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No. It does'nt.
East Europe become colony. Noone is going to build industry in those countries. vice versa - Western Europeans paid money to Eastern to destroy their industry and science. In most Eastern Europeans countries unemployment more then 50%. Western Europeans just solving their own problems with economical and demograthical situation - cause they prefer wight emigrants.
Under USSR Eastern Europeans do not has to go somewhere to earn money.

Comrade, stop being a joke. I expect some sources about 50% unemployment in your next post. And i also expect explanation of capital inflows in to Central and Eastern Europe in the last years. It's been the hottest investor market in the developed world.

By contrast, Russian GDP is getting downgraded. LOL!
Comrade, stop being a joke.

some joke from British "the Independent"
some joke from British "the Independent"

See, i knew the answer exceeds your intellectual capacity and all you can muster is a pretty deplorable picture (ironically, Russians work in the west too). Kid, i can go and search for degrading pictures of Russia too, and there's no shortage of them.

So, to conclude, we have again established you're just a regular dumbass. I actually haven't met a Russian this dumb on the internet ever, so i'm sort of starting to doubt you. They weren't the fastest but they were all witty. And you're neither.

Here, about industry, Poland PMI and Czech PMI:



Infact, almost of whole Central and Eastern Europe is in the positive:

See, i knew the answer exceeds your intellectual capacity and all you can muster is a pretty deplorable picture (ironically, Russians work in the west too). Kid, i can go and search for degrading pictures of Russia too, and there's no shortage of them.

So, to conclude, we have again established you're just a regular dumbass. I actually haven't met a Russian this dumb on the internet ever, so i'm sort of starting to doubt you. They weren't the fastest but they were all witty. And you're neither.

Here, about industry, Poland PMI and Czech PMI:



I do not know what to answer you. You're quite seriously think that Western countries are going to pull up the standard of living in Eastern Europe? Do you think they have to deprive yours sovereignty for that?
No, you really think so? Do you think Europe apparently you equal partners rather than markets and sources of cheap labor?
I do not know what to answer you.

I know. There's a reason for that. it has to do with overheating of the cranium.

You're quite seriously think that Western countries are going to pull up the standard of living in Eastern Europe?

Newsflash, that's already happening. And that was the point in the creation of the EU, to bring equality to all, to prevent injustices (perceived or not) that lead to WWII. This sentence is probably too hard for you, i put it for the other readers.

Do you think they have to deprive yours sovereignty for that?
No, you really think so? Do you think Europe apparently you equal partners rather than markets and sources of cheap labor?

We really won't go into this debate because you simply lack knowledge and while you are correct about markets and cheap(er) labor, it is overly simplifying things.
I can also put forward an example of a Slovenian manufacturer of home appliances called Gorenje which exports like 90% to western Europe. Or, exhaust manufacturer Akrapovic, best motosport exhausts in the world, where do you think they export? Or drug pharmaceutical company called Krka, exports a lot to Russia, even has production facilities there.

You just don't know and you infest the forum with your populisms and stupidity. Intentional or not.
I know. There's a reason for that. it has to do with overheating of the cranium.

Newsflash, that's already happening. And that was the point in the creation of the EU, to bring equality to all, to prevent injustices (perceived or not) that lead to WWII. This sentence is probably too hard for you, i put it for the other readers.

We really won't go into this debate because you simply lack knowledge and while you are correct about markets and cheap(er) labor, it is overly simplifying things.
I can also put forward an example of a Slovenian manufacturer of home appliances called Gorenje which exports like 90% to western Europe. Or, exhaust manufacturer Akrapovic, best motosport exhausts in the world, where do you think they export? Or drug pharmaceutical company called Krka, exports a lot to Russia, even has production facilities there.

You just don't know and you infest the forum with your populisms and stupidity. Intentional or not.

You have taken into the EU to slightly dilute the black immigrants wiht white ones. In England, there are whole villages inhabited by some Poles and Lithuanians.
In Russia your niche occupied by the Uzbeks, Tajiks and Vietnamese.
Is that what you want? No. You were hoping that you will take as equal, you will fly into space and to teach at Oxford, Cambridge and the Sorbonne. But ithey see your destiny see differently - laborers, who are you here for them. They pumped you cheap credit to buy for nothing your property. You are sent to die in wars that have nothing common with you.
Russian may be hated, fear or despise cowardly, but no one refers to the Russian, like slaves.
You have taken into the EU to slightly dilute the black immigrants wiht white ones. In England, there are whole villages inhabited by some Poles and Lithuanians.
In Russia your niche occupied by the Uzbeks, Tajiks and Vietnamese.
Is that what you want? No. You were hoping that you will take as equal, you will fly into space and to teach at Oxford, Cambridge and the Sorbonne. But ithey see your destiny see differently - laborers, who are you here for them. They pumped you cheap credit to buy for nothing your property. You are sent to die in wars that have nothing common with you.
Russian may be hated, fear or despise cowardly, but no one refers to the Russian, like slaves.

