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O Level (and A Level) education system to be eliminated from Pakistan: Report

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ISLAMABAD - Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training, Shafqat Mahmood, on Wednesday, announced plans to eliminate O-level (Ordinary level) and A-Level (Advanced level) education from the schools countrywide to implement a uniform curriculum in the system.

He said this during his remarks to the National Assembly Standing Committee on education with regard to his ministry’s functions and future plans while asserting it would, however, be abolished at the next stage as they were coping with more pressing challenges at present.

“As current education system has many other flaws, those direly needed to be mended due to which said the plan would be practised on next level but it will be done ultimately,” he added.

Mahmood lamented that presently, three different kinds of education were being tendered in the country.

“Providing education in our public sector institutions, in elite private schools and in madrassas, three are totally different from each other,” he recalled.

The minister said a technical committee had been formulated to look into this matter, which would consult all stakeholders to make a comprehensive and final decision. He maintained a compatible curriculum would soon be introduced as the ministry was working on it.

Highlighting the other overwhelming challenges in the education system , Minister Mehmood said that figures compiled by international agencies point to over 24 million out-of-school children in Pakistan. Bringing all of them into schools was the biggest task, he added.

The minister recalled, “For this purpose, we launched prime minster vision from here in Islamabad under which 11000 children out of school children are identified so far.”



Logic of Pakistan, if you can't compete, eliminate.
Issue with a system providing quality education where fair scoring, ultimate accountability are appreciated, and a system which is clean. Amazing.
This is new Pakistan, this is social development of PTI, very sad idea. While other countries welcome diversification of educational systems to improve job and career opportunities for their students around the world, these people are restricting it.

No issues with Madrassa's, No issue with corruption and unfair scoring in Inter and metric, with the rote learning of every single syllable; but issue with quality educational system. Naya Pakistan!
That would not b possible in near future. Imo, stakeholders who are main beneficiaries of Cambridge system are members of PTI itself so nothing is gonna happen. Khursheed qusoori etc....
I know how GCE curriculum is smartly used to form pro west and anti Pakistan narrative. Even the exams ask questions that shape foriegn narrative. Roots for instsnce takes foriegn donations and then promotes thete agenda,i still remeber how Malalas potrait was hanged right in lobby and the potrait of Quaid in the basement.

I have done GCE and find them leveled, balanced except in very few exceptional cases. Next argument. Go.
ISLAMABAD - Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training, Shafqat Mahmood, on Wednesday, announced plans to eliminate O-level (Ordinary level) and A-Level (Advanced level) education from the schools countrywide to implement a uniform curriculum in the system.

He said this during his remarks to the National Assembly Standing Committee on education with regard to his ministry’s functions and future plans while asserting it would, however, be abolished at the next stage as they were coping with more pressing challenges at present.

“As current education system has many other flaws, those direly needed to be mended due to which said the plan would be practised on next level but it will be done ultimately,” he added.

Mahmood lamented that presently, three different kinds of education were being tendered in the country.

“Providing education in our public sector institutions, in elite private schools and in madrassas, three are totally different from each other,” he recalled.

The minister said a technical committee had been formulated to look into this matter, which would consult all stakeholders to make a comprehensive and final decision. He maintained a compatible curriculum would soon be introduced as the ministry was working on it.

Highlighting the other overwhelming challenges in the education system , Minister Mehmood said that figures compiled by international agencies point to over 24 million out-of-school children in Pakistan. Bringing all of them into schools was the biggest task, he added.

The minister recalled, “For this purpose, we launched prime minster vision from here in Islamabad under which 11000 children out of school children are identified so far.”



Logic of Pakistan, if you can't compete, eliminate.
Issue with a system providing quality education where fair scoring, ultimate accountability are appreciated, and a system which is clean. Amazing.
This is new Pakistan, this is social development of PTI, very sad idea. While other countries welcome diversification of educational systems to improve job and career opportunities for their students around the world, these people are restricting it.

No issues with Madrassa's, No issue with corruption and unfair scoring in Inter and metric, with the rote learning of every single syllable; but issue with quality educational system. Naya Pakistan!
Nyc Joke. They are gonna take U Turn again
Bad, bad, bad news. The insurance industries remedy to unfairness comes to mind. In UK females used to get lower quotes on their car insurance premiums. So because some guys took this case of dual and blatant unfairness up the insurance companies, who obliged by leveling the playing field ~ by merely increasing the female premiums to male levels. The hope that it might bring male premiums down to female rates never happened.

So it is here. Get rid of A/O levels. Fine. That will not increase the standard of the mainstream. It will merely decrease of the better performers down. Mediocrity will win.

We all can be crap then ...
I also did A Levels and so did my friends, I say they are not cancerous to society. There, your argument summed up in my words.

