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O Level (and A Level) education system to be eliminated from Pakistan: Report

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Dude you nailed it :tup:
First of all this is simply not going to happen as the major institutes like beacon house,roots and city schools are too strong and influential.
Secondly as you said they only have the right to enforce such a decision if the pakistani education system should be on the level of O and A levels.And likewise should be accepted on a global level to gain admission in foreign universities.Currently pakistani FSC is not sufficient to directly gain admissions in unis abroad and does not get a global recognition like O and A levels.
Also local educations does not support a concept based learning like O and A levels and by no means the local qualifications should be considered as equivalent.Hence if they implement this decision means those who are seeking and can afford a quality global education will no longer be able to access it.

Beaconhouse, Roots and city schools are the problem. They have created an elitist environment where only a handful have access to. This needs to change. These schools are not above the law.

The government will decide the educational curriculum and agenda. Not a few rich elitists.
This African leader proving he does not colonial mindset by wearing this garb but his country is bankrupt, his people are drowning crossing the Mediteraen in boats, but his full of pride. By wearing clothes that say 'I ain't no colonial'.


This is the Chinese Premier showing how is slave of the West and displaying naked colonial mindset by wearing western clothing. But his economy is scaring the west and his country is on the way to hyperpower.

Beacon house, Roots and city schools are the problem. They have created an elitist environment where ony a handful have access to. This needs to change. These schools are not above the law.
And i am sure you did not carefully read my post.
We are a free market capitalist economy and those who have the resources have the right to spend it the way they want.We cannot stop with resources to educate their children in elite schools.Their money their will.
Even countries with excellent education systems have foreign education parallels like O and A levels and yet they did not abolish those foreign qualifications in their country.And here we are a substandard education system going to abolish excellent global qualification.
Wrong analysis. Private schools will exist and continue to exist even if there is one educational system. You cannot eliminate differences between elite and non elite, you need a communist regime and socialist ideas, which have failed.

And there is everything wrong with Government having control of it. You allow education to be used as a political tool. It should remain impartial and independent.

Private schools will exist under the new rules of the government.

Education is already controlled by elitists and foreign funded NGOs in Pakistan. The rightful owner of tghe education system is the government of Pakistan, not elitists in three piece suits and foreign NGOs.

I also live and enjoyed seduction in a Western country. There are no private schools here. The government controls the education system and it runs fantastically.

Of course there is a lot of cooperation between schools, universities and the corporate world, but the government controls the curriculum for schools.
Beacon house, Roots and city schools are the problem. They have created an elitist environment where ony a handful have access to. This needs to change. These schools are not above the law.

Again wrong analysis. In Britain, majority follow Cambridge system, yet private and public schools exist: and the difference between elitist and common public culture is strongest there.

Oh, and City School, Beacon, Lyceum, Nixor and so on, are not icons of elitism. Many middle families send their children to these school, I know many people from poor background who come here, many, the elitists are not its majority, you are welcome to visit. If anything KGS is known for being burger-type, not even elite; Lyceum is known for being one of the best in education, not elite, etc.

Next argument.

Private schools will exist under the new rules of the government.

Education is already controlled by elitists and foreig funded NGOs in Pakistan. The rightful owner is the government of Pakistan, not elitists in three piece suits and foreign NGOs.

What is the Government going to do, enforce uniforms too? Because behavior and dresses enforces visible culture. In such case, welcome to Communism, might as well replace the star and crescent with a sickle and a hammer.

You also forget that these Cambridge and other International Systems are everywhere. They are there, due to their transparency and content, and they are successful not due to foreign funding but due to their reputation in the world among Universities and Students, and their syllabuses around the world are uniformed.
Their is room for in Pakistan for both Private and Public School

a) Private (A ,O levels ) designations
b) Public

I suppose the real statement is the quality of Public schools will be raised to give a universal schooling benefit across the nation

Public school levels can be raised no doubt 1000%

The classification of A or O levels is to merely give smarter students chance to work with bigger problems which O levels is general universal level.

Now in Pakistan's Public schools perhaps we need a new refreshing of Mindset so higher quality comes out
And by ur defination Japan is an economic powerhouse, do u consider them free?
Yes. When I see migrant Japanese being raped by Greek border guards while desperatly trying to make it to the west, when I see illegal 20 year old Japanese in UK getting married to some 50 year old, drug addled white slapper so he can get British passport, when I see Japanese PM licking Saudi crown prince balls for few dollars, when I see Japanese passport having the same value as toilet tissue, correction even lower because toilet tissue still has some value then I will say -

"Japanese are slaves"
First bring up matric/inter to standard of O and A Levels before eliminating it.

