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You can be a Nationalist and a Socialist. Anyone who wants to preserve the distinct identity of his people and work for the benefit of his own country and kinsmen/countrymen is a Nationalist and a Socialist. To be a Nationalist doesn't mean that one should hate others and not form friendly relations with other nations.

I'm not addicted to the "Nazi" party, rather i am interested and inspired by their successes, of which one cannot find a comparison even to this day.

Obama doesn't openly declare his intentions as that would make it obvious.

I always find it quite funny and amusing that there are Pakistanis who seek 'inspiration' from nazis , the nazi would have put you in the oven for the darker ( or even paler ) colour of your skin , the curvature and shape of the nose or the roundness of your face

Since you are 'inspired' by their success, then be 'inspired' by their failure also which was equally incredible , the likes of which cannot be found till this day , the nazi leader committed suicide, the country was drawn and quartered, disbelief was the order of the day when berlin fell and till this day they hang their heads in shame , not necessarily for what the nazis did but for their eventual failure and defeat.

If the nazi ideology was truly superior and successful they should have won the war, no ifs and buts
Soviet sources state otherwise:

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime

So that means that out of 19,840,000, 12,840,000 died in the labor camps. This is Soviet source stating this.

And even if we exclude the Gulags victims, Stalin was still butchering his own people in peace time, let alone war time.

But you have to understand historical and political context , during the time when ten million number appeared it was period of de-Stalinization in USSR , massive purge of Stalinists by Khruschev , he needed this to crush any opposition to this policy.

After collapse of USSR state archives were open to the public and researchers , all researches put the death toll between 1,3 - 1,6 million people.

Vast majority???? Do you have a source?

Of the 3 million German troops in Soviet captivity, less then 1 million returned to Germany. And this was only the German troops, not including other Axis troops in Soviet captivity from Rumania, Hungary, and Italy.

Secondly, as the sources i posted state, Soviet POW casualties were as a direct result of Stalin's policy.

You have the mixed numbers , 2 million out of 3 million German POW returned alive.

German prisoners of war in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rüdiger Overmans, Soldaten hinter Stacheldraht. Deutsche Kriegsgefangene des Zweiten Weltkriege. Ullstein., 2000 Page 246

How their death was result of Stalin policy? Not giving rats *** about them is one thing but he did not killed these people , Hitler and Nazis did. You`re delusional if you think German leadership at the time cared and abided Geneva convention.
I always find it quite funny and amusing that there are Pakistanis who seek 'inspiration' from nazis , the nazi would have put you in the oven for the darker ( or even paler ) colour of your skin , the curvature and shape of the nose or the roundness of your face

Oh really? Okay, get ready to get embarrassed :

Here is what a famous Black (African American) Athlete had to say about the "evil" Nazi Germans:

"When I passed the Chancellor he arose, waved his hand at me, and I waved back at him. I think the writers showed bad taste in criticizing the man of the hour in Germany."-Jesse Owens
"When I came back to my native country, after all the stories about Hitler, I couldn't ride in the front of the bus," Owens said. "I had to go to the back door. I couldn't live where I wanted. I wasn't invited to shake hands with Hitler, but I wasn't invited to the White House to shake hands with the President, either."

Crowds of 110,000 cheered him in Berlin's glittering Olympic Stadium and his autograph or picture was sought as he walked the streets.


ESPN.com: Owens pierced a myth

Hitler 'shook hands' with black 1936 Olympic hero Jesse Owens | Mail Online

Forget Hitler - it was America that snubbed black Olympian Jesse Owens | Mail Online

Another Prominent African American leader, W.E.B. DuBois toured NS Germany during the late 1930's, after the Olympics, and this is what he had to say:

"The treatment of Negroes shows still no trace of hatred, and the attitude of the German press during the Olympic games was altogether thoroughly fair to the colored athletes (colored meaning non-White), indeed friendly"-W.E.B DuBois, in his tour of NS Germany,-Man Of Color Tours Nazi-Germany

Source: bookreader demo

Also, here are the accounts of a African-American fighter Pilot who was shot down over NS German occupied territory and thus taken POW by the Germans:

"I was treated better as a Nazi POW than i was back home in America", he wrote in his memoirs.

"I was treated as an officer and a gentleman. I didn't have any interaction with the Germans because that was the role of the highest ranking POW in the camp."

Colonel Jefferson said he was never beaten while a captive.

Source: Feature - Tuskegee Airman recalls time as POW

So, "genius", how come the "Nazis" didn't put these guys in ovens for being dark skinned?

