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O Level (and A Level) education system to be eliminated from Pakistan: Report

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In short
Matric = Bad
Cambridge = good
Public Schools = bad
Private schools = bad
Guys I don’t know and don’t understand Pakistani education system nor his problems

But if I could give my humble and modest opinion is that whatever system we had, or have, or want to have, the main goal of each system is to prepare children to get knowledge and.., what I consider the most important to give them the ability to understand any problems in any specific or general field and to find solutions by being able to think rationally and of course out of the box.

And with CPEC, and our will to develop our country we need to develop many many skills.

Can someone enlighten me about this please ? is is our system able to produce such skilled workforce? If not is there any plan to introduce methodology which could help to get the wanted results?
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GCE system for sure, has been cranking many libtards in Pakistan in recent times. Sacking it was inevitable.
But still the idea of implementing single education system in the whole country could be tricky. Let us hope the intention are good and bear good results.
Why? Care to elaborate? The same education system which has cheated students, forced rote learning pointless stuff, demanded their text books definitions be used, full of corruption and lack of transparency?

No thank you. And even if it is improved, suddenly, to the level of Cambridge system (lets be real, it ain't happening for another decade in corruption culture of Pakistan), still why do you want to remove competition or narrow all education to one educational system allowing for Political bias and political manipulation to easily reach and influence masses, and to remove competition and so hence the need to improve. Lack of diversification will also narrow prospects for students around the world. Germany for example has issues with Inter and metric system, they bring greater demands on students from the system than with Cambridge.
Make it better but make it uniform.
ISLAMABAD - Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training, Shafqat Mahmood, on Wednesday, announced plans to eliminate O-level (Ordinary level) and A-Level (Advanced level) education from the schools countrywide to implement a uniform curriculum in the system.

He said this during his remarks to the National Assembly Standing Committee on education with regard to his ministry’s functions and future plans while asserting it would, however, be abolished at the next stage as they were coping with more pressing challenges at present.

“As current education system has many other flaws, those direly needed to be mended due to which said the plan would be practised on next level but it will be done ultimately,” he added.

Mahmood lamented that presently, three different kinds of education were being tendered in the country.

“Providing education in our public sector institutions, in elite private schools and in madrassas, three are totally different from each other,” he recalled.

The minister said a technical committee had been formulated to look into this matter, which would consult all stakeholders to make a comprehensive and final decision. He maintained a compatible curriculum would soon be introduced as the ministry was working on it.

Highlighting the other overwhelming challenges in the education system , Minister Mehmood said that figures compiled by international agencies point to over 24 million out-of-school children in Pakistan. Bringing all of them into schools was the biggest task, he added.

The minister recalled, “For this purpose, we launched prime minster vision from here in Islamabad under which 11000 children out of school children are identified so far.”



Logic of Pakistan, if you can't compete, eliminate.
Issue with a system providing quality education where fair scoring, ultimate accountability are appreciated, and a system which is clean. Amazing.
This is new Pakistan, this is social development of PTI, very sad idea. While other countries welcome diversification of educational systems to improve job and career opportunities for their students around the world, these people are restricting it.

No issues with Madrassa's, No issue with corruption and unfair scoring in Inter and metric, with the rote learning of every single syllable; but issue with quality educational system. Naya Pakistan!
Pathetic move
Why are they eliminating this quality education, no logic. Let them people decide which education they want. You can't enforce education & own thoughts . This is not healthy.

No plans to end O-Level, A-Level, says education minister



Federal Minister for Education Shafqat Mahmood said Thursday there were no plans to end the O-Level (Ordinary level) and A-Level (Advanced level) education from the schools nationwide as part of the government’s bid to enforce a uniform curriculum in the system.

“No plan to finish O-Level or A-Level,” the education minister tweeted. “What I said that once we have been able to create a consensus on a single national curriculum, we would be in a position to consider a single national certification. May take a decade.”

Shafqat Mahmood@Shafqat_Mahmood

This is complete misreporting. No plan to finish O level or A level. What I said that once we have been able to create a consensus on a single national curriculum, we would be in a position to consider a single national certification. May take a decade

Daily Times


Shafqat Mahmood announced plans to eliminate O-level (Ordinary level) and A-Level (Advanced level) education from the schools countrywide to implement a uniform curriculum in the system.#konhaiyea #ShafqatMahmood https://dailytimes.com.pk/367823/education-minister-puts-finger-on-trigger-against-o-a-level-education/ …

22:30 - 21 Mar 2019
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Mahmood said his remarks during a briefing to the National Assembly Standing Committee on Education were misreported by a local media report.

The report claimed that the government planned to eliminate O-Level (Ordinary level) and A-Level (Advanced Level) education from the schools countrywide to implement a uniform curriculum in the system.

O-Level and A-Level is a subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education. They were introduced as part of British educational reform in the United Kingdom.

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