Also quite rich of some posters to label all people doing O/A Levels as elite class, which is certainly not true. Majority of the students are more middle class. Seems like these posters have some sort of inferiority complex.
Again wrong analysis. In Britain, majority follow Cambridge system, yet private and public schools exist: and the difference between elitist and common public culture is strongest there.

Oh, and City School, Beacon, Lyceum, Nixor and so on, are not icons of elitism. Many middle families send their children to these school, I know many people from poor background who come here, many, the elitists are not its majority, you are welcome to visit. If anything KGS is known for being burger-type, not even elite; Lyceum is known for being one of the best in education, not elite, etc.

Next argument.

What is the Government going to do, enforce uniforms too? Because behavior and dresses enforces visible culture. In such case, welcome to Communism, might as well replace the star and crescent with a sickle and a hammer.

That is Britain and just one example. We are not the Brits. We are Pakistanis. We have our own identity. What works for the Brits doesn't by default work for us.

Elitism doesn't work for Pakistan. It may work in Britain, but it doesn't work in Pakistan. It has failed generations upon generations. We need a thorough change in our education system.

Feel free to argue what kind of a change this should be, but don't tell me that change is not required. Change is need of the hour.
I also live and enjoyed seduction in a Western country. There are no private schools here. The government controls the education system and it runs fantastically.

Of course there is a lot of cooperation between schools, universities and the corporate world, but the government controls the curriculum for schools.

Good, but I bet that country doesn't prevent Cambridge system from being used. No one wants to follow foreign system, they are forced. Elimination is not a solution.
Good, but I bet that country doesn't prevent Cambridge system from being used. No one wants to follow foreign system, they are forced. Elimination is not a solution.

No, it doesn't prevent, but the government regulates from the top. It controls the educations system. Not NGOs nor elitists.

Let's get one thing straight. It is high time that we spoke about the rotten education system in Pakistan. The public education system in Pakistan has been neglected to the point where teachers don't feel obliged to come to schools and just earn money by sitting at home.

What did Zardari, Nawaz Sharif and others before them do for education in Pakistan? Nothing.

Finally we have leadership that is bringing this extremely important agenda to the forefront. We need to sit and talk. We need to think very hard because this is the future we are talking about.
That is Britain and just one example. We are not the Brits. We are Pakistanis. We have our own identity. What works for the Brits doesn't by default work for us.

Elitism doesn't work for Pakistan. It may work in Britain, but it doesn't work in Pakistan. It has failed generations upon generations. We need a thorough change in our education system.

Feel free to argue what kind of a change this should be, but don't tell me that change is not required. Change is need of the hour.

I was arguing the example that rich cultures and poor cultures will never be the same, they will always be different, putting Education and private schools under Government wont change that unless you literally become a communist regime.
A/O levels is a Methodology of learning, it does not makes you into a British person

The books and curricula you follow is based on certain level of difficulty which is acceptable range for a student's personal development , mentally and intellectually

If Public schools Methodology and Books are updated with better trained teachers I am sure the Public schools will also yield great quality

For Public Schools we need

a) Computer Labs from Grade 1
b) High quality books based on best books from around the globe
c) More field Trips for Students
d) Sports Gym in every school and sports program for athletics
e) Establishment of Libraries
f) Cultural Change to force students to clean their own classrooms
g) Science Labs from Grade 3​

  • And lets remove the Murga Culture and Physical punishment

From grade 1 to 10 the student is a white board , what pen you use to write on board is up to us.

a) We could have O/A levels (British System)
b) We could have Chinese grade 1-10 standard or approaches
c) We could have Swedish System for education
d) We could experiment with Japanese education model
e) We could experiment with Turkish education model

The Education system just ensure , as a student you are challenged with proper educational books , you have good understanding of various subjects.
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No, it doesn't not prevent, but the government regulates from the top. It controls the educations system. Not NGO's nor elitists.

It's good to review, but Cambridge decides content of syllabus, not that Government. And that Government suceedded because their education system is on par or better, and people always prefer national systems.
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