More populism and stupidity comrade, without any sources to back it up as usual. I really don't know why do i even bother with you, you're disfunctional.

Coincidentally, the niche people recently had a visit from a top Russian official urging (begging!) for the South Stream pipeline route to be confirmed.

Oh and dumbass, if cheap credit investments are your thing, how do you comment on niche people investing in Russia 4 times the amount Russia invested here? Are we using you the same way you say western Europe is using us? Fucking idiot.

in November last year a company called Riko signed a 140 mill.€ investment to build a diesel engine plant in St. Petersburg. Guess who's the cheap labor?

More populism and stupidity comrade, without any sources to back it up as usual. I really don't know why do i even bother with you, you're disfunctional.

Coincidentally, the niche people recently had a visit from a top Russian official urging (begging!) for the South Stream pipeline route to be confirmed.

Oh and dumbass, if cheap credit investments are your thing, how do you comment on niche people investing in Russia 4 times the amount Russia invested here? Are we using you the same way you say western Europe is using us? Fucking idiot.

in November last year a company called Riko signed a 140 mill.€ investment to build a diesel engine plant in St. Petersburg. Guess who's the cheap labor?

Ministers Erjavec and Nikiforov favour stronger relations between Slovenia and Russia *|*Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve

Not to be confused investment and government debt.
West through the IMF and other institutions are giving you a loan. At some point you can no longer not what to give back, but even serve the interest on the loan. Then your property is no longer your property. That is the true purpose of IMF loans. Do not confuse this with the investment. These are different things. When Putin began actively to repay debts West (when he came to power, the debt was about 100% of GDP) - they did not want to take the money. Why would they want the wrappers that they print? They need not funny money but oil, plants and so on.
Read the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" Perkins. Understand how the West seizes entire states.
Not to be confused investment and government debt.
West through the IMF and other institutions are giving you a loan. At some point you can no longer not what to give back, but even serve the interest on the loan. Then your property is no longer your property. That is the true purpose of IMF loans. Do not confuse this with the investment. These are different things. When Putin began actively to repay debts West (when he came to power, the debt was about 100% of GDP) - they did not want to take the money. Why would they want the wrappers that they print? They need not funny money but oil, plants and so on.
Read the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" Perkins. Understand how the West seizes entire states.

lol, you read one book and you're mr. knowitall. :lol:
Slovenia issues bonds for it's deficit coverage, as far as i'm aware this country hasn't taken any IMF loans, nor ECB loans. And if we are to believe politicians at the top and some EU officials visiting, we won't need any bail-out in the form of IMF or ECB loans.

Please dude, for debates like this you really should know more then what you've read in one book. Granted that book is probably good, but you need more current data and data pertinent to the issue at hand not generalizing.
lol, you read one book and you're mr. knowitall. :lol:
Slovenia issues bonds for it's deficit coverage, as far as i'm aware this country hasn't taken any IMF loans, nor ECB loans. And if we are to believe politicians at the top and some EU officials visiting, we won't need any bail-out in the form of IMF or ECB loans.

Please dude, for debates like this you really should know more then what you've read in one book. Granted that book is probably good, but you need more current data and data pertinent to the issue at hand not generalizing.

Slovenia, the Czech Republic - were already highly developed countries.
But Hungary has problems with regard to the EU. Because does not want to lose independence and become an errand boy.
Maybe for you it will be news, but Western farmers receive 2-5 times more subsidies than farmers of the East. As a result, they go bankrupt and join the army of illegal migrants.
But Hungary has problems with regard to the EU. Because does not want to lose independence and become an errand boy.

Ironically, Hungary is one of the largest recipients of investment from western Europe, most of the banks, industry...

Maybe for you it will be news, but Western farmers receive 2-5 times more subsidies than farmers of the East. As a result, they go bankrupt and join the army of illegal migrants.

Well, they put in those funds the most as well. And iirc for all newcomer countries in the EU, they are net receivers of help. ie. they get more out then they put in, while the same does not hold true for western Europe countries.
Then there's also a thing called cohesion policy, which is EU financing of country projects, like museums, roads etc....
Ironically, Hungary is one of the largest recipients of investment from western Europe, most of the banks, industry...