Since you are 'inspired' by their success, then be 'inspired' by their failure also which was equally incredible , the likes of which cannot be found till this day , the nazi leader committed suicide, the country was drawn and quartered, disbelief was the order of the day when berlin fell and till this day they hang their heads in shame , not necessarily for what the nazis did but for their eventual failure and defeat.
These are the results of the War. Nothing to do with "Nazi" economic policies. Learn to differentiate between the two.

If the nazi ideology was truly superior and successful they should have won the war, no ifs and buts
This is a very absurd logic.

Just as Pakistan won 1971 war against india. Just as Pakistan liberated the rest of Kashmir.

Or how 5 Arabs countries can't even liberate Palestine, i'm guessing that means Palestinian/Arab cause is inferior?

One can say "if Pakistani stance on Kashmir was superior/truthful, than they should have been able to liberate Kashmir by now, NO IFS AND BUTS!", see how retarded that sounds?
Oh really? Okay, get ready to get embarrassed :

Here is what a famous Black (African American) Athlete had to say about the "evil" Nazi Germans:


ESPN.com: Owens pierced a myth

Hitler 'shook hands' with black 1936 Olympic hero Jesse Owens | Mail Online

Forget Hitler - it was America that snubbed black Olympian Jesse Owens | Mail Online

Another Prominent African American leader, W.E.B. DuBois toured NS Germany during the late 1930's, after the Olympics, and this is what he had to say:

Source: bookreader demo

Also, here are the accounts of a African-American fighter Pilot who was shot down over NS German occupied territory and thus taken POW by the Germans:

Source: Feature - Tuskegee Airman recalls time as POW

So, "genius", how come the "Nazis" didn't put these guys in ovens for being dark skinned?

These are the results of the War. Nothing to do with "Nazi" economic policies. Learn to differentiate between the two.

This is a very absurd logic.

Just as Pakistan won 1971 war against india. Just as Pakistan liberated the rest of Kashmir.

Or how 5 Arabs countries can't even liberate Palestine, i'm guessing that means Palestinian/Arab cause is inferior?

One can say "if Pakistani stance on Kashmir was superior/truthful, than they should have been able to liberate Kashmir by now, NO IFS AND BUTS!", see how retarded that sounds?

LOL ... you really think the nazis would have taken jesse owens to the ovens out in the open, they had to do their own propaganda of course, there weren’t too man black people in Germany to start with so there wasn’t wide speared extermination required. Black people are there in America due to slavery, I don’t have to elaborate on this so America discriminated and still discriminates against blacks much more.

No matter how you try to twist it, in the end Nazi Germany is not a success story
they made progress in science and technology , that’s true even American’s stole technology from them however they made a lot of technology just for a making war on others , so making war was part of their ideology and in the end it’s a story of failure ... it’s an epic fail when the commander in chief shoots himself in disbelief

Finally you cannot make comparison between Pakistan's stance on Kashmir, our wars or for that matter the Palestinian right to their lands to nazis

The difference is very clear, we are still here for all to see our struggle is in the open , the nazis are long gone , then ones left are to ashamed to show their face in the open , if they were that much successful why are they no longer around for all to see , why don’t they show to the world how successful they were and can be once more ?
LOL ... you really think the nazis would have taken jesse owens to the ovens out in the open, they had to do their own propaganda of course, there weren’t too man black people in Germany to start with so there wasn’t wide speared extermination required. Black people are there in America due to slavery, I don’t have to elaborate on this so America discriminated and still discriminates against blacks much more.

No matter how you try to twist it, in the end Nazi Germany is not a success story
they made progress in science and technology , that’s true even American’s stole technology from them however they made a lot of technology just for a making war on others , so making war was part of their ideology and in the end it’s a story of failure ... it’s an epic fail when the commander in chief shoots himself in disbelief

Finally you cannot make comparison between Pakistan's stance on Kashmir, our wars or for that matter the Palestinian right to their lands to nazis

The difference is very clear, we are still here for all to see our struggle is in the open , the nazis are long gone , then ones left are to ashamed to show their face in the open , if they were that much successful why are they no longer around for all to see , why don’t they show to the world how successful they were and can be once more ?

LOL, failed argument, not even worth replying.

The fact that the evil "Nazis" did put Black African American POW's in ovens rebuffs your entire rant.

Now if you want to keep blabbering on then be my guest, but i will ignore you as you seem not worthy of my time.

Finally you cannot make comparison between Pakistan's stance on Kashmir, our wars or for that matter the Palestinian right to their lands to nazis

I said NO IFS AND BUTS. Practice what you preach.

Why did Pakistan lose 1971 war? Your answer (by your absurd logic): Because Pakistani cause is inferior and indian cause is superior.

Why can't/hasn't Pakistan liberated Kashmir? Your answer (according to your absurd logic): Because Pakistani cause is inferior and indian cause is superior.

