pursuing a nuclear weapon.

"There are a whole range of measures that can be taken to try to normalize the relationship between Iran and the world, but we don't know yet if they're going to be willing to take up that offer," he said.

Obama: Iran sanctions won't be lifted - Israel News, Ynetnews
May be a mutual deescalation from extreme positions:)

Russia: lift Iran sanctions as enrichment programme halted

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said it is time for sanctions against Iran to be relaxed and confirmed that Iran has agreed to halt its enrichment of 20% uranium. He said the news would be a "breakthrough agreement".

In an interview published on the Russian Foreign Ministry, Lavrov said: “Without going into details, the Iranians confirm importantly they are ready to stop enriching uranium to 20%. This could be a truly breakthrough agreement and greatly alleviate the existing problems, including concerns over the possibility of a further escalation of enrichment to weapons grade.”

Russia believes it is time to consider relaxing sanctions pressure on Iran amid hope of progress in the standoff over its nuclear programme.

Lavrov said: “It is essential that in circumstances where denotes the probability of progress in the negotiations, all parties to refrain from ill-considered steps that could undermine these efforts. Necessary to avoid a further unwinding of sanctions pressure on Iran and to start thinking about how it is possible for the gradual weakening of tangible ways for Iran."

He said Iran should be able to continue its nuclear programme under the auspices of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

"We believe in the unconditional right of Iran to develop a civilian nuclear program, including the right to enrichment, after clarification of all outstanding issues and putting the entire Iranian nuclear activity under reliable and comprehensive IAEA safeguards," he said.

Russia: lift Iran sanctions as enrichment programme halted: Voice of Russia - UK Edition
Obama came to power on an Anti-War platform, promising to end the wars in Afghanistan/Iraq, shut down Guantanamo Bay, etc.

Now, in his final term he should show the world that he was not lying, by extending a peaceful hand towards Iran, and de-escalating all the warmongering towards them.
immediately after hearing this news India cuts Iran oil imports 42 percent:D
Obama came to power on an Anti-War platform, promising to end the wars in Afghanistan/Iraq, shut down Guantanamo Bay, etc.

Now, in his final term he should show the world that he was not lying, by extending a peaceful hand towards Iran, and de-escalating all the warmongering towards them.

Question=You Know when politician is lying
Answer=when he opens his Mouth

When he came to power his popularity was 80% This man fooled 80% of the Americans and majority of the world by making them believe things will change.
Obama came to power on an Anti-War platform, promising to end the wars in Afghanistan/Iraq, shut down Guantanamo Bay, etc.

Now, in his final term he should show the world that he was not lying, by extending a peaceful hand towards Iran, and de-escalating all the warmongering towards them.

Not lifting sanction has nothing to do with what Obama promised. To simply put, Iran is an obstacle for US to control middle east and its petroleum supply. As long as Iran does not grovel before US, the overall US stance will not change on the subject regardless of what Iran does.

Really, there are pretty much only three ways for the US stance to change:

1. Iran changes its alignment to US and basically become another Saudi Arabia.
2. US military strength weakens to the point that it can no longer control large part of middle east.
3. The petroleum is at least partially displaced by new technology to the point that petroleum is no longer reflects the strength of dollar.
Not lifting sanction has nothing to do with what Obama promised. To simply put, Iran is an obstacle for US to control middle east and its petroleum supply. As long as Iran does not grovel before US, the overall US stance will not change on the subject regardless of what Iran does.

Really, there are pretty much only three ways for the US stance to change:

1. Iran changes its alignment to US and basically become another Saudi Arabia.
2. US military strength weakens to the point that it can no longer control large part of middle east.
3. The petroleum is at least partially displaced by new technology to the point that petroleum is no longer reflects the strength of dollar.

Absolutely, it is all about realpolitik. It always is.

My point is that it might actually serve America's interests to stop warmongering against Iran.

America's true enemy in the Middle East (since most ME regimes are actually allied with the USA) are groups like Al-qaeda and the Taliban, who actually hate Iran just as much as they hate USA/Israel. And Israel's true enemy are the Arabs, who also hate Iran.

Iran is not actually a hub of extremism in the way that much of the Middle Eastern region is at the moment. Working and cooperating with Iran is the best way forward.
Absolutely, it is all about realpolitik. It always is.

My point is that it might actually serve America's interests to stop warmongering against Iran.

America's true enemy in the Middle East (since most ME regimes are actually allied with the USA) are groups like Al-qaeda and the Taliban, who actually hate Iran just as much as they hate USA/Israel. And Israel's true enemy are the Arabs, who also hate Iran.

Iran is not actually a hub of extremism in the way that much of the Middle Eastern region is at the moment. Working and cooperating with Iran is the best way forward.

I will have to disagree with you. Terrorists like Al-Qaeda and Taliban are annoyances. Sure, they hate US a great deal and will not hesitate to launch suicide attack against US, but at the end of the day, what exactly are they going to accomplish? They are not going to put a dent in US military strength and have zero effect on US economic might.
I will have to disagree with you. Terrorists like Al-Qaeda and Taliban are annoyances. Sure, they hate US a great deal and will not hesitate to launch suicide attack against US, but at the end of the day, what exactly are they going to accomplish? They are not going to put a dent in US military strength and have zero effect on US economic might.

By your logic, the great threat to the USA is actually nation-states like China.

Do you support US foreign policy?
Absolutely, it is all about realpolitik. It always is.

My point is that it might actually serve America's interests to stop warmongering against Iran.

America's true enemy in the Middle East (since most ME regimes are actually allied with the USA) are groups like Al-qaeda and the Taliban, who actually hate Iran just as much as they hate USA/Israel. And Israel's true enemy are the Arabs, who also hate Iran.

Iran is not actually a hub of extremism in the way that much of the Middle Eastern region is at the moment. Working and cooperating with Iran is the best way forward.
true enemy of U.S people = Zionists + Arab dictators + Al-Qaeda, wahhabis, salafis, takfiris ....
ally(poppet) of U.S government and Zionists = Arab dictators + Al-Qaeda, wahhabis, salafis, takfiris ....
I don't like to look at it from a religious angle. Salafis etc are just internal divisions within Islam and are not my business.

true enemy of U.S people = Zionists + Arab dictators + Al-Qaeda, wahhabis, salafis, takfiris ....
ally(poppet) of U.S government and Zionists = Arab dictators + Al-Qaeda, wahhabis, salafis, takfiris ....

So who is a friend to the US people?
I don't like to look at it from a religious angle. Salafis etc are just internal divisions within Islam and are not my business.
killing civilians, women and children has never been part of Islam, they are just fake religious created by U.K. and now supported by western countries to extend their plans in ME.

So who is a friend to the US people?
anyone who really seeks for peace and Justis, and not just for U.S people
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