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Obama Cancels Summit With Putin

I edited something more in my previous post, 7 bill.€ of non refundable funds for Bulgaria alone in the 2007-2013 period, for Romania it will be 39 bill.€ for 2014-2020 period, the Baltic states largely escaped recession and one of them even adopted the Euro recently.

EUR 21.8 Billion, cohesion funds for Romania in 2014-2020 : Railway Insider. Railway business intelligence source

Quoted for stupidity. You're so uneducated on the basics it's horrendous. I wish i could somehow show you how stupid you sound. It's mind boggling and disgusting. I think you're just a Russian(? ) hater, hating on and scared of the whole concept of unified Europe.

Listen. Do not you understand that what they give you - a penny, compared to what they get from the super-exploitation of Eastern Europe? Millions of migrant workers and destroyed industrial competitors (at best bought) - is dozens more money than what they spend.
The backlog will never decrease. Just think logically. In the West, there is no any good fairy or leprechaun, who are just waiting to enrich the guys from the East.
No. The capitalist lives only for the sake of profit. They destroy the competition and makes it so that it no longer appeared. Is it so hard to understand? Under the beatiful guise of a "united Europe" there is nothing good for you. The whole idea - a way to rip you off and turn into a perpetual debtors. And you think less about it - your country will be destroyed in moral terms for it. You will instill ungodly laws about perverts. Your universities instead of real knowledge will provide only the diplomas - so you will have to go to the West for a normal education. The schools will also teach carelessly. Because an educated slave - is much more dangerous than the uneducated.
They do not love you, and never did. And it can not be in principle. You will never be for them like themselvez. When the labor market will be saturated and intense competition will lead to the fact that you will be working just for the food - the rest will all die of hunger.
Listen. Do not you understand that what they give you - a penny, compared to what they get from the super-exploitation of Eastern Europe? Millions of migrant workers and destroyed industrial competitors (at best bought) - is dozens more money than what they spend.
The backlog will never decrease. Just think logically. In the West, there is no any good fairy or leprechaun, who are just waiting to enrich the guys from the East.
No. The capitalist lives only for the sake of profit. They destroy the competition and makes it so that it no longer appeared. Is it so hard to understand? Under the beatiful guise of a "united Europe" there is nothing good for you. The whole idea - a way to rip you off and turn into a perpetual debtors. And you think less about it - your country will be destroyed in moral terms for it. You will instill ungodly laws about perverts. Your universities instead of real knowledge will provide only the diplomas - so you will have to go to the West for a normal education. The schools will also teach carelessly. Because an educated slave - is much more dangerous than the uneducated.
They do not love you, and never did. And it can not be in principle. You will never be for them like themselvez. When the labor market will be saturated and intense competition will lead to the fact that you will be working just for the food - the rest will all die of hunger.


i'm not really sure in the correctness of this graph, since i know German wages were the slowest rising in Europe around 2010. And the point of my graph was to show that wages in Eastern Europe were converging to Germany's standard before the recession.
From 2010:

German wage rises lowest in Europe - Jobs in Germany - The Local

Listen. Do not you understand that what they give you - a penny, compared to what they get from the super-exploitation of Eastern Europe? Millions of migrant workers and destroyed industrial competitors (at best bought) - is dozens more money than what they spend.
The backlog will never decrease. Just think logically. In the West, there is no any good fairy or leprechaun, who are just waiting to enrich the guys from the East.
No. The capitalist lives only for the sake of profit. They destroy the competition and makes it so that it no longer appeared. Is it so hard to understand? Under the beatiful guise of a "united Europe" there is nothing good for you. The whole idea - a way to rip you off and turn into a perpetual debtors. And you think less about it - your country will be destroyed in moral terms for it. You will instill ungodly laws about perverts. Your universities instead of real knowledge will provide only the diplomas - so you will have to go to the West for a normal education. The schools will also teach carelessly. Because an educated slave - is much more dangerous than the uneducated.
They do not love you, and never did. And it can not be in principle. You will never be for them like themselvez. When the labor market will be saturated and intense competition will lead to the fact that you will be working just for the food - the rest will all die of hunger.

You are stuck in cold war mentality, world doesn't divide anymore on those fault lines.
It is in their best interest to have a prosperous eastern half of the continent because that strengthens the entire group.
There is no choice, for better or for worse, it's either we stick together or fall one by one to interest groups and lobbying from USA, China and yes even Russia.
It's better to be the bloc with largest market in the world and the associated negotiating power that comes with it then solo states that mean nothing in the world context.
GDP for EU27 is ~17 trillion$, if the eastern states put in some good growth it has a realistic chance of reaching 20 trillion$+, which by any standards is massive.
i'm not really sure in the correctness of this graph, since i know German wages were the slowest rising in Europe around 2010. And the point of my graph was to show that wages in Eastern Europe were converging to Germany's standard before the recession.
From 2010:

German wage rises lowest in Europe - Jobs in Germany - The Local

You are stuck in cold war mentality, world doesn't divide anymore on those fault lines.
It is in their best interest to have a prosperous eastern half of the continent because that strengthens the entire group.
There is no choice, for better or for worse, it's either we stick together or fall one by one to interest groups and lobbying from USA, China and yes even Russia.
It's better to be the bloc with largest market in the world and the associated negotiating power that comes with it then solo states that mean nothing in the world context.
GDP for EU27 is ~17 trillion$, if the eastern states put in some good growth it has a realistic chance of reaching 20 trillion$+, which by any standards is massive.
Are you familiar with the concept of "internal colony"? This concept was especially actual in Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Despite the fact that it was continental, tellurocratic Empire, the development of peoples and the countries that were part of the Empire was very different. And though all the land developed, but the gap is still maintained. And the same thing take part in European Union. The difference between the East and the West has developed historically. West is not interested in the development of the East - the internal colony can not stand on the same level with the metropoly. A considerable share of wealth of the West is based on the backwardness of the East.
To my great regret, the difference will never go away in the current EU.
In any case, in my eyes Eastern Europe still looks preferable. In the East, there remain traditional Christian values ​​- and for me, that means more than any money.
Are you familiar with the concept of "internal colony"? This concept was especially actual in Austrian-Hungarian Empire. Despite the fact that it was continental, tellurocratic Empire, the development of peoples and the countries that were part of the Empire was very different. And though all the land developed, but the gap is still maintained. And the same thing take part in European Union. The difference between the East and the West has developed historically. West is not interested in the development of the East - the internal colony can not stand on the same level with the metropoly. A considerable share of wealth of the West is based on the backwardness of the East.
To my great regret, the difference will never go away in the current EU.
In any case, in my eyes Eastern Europe still looks preferable. In the East, there remain traditional Christian values ​​- and for me, that means more than any money.

err, sure.
I don't really believe your internal colony theory. You don't even account for the changed geo-politics and the added benefits, you don't account for the fact that a lot of the migrant workers are either from Spain (immediately disqualifying your theory because Spain isn't in eastern Europe) and a lot of them are roaming Bulgarian and Romanian gypsyes. I'm sure you'll be able to recognize the fact that a gypsy is not a desireable workforce for a wannabe imperialist.

The only large immigrant group that i know of from eastern Europe would be the Polish diaspora in the UK. And that doesn't seem to hurt Poland at all as it was until recently one of the rare still economically growing countries.

About Austro-Hungarian empire.

If i'm not mistaken it was administratively divided between the Austrian side and Hungarian side of the royalty-the intermarriages made for a loose alliance. Well, i can't speak for the Hungarians, but Slovenia belonged in the Austrian part and the result was it was by default the most prosperous and developed region of the later formed Yugoslavia.
So, you see, it's all in the way how you run things.
If i'm not mistaken it was administratively divided between the Austrian side and Hungarian side of the royalty-the intermarriages made for a loose alliance. Well, i can't speak for the Hungarians, but Slovenia belonged in the Austrian part and the result was it was by default the most prosperous and developed region of the later formed Yugoslavia.
So, you see, it's all in the way how you run things.

You're not mistaken,today's Hungary,Slovakia,Transylvania,Vojvodina and if i'm not mistaken Croatia were under hungarian administration but there were no royalty intermarriages,simply put the hapsburg emperor in Viena took the king title in Budapest after the hungarian revoulution of 1848 just to appease the hungarian nobility and give them a sence that they're power sharing.

On topic:i don't know how you find the power to debate with this clown.
err, sure.
I don't really believe your internal colony theory. You don't even account for the changed geo-politics and the added benefits, you don't account for the fact that a lot of the migrant workers are either from Spain (immediately disqualifying your theory because Spain isn't in eastern Europe) and a lot of them are roaming Bulgarian and Romanian gypsyes. I'm sure you'll be able to recognize the fact that a gypsy is not a desireable workforce for a wannabe imperialist.

The only large immigrant group that i know of from eastern Europe would be the Polish diaspora in the UK. And that doesn't seem to hurt Poland at all as it was until recently one of the rare still economically growing countries.

About Austro-Hungarian empire.

If i'm not mistaken it was administratively divided between the Austrian side and Hungarian side of the royalty-the intermarriages made for a loose alliance. Well, i can't speak for the Hungarians, but Slovenia belonged in the Austrian part and the result was it was by default the most prosperous and developed region of the later formed Yugoslavia.
So, you see, it's all in the way how you run things.
All right, everyone will stay in his opinion. This discussion is meaningless.
The civilized world should impose sanctions on AmeriCaCa :coffee:

In lighter vein

I find this concept amusing ....but why not ?

There is one problem although ...

when you say "Civilized" world - as far as America is concerned they think there is only one 'civilized' country in world and that's themselves ...so America will have to impose sanctions on America ..( lol)
Who asked you? :no:

Don't tell me that some guy from Romania argues exactly like an Indian on all the topics I've seen on this forum.

Not that it has anything to do with you.

I find it rather funny...This thread is about Obama and Putin and ...you guys are bickering over this Rumanian guy ?

I mean this is the evidence how far people can drag their biases

flamer 84 must be enjoying " thread- long" limelight ....

Lol I just jumped in this nonsensical verbatim ...Guys stick to the thread ( including myself )
The amount of extremists here is too damn high :cuckoo: :hitwall:

You must have counted yourself ...over and over again !!!

( lol ....don't take offence ...little kidding is required in such a serious thread ..I don't wish to derail thread ...just short break ! )
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