Why did Arabs lose Palestine and Holy land to European Jews? Your Answer (according to your absurd logic): Because Arab cause is inferior and European Jewish/Zionist cause is superior.

This is your logic LOL. Do you like your absurd logic??
LOL, failed argument, not even worth replying.

The fact that the evil "Nazis" did put Black African American POW's in ovens rebuffs your entire rant.

Now if you want to keep blabbering on then be my guest, but i will ignore you as you seem not worthy of my time.

I said NO IFS AND BUTS. Practice what you preach.

Why did Pakistan lose 1971 war? Your answer (by your absurd logic): Because Pakistani cause is inferior and indian cause is superior.

Why can't/hasn't Pakistan liberated Kashmir? Your answer (according to your absurd logic): Because Pakistani cause is inferior and indian cause is superior.

Why did Arabs lose Palestine and Holy land to European Jews? Your Answer (according to your absurd logic): Because Arab cause is inferior and European Jewish/Zionist cause is superior.

This is your logic LOL. Do you like your absurd logic??

It’s not that the argument put across is not 'worth replying’, its simply that you can't find any reply
The Nazi commander in chief shot himself, he was the furor , the main architect of the 'success' , he was "the one" then why did he blow out his own ******* brains ? I hope you don’t plan on doing the same :lol:
If you really are interested in only 'economics' of the Nazis , they why parade around a name like Desert Fox ?
little boy, I know some kids read up rubbish on the net and see a few movies and get 'inspired' by a vile ideology without fully understanding how ugly , useless and utterly failed that ideology is. Yes the Jews milk the killings done during WW2 and play the victim to get political mileage but that doesn’t not mean all was good with the Nazis
Funny isn’t it that the ideology in question is rejected by those who once followed it but still revered by those who were never part of it ?!
It’s not that the argument put across is not 'worth replying’, its simply that you can't find any reply
The Nazi commander in chief shot himself, he was the furor , the main architect of the 'success' , he was "the one" then why did he blow out his own ******* brains ? I hope you don’t plan on doing the same :lol:
If you really are interested in only 'economics' of the Nazis , they why parade around a name like Desert Fox ?
little boy, I know some kids read up rubbish on the net and see a few movies and get 'inspired' by a vile ideology without fully understanding how ugly , useless and utterly failed that ideology is. Yes the Jews milk the killings done during WW2 and play the victim to get political mileage but that doesn’t not mean all was good with the Nazis
Funny isn’t it that the ideology in question is rejected by those who once followed it but still revered by those who were never part of it ?!

Hey, whatever makes you sleep at night. :coffee:

You can be a Nationalist and a Socialist. Anyone who wants to preserve the distinct identity of his people and work for the benefit of his own country and kinsmen/countrymen is a Nationalist and a Socialist. To be a Nationalist doesn't mean that one should hate others and not form friendly relations with other nations.

I'm not addicted to the "Nazi" party, rather i am interested and inspired by their successes, of which one cannot find a comparison even to this day.

USSR under Stalin were much more successfull, then Germany under Hitler.

Obama doesn't openly declare his intentions as that would make it obvious.
the fact that he is a liberal - can be seen without an application. He supports corporations, gay rights, private property, and other things that are not compatible with Marxism.
USSR under Stalin were much more successfull, then Germany under Hitler.

I beg to differ.

In fact, there is no comparison between USSR under Stalin and Germany under Hitler.

Stalin feared his own people. Hitler did not fear his own people, which is why "Nazis" did not ban guns/firearms.

Hitler's Germany as well as Germany a few years before Hitler was way ahead of the world in technology, education, and science.

Where do you think the m modern electrical Microscope came from? Germany!

What about the German V-1, the first jet cruise missile?

Where do you think the Ballistic Missile came from? Hitler's Germany!

The First Guided Munition (the Fritz-X) was developed in Hitler's Germany.

The first night vision/infra red device was developed in Hitler's Germany and used by the German army.

The the German computers (the Z-1, Z-3, Z-4), very advanced and one of the first of its kind in the world.

The first operational advanced Jet fighters were German.

German U-Boat submarines possessed technology way ahead of their time. USSR copied German U-Boat technology.

Did USSR posses any such technology when EVEN THE AMERICAN'S AND THE BRITISH DIDN'T?? I doubt it.

the fact that he is a liberal - can be seen without an application. He supports corporations, gay rights, private property, and other things that are not compatible with Marxism.

He believes in "distributing wealth" and taxes the middle class to almost extinction.
I beg to differ.

In fact, there is no comparison between USSR under Stalin and Germany under Hitler.

Stalin feared his own people. Hitler did not fear his own people, which is why "Nazis" did not ban guns/firearms.

Hitler's Germany as well as Germany a few years before Hitler was way ahead of the world in technology, education, and science.