Well, they put in those funds the most as well. And iirc for all newcomer countries in the EU, they are net receivers of help. ie. they get more out then they put in, while the same does not hold true for western Europe countries.
Then there's also a thing called cohesion policy, which is EU financing of country projects, like museums, roads etc....

In spite of all the declarations of unity, Eastern Europe will always be funded by the residual principle. You were allowed to join the EU not for the sake of satisfying feed, but in order to get you worked hard for the money 2-3 times smaller than Western Europeans. It is an axiom. No Jewish bankers in London or Geneva have altruism - it does not exist at the genetic level.
Why in the Bulgaria people burn themselves on the squares? Because their salaries are not enough to pay for gas, light and flat.
Whereas in Western Europe will begin serious problems - they will deal with them in the first place, at your expense. They can not think another way. They will not share with you bread if its not enough for they own.
In spite of all the declarations of unity, Eastern Europe will always be funded by the residual principle. You were allowed to join the EU not for the sake of satisfying feed, but in order to get you worked hard for the money 2-3 times smaller than Western Europeans. It is an axiom. No Jewish bankers in London or Geneva have altruism - it does not exist at the genetic level.
Why in the Bulgaria people burn themselves on the squares? Because their salaries are not enough to pay for gas, light and flat.
Whereas in Western Europe will begin serious problems - they will deal with them in the first place, at your expense. They can not think another way. They will not share with you bread if its not enough for they own.

lol, you think you join EU and they commit to an obligation to finance/feed you? Your worth is measured by the things that you do. EU can't come in and magically lift everyone salary to the point of Germany. Are you really this simple (simple being the nicer word)?

I understand the underlying tone of your post, but it is not Jewish bankers in London or Geneva business to feed the Bulgarians. That falls squarely on the Bulgarian government. Also while were on the subject of Bulgaria, here's the report from cohesion funds allocation:

For the 2007-13 period, Bulgaria has been allocated almost €6.9billion in total, €6.7 billion under the Convergence Objective1 and €179 million under the European Territorial Cooperation Objective

• €2.8 billion to protect the environment and invest in risk
prevention and energy
• Nearly €2 billion to improve transport infrastructure, this
includes upgrading over 2 100km of roads
• €850 million for research and innovation


These are non refundable funds, meaning you don't need to pay them back.
lol, you think you join EU and they commit to an obligation to finance/feed you? Your worth is measured by the things that you do. EU can't come in and magically lift everyone salary to the point of Germany. Are you really this simple (simple being the nicer word)?

I understand the underlying tone of your post, but it is not Jewish bankers in London or Geneva business to feed Bulgarians. That falls squarely on the Bulgarian government.

In fact the whole thing. You will be working on the EU, but should feed yourselves.
This situation can be illustrated by an old parable about a donkey and the carrot.
They will continue to provide an environment in Bulgaria, Romania, the Baltic States and so on, to the local had to go to work in Western Europe.
And if you ask them - how can that be, why do not you build 1,000 fabrics and farms so that I can work at home and pay taxes, and all was well? And they will tell you - the more profitable to place factories and farms in Western Europe, as it is more cost-effective. And you tell them - but I do not even have enough for bread? And it's your problem, they will answer you, we have no relation with it.
In fact the whole thing. You will be working on the EU, but should feed yourselves.
This situation can be illustrated by an old parable about a donkey and the carrot.
They will continue to provide an environment in Bulgaria, Romania, the Baltic States and so on, to the local had to go to work in Western Europe.

I edited something more in my previous post, 7 bill.€ of non refundable funds for Bulgaria alone in the 2007-2013 period, for Romania it will be 39 bill.€ for 2014-2020 period, the Baltic states largely escaped recession and one of them even adopted the Euro recently.

The funds that EU grants Romania in the next programming period 2014-2020 amount to around EUR 39 Billion, EUR 21.8 Billion of which are funds generated by the cohesion policy.

EUR 21.8 Billion, cohesion funds for Romania in 2014-2020 : Railway Insider. Railway business intelligence source

And if you ask them - how can that be, why do not you build 1,000 fabrics and farms so that I can work at home and pay taxes, and all was well? And they will tell you - the more profitable to place factories and farms in Western Europe, as it is more cost-effective. And you tell them - but I do not even have enough for bread? And it's your problem, they will answer you, we have no relation with it.

Quoted for stupidity. You're so uneducated on the basics it's horrendous. I wish i could somehow show you how stupid you sound. It's mind boggling and disgusting. I think you're just a Russian(? ) hater, hating on and scared of the whole concept of unified Europe.
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