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Hahaha! Anyone who has raised boys knows how easily this ^^ can happen! As a parent, you want to get really mad, but you just can't, because you know the boys didn't know right from wrong. They were just doing their thing. And the little brother was definitely along for the ride!
lol...at least it wasnt a big plasma tv

is that carpeted floor?

Breaking News: Balochistan CM, Raisani, opens Roza with Zohar prayers.... surprised news reporters, asking him Sir! why you did that? He replies..... Azaan, Azaan hoti hai, Maghrib ki ho ya zohar ki!!
Be realistic, these thread became same repeat pictures all over again... now extended to 141 pages.

Same old pictures! I think, it is time to delete this thread for good !!

Hahahahaha! You know what? My younger brother and I were once caught doing something very similar, or should I say were caught after having done everything that there was to be done :p The only difference was that we used our moms different face powders, lipsticks, nail colors, lotions and everything else that we could find on her dressing table. The best part is that when confronted with our crime and asked why we had done it we both, with power, lipstick and lotion smeared all over faces and clothes denied everything and blamed it on the neighbor's kid. We were so young that we could hardly speak anything comprehensible :D
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