Where do you think the m modern electrical Microscope came from? Germany!

What about the German V-1, the first jet cruise missile?

Where do you think the Ballistic Missile came from? Hitler's Germany!

The First Guided Munition (the Fritz-X) was developed in Hitler's Germany.

The first night vision/infra red device was developed in Hitler's Germany and used by the German army.

The the German computers (the Z-1, Z-3, Z-4), very advanced and one of the first of its kind in the world.

The first operational advanced Jet fighters were German.

German U-Boat submarines possessed technology way ahead of their time. USSR copied German U-Boat technology.

Did USSR posses any such technology when EVEN THE AMERICAN'S AND THE BRITISH DIDN'T?? I doubt it.

He believes in "distributing wealth" and taxes the middle class to almost extinction.

in 1950-60s germany was in ruins while the USSR became the second nuclear power
in 1950-60s germany was in ruins while the USSR became the second nuclear power

Yeah. My comparison was Germany under Hitler vs. USSR under Stalin.

Of course USSR advanced in technology after it got its hands on German technological blue prints and know how, same with the USA.
I beg to differ.

In fact, there is no comparison between USSR under Stalin and Germany under Hitler.

Stalin feared his own people. Hitler did not fear his own people, which is why "Nazis" did not ban guns/firearms.

Hitler's Germany as well as Germany a few years before Hitler was way ahead of the world in technology, education, and science.

Where do you think the m modern electrical Microscope came from? Germany!

What about the German V-1, the first jet cruise missile?

Where do you think the Ballistic Missile came from? Hitler's Germany!

The First Guided Munition (the Fritz-X) was developed in Hitler's Germany.

The first night vision/infra red device was developed in Hitler's Germany and used by the German army.

The the German computers (the Z-1, Z-3, Z-4), very advanced and one of the first of its kind in the world.

The first operational advanced Jet fighters were German.

German U-Boat submarines possessed technology way ahead of their time. USSR copied German U-Boat technology.

Did USSR posses any such technology when EVEN THE AMERICAN'S AND THE BRITISH DIDN'T?? I doubt it.

He believes in "distributing wealth" and taxes the middle class to almost extinction.
Yes, Stalin was not afraid by anybody, he was loved, even worshiped.
And to achieve? Translate that Internet link - the memories of one Russian scientist about his youth.
Hydrogen Bomb - Russian made ​​her first.
Stalin built more than 8,000 giant enterprises. Each year, from 1946 to 1953 (when Stalin killed) commodity prices fall by 20%. This anywhere else and have never been and never will.
Read this article - translate it by google. memories of a scientist - there is a comparative analysis of life Soviet citizens under Stalin and beyond.
Вспоминая СССÐ* - Сделано у нас
Yes, Stalin was not afraid by anybody, he was loved, even worshiped.
And to achieve? Translate that Internet link - the memories of one Russian scientist about his youth.
Hydrogen Bomb - Russian made ​​her first.
Stalin built more than 8,000 giant enterprises. Each year, from 1946 to 1953 (when Stalin killed) commodity prices fall by 20%. This anywhere else and have never been and never will.
Read this article - translate it by google. memories of a scientist - there is a comparative analysis of life Soviet citizens under Stalin and beyond.
Вспоминая СССÐ* - Сделано у нас

Well, it is a biased viewpoint IMHO.

I can't consider a Soviet's positive view of Stalin as a reliable view or a view shared by all Soviet citizens since it is clouded with bias.

Secondly, from what i have read about the Soviet Union under Stalin, thing's weren't really that advanced, especially when one looks at the workers housing apartments which were made of cheap low quality material.

Now, from a Muslims point of view, worshiping a human being is a grave sin, in fact ascribing any partners to God is considered the worst sin. God alone is worthy of worship, God is eternal, man is a mortal. Stalin is gone, so is his empire, but God is still here and will always be here after we've all become dust.
Well, it is a biased viewpoint IMHO.

I can't consider a Soviet's positive view of Stalin as a reliable view or a view shared by all Soviet citizens since it is clouded with bias.

Secondly, from what i have read about the Soviet Union under Stalin, thing's weren't really that advanced, especially when one looks at the workers housing apartments which were made of cheap low quality material.

Now, from a Muslims point of view, worshiping a human being is a grave sin, in fact ascribing any partners to God is considered the worst sin. God alone is worthy of worship, God is eternal, man is a mortal. Stalin is gone, so is his empire, but God is still here and will always be here after we've all become dust.
This is not only his opinion. The same stories my father and grandfother told. After Stalin death (murder) all began to shrinking.
You know, for what ordinary people loved Stalin most? For the fact is that all the officials were subject to the law. Corruption is almost not there. It was a unique event in human history.
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