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BRICS nations come out in defence of Putin

If Abbott really has the nerve to ban Russia, I hope BRICS boycotts the summit. Other there would be no point to the conference; no agreements or progress can made if the relevant players are unable to participate.

They can support the Nazi and Japanese Right-Wing if it does suit their agenda.

As long as these right-wing nuts don't bite them, they will keep supporting it against their main geopolitical enemies.
@senheiser & @Chinese-Dragon,

Well, from a neutral point of view, I would like to point out some things below. Claiming, conquering, invasion, win, defeat, politics is a part of this world from ancient times. But have you thought how would you take action against your adversaries by putting yourself in "US shoes"? I think I have thought of something which you think about. I posted about it in another thread, but no one replied. I read that article in Forbes Magazine.

See, US or EU, both do not have appetite for a direct confrontation as they are exhausted from last two wars, down with economic stalemate. Now what would you do if you are them?

1. Suddenly you will find Taliban has become close to US again and thereby with Chechens, Uighur, you know what I mean!!

2. Develop new kind of nuclear weapons and defenses which will also be followed by you(spending money).

3. Try to take away Syria (this time they will be involved directly, I am sure) and after that Iran to isolate you.

4. Try to foster difference between you two (They have got huge propaganda machine which cannot be matched by none).

5. Will develop new submarines, missiles, planes etc., increase research in defense R&D thereby causing you to increase the same and then wear you down (Precisely what they did in SDI when the USSR failed)

I will point out more when I think of more points. But Beware!!
@senheiser & @Chinese-Dragon,

Well, from a neutral point of view, I would like to point out some things below. Claiming, conquering, invasion, win, defeat, politics is a part of this world from ancient times. But have you thought how would you take action against your adversaries by putting yourself in "US shoes"? I think I have thought of something which you think about. I posted about it in another thread, but no one replied. I read that article in Forbes Magazine.

See, US or EU, both do not have appetite for a direct confrontation as they are exhausted from last two wars, down with economic stalemate. Now what would you do if you are them?

1. Suddenly you will find Taliban has become close to US again and thereby with Chechens, Uighur, you know what I mean!!

2. Develop new kind of nuclear weapons and defenses which will also be followed by you(spending money).

3. Try to take away Syria (this time they will be involved directly, I am sure) and after that Iran to isolate you.

4. Try to foster difference between you two (They have got huge propaganda machine which cannot be matched by none).

5. Will develop new submarines, missiles, planes etc., increase research in defense R&D thereby causing you to increase the same and then wear you down (Precisely what they did in SDI when the USSR failed)

I will point out more when I think of more points. But Beware!!

Exactly. :tup:

America lost the appetite for direct war with China ever since the debacle of the Korean War. And America has never been interested in a direct fight with Russia, because Russia has the capability to destroy them utterly.

Instead they have become the masters of proxy warfare.

America's main goal is to maintain their position as the sole superpower, as the sole global hegemon. Rising powers are a threat to their main goal, and they have targeted Russia and China in particular as threats to their hegemony.

They will use all the means at their disposal to weaken us, and they have a lot of means at their disposal.

We lack the ability to hit them back equally with proxy warfare, their advantage in this field is overwhelming. Thus, the best path for us is to continue developing, and maintain internal stability at all costs.

For now, we are relegated to a defensive role, Russia's actions in Crimea for example were a defensive strike against the Western interests trying to meddle in their backyard. Maybe one day soon, as China and Russia increase in power, we may be able to fight them back using their own methods, and put them on the back foot for a change.
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@senheiser & @Chinese-Dragon,

Well, from a neutral point of view, I would like to point out some things below. Claiming, conquering, invasion, win, defeat, politics is a part of this world from ancient times. But have you thought how would you take action against your adversaries by putting yourself in "US shoes"? I think I have thought of something which you think about. I posted about it in another thread, but no one replied. I read that article in Forbes Magazine.

See, US or EU, both do not have appetite for a direct confrontation as they are exhausted from last two wars, down with economic stalemate. Now what would you do if you are them?

1. Suddenly you will find Taliban has become close to US again and thereby with Chechens, Uighur, you know what I mean!!

2. Develop new kind of nuclear weapons and defenses which will also be followed by you(spending money).

3. Try to take away Syria (this time they will be involved directly, I am sure) and after that Iran to isolate you.

4. Try to foster difference between you two (They have got huge propaganda machine which cannot be matched by none).

5. Will develop new submarines, missiles, planes etc., increase research in defense R&D thereby causing you to increase the same and then wear you down (Precisely what they did in SDI when the USSR failed)

I will point out more when I think of more points. But Beware!!
Sir, would'nt the cash strapped Americans need enough or more money to go about doing the above? Although one should agree that they are not going to give up without a fight.
Sir, would'nt the cash strapped Americans need enough or more money to go about doing the above? Although one should agree that they are not going to give up without a fight.
Yes, right now they do not have enough. But watch out, after some time when this will settle down, at least they will announce starting some new weapons development (part of media propaganda to unnerve adversaries). But first I am very much suspicious about their getting close to Taliban again after Afghan withdrawal!! And US does not forget easily nor do they have any permanent friends or enemies!!
Looks like there is very little BRICS support in the UN General Assembly.
100 voting against Russia
58 abstainees.
11 voting for Russia, none of them BRICS (except Russia of course)

Abstain is as good as disagreeing with the resolution.

So much for the 'isolation' of Russia :lol:
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