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Obama: Iran sanctions won't be lifted

Not lifting sanction has nothing to do with what Obama promised. To simply put, Iran is an obstacle for US to control middle east and its petroleum supply. As long as Iran does not grovel before US, the overall US stance will not change on the subject regardless of what Iran does.

No, that's not true!

1. Iran changes its alignment to US and basically become another Saudi Arabia.

Or become another Turkey?

2. US military strength weakens to the point that it can no longer control large part of middle east.

Highly unlikely!

3. The petroleum is at least partially displaced by new technology to the point that petroleum is no longer reflects the strength of dollar

Google "North Dakota" and "Shale oil"

Maybe @Abi could enlighten us...
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No, that's not true!

Or become another Turkey?

Highly unlikely!

Google "North Dakota" and "Shale oil"

Maybe @Abi could enlighten us...

yeap, they've got oil coming out of the wazoo

1) Canada is now the 3rd largest gas producer on the planet and growing. Oil reserves sit at more than 170 billion barrels with current recoverable tech. The reserves are expected to at least double in the next decade as new tech is introduced. All experts believe that Canada can meet its own, as well US' needs, for the next 1-2 centuries.

In 2011 "Canada’s energy exports were valued at US$120 billion (CAN$119 billion), with virtually all (90%) of it going to the US."

2) US itself. Proven recoverable oil reserves are growing by the day thanks to new technology. For example in the mid 90's. they were saying that recoverable oil reserves in the Bakken shale formation was around only 151 million barrels. Today they're saying that it's around 20-27 billion barrels + 4 billion barrels of liquid natural gas. At current rates of production, it'll take 27 years to deplete this amount, but everybody is saying that this just the start and shale oil/gas reserves are going to grow in the US.

N.D. oil is more plentiful than previously thought | StarTribune.com

In any case, Canada has so much that it doesn't even matter what US has. Right now it's 170+ billion barrels (recoverable). Past 2020 it's most likely expected to double to 300+ billion barrels (leading oil reserves on the planet). However the freaky part is that there are trillions of barrels of bitumen sitting in the Athabaska oil sands region, plus other parts of Canada. New tech. just hasn't been introduced yet and in a couple of decades we could be seeing the proven recoverable reserves jump to even higher than 300 billion barrels as a result.

Read this:

Athabasca Tar Sands

Together, these oil sand deposits lie under 141,000 square kilometres (54,000 sq mi) of boreal forest and muskeg (peat bogs) and contain about 1.7 trillion barrels (270×109 m3) of bitumen in-place, comparable in magnitude to the world's total proven reserves of conventional petroleum.

and this is just the Athabasca Tar Sands.

Athabasca oil sands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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By your logic, the great threat to the USA is actually nation-states like China.

Do you support US foreign policy?

I will back my claim with the fact that the effort US spent in containing China, Russia and the rather relentless financial attacks on EU is magnitudes greater than anything they spend on the terrorists. Like I said, terrorists are annoyances, but major nations actually pose a credible challenge.
Personally, I think US policy is digging its own grave, but that is mainly due to the growing strength of China then anything else.
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