Refer to my answer above for cons, in the case even if the national system is brought on par.
We need to rewamp our own educational system not rely on foreign curriculum, finally someone has taken the initiative......do u think rhey will just remove O levels? They plan to introduce a new system and that means the current matric and fsc sysyem will also be abolished. A nation that doesnt even have its own educational syllabus is not an independant nation in my book. Get out of this colonialism, pronto.
Bad, bad, bad news. The insurance industries remedy to unfairness comes to mind. In UK females used to get lower quotes on their car insurance premiums. So because some guys took this case of dual and blatant unfairness up the insurance companies, who obliged by leveling the playing field ~ by merely increasing the female premiums to male levels. The hope that it might bring male premiums down to female rates never happened.

So it is here. Get rid of A/O levels. Fine. That will not increase the standard of the mainstream. It will merely bring the decrease of the better performers down. Mediocrity will win.

It's the Pakistani way. We think competition is bad, which it is, but our way of dealing with is not to become better than it, but to eliminate it. Just see comments of people on the forum page showing a news report on foreign airlines restarting operations in Pakistan.
Logic of Pakistan, if you can't compete, eliminate.
Issue with a system providing quality education where fair scoring, ultimate accountability are appreciated, and a system which is clean. Amazing.
This is new Pakistan, this is social development of PTI, very sad idea. While other countries welcome diversification of educational systems to improve job and career opportunities for their students around the world, these people are restricting it.

No issues with Madrassa's, No issue with corruption and unfair scoring in Inter and metric, with the rote learning of every single syllable; but issue with quality educational system. Naya Pakistan!
Dude you nailed it :tup:
First of all this is simply not going to happen as the major institutes like beacon house,roots and city schools are too strong and influential.
Secondly as you said they only have the right to enforce such a decision if the pakistani education system should be on the level of O and A levels.And likewise should be accepted on a global level to gain admission in foreign universities.Currently pakistani FSC is not sufficient to directly gain admissions in unis abroad and does not get a global recognition like O and A levels.
Also local educations does not support a concept based learning like O and A levels and by no means the local qualifications should be considered as equivalent.Hence if they implement this decision means those who are seeking and can afford a quality global education will no longer be able to access it.
We need to rewamp our own educational system not rely on foreign curriculum, finally someone has taken the initiative......do u think rhey will just remove O levels? They plan to introduce a new system and that means the current matric and fsc sysyem will also be abolished. A nation that doesnt even have its own educational syllabus is not an independant nation in my book. Get out of this colonialism, pronto.

You ignored my above answer so I am reiterating it below. But, for me it is scary they even mention such a thing before even beginning overhaul or any positive break through, the statement should have been, "We are overhauling the national education system", but to start with "We will eliminate Cambridge System", it is a bad omen in Pakistan.

Here are cons even if it is on par and as respected. Few among many.

- Elimination of competition; no need to improve on your system as there is no competition to force that.

- It will allow the system to become a political tool, a way seen by more authoritarian Governments as a way to influence masses without being challenged about content.

- It will severely reduce prospects of students around the world, as an example, Germany has many issues with Metric system in Pakistan and demands a foundation year among other requirements.
I have done GCE and find them leveled, balanced except in very few exceptional cases. Next argument. Go.
Lol, get a hold of ur self mate, ur acting as if ur word is the gospel or something. I have done Alevels as well and i think it to be cancerous. There u have a counter gospel, now go fck a cactus.
ISLAMABAD - Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training, Shafqat Mahmood, on Wednesday, announced plans to eliminate O-level (Ordinary level) and A-Level (Advanced level) education from the schools countrywide to implement a uniform curriculum in the system.

He said this during his remarks to the National Assembly Standing Committee on education with regard to his ministry’s functions and future plans while asserting it would, however, be abolished at the next stage as they were coping with more pressing challenges at present.

“As current education system has many other flaws, those direly needed to be mended due to which said the plan would be practised on next level but it will be done ultimately,” he added.

Mahmood lamented that presently, three different kinds of education were being tendered in the country.

“Providing education in our public sector institutions, in elite private schools and in madrassas, three are totally different from each other,” he recalled.

The minister said a technical committee had been formulated to look into this matter, which would consult all stakeholders to make a comprehensive and final decision. He maintained a compatible curriculum would soon be introduced as the ministry was working on it.

Highlighting the other overwhelming challenges in the education system , Minister Mehmood said that figures compiled by international agencies point to over 24 million out-of-school children in Pakistan. Bringing all of them into schools was the biggest task, he added.

The minister recalled, “For this purpose, we launched prime minster vision from here in Islamabad under which 11000 children out of school children are identified so far.”



Logic of Pakistan, if you can't compete, eliminate.
Issue with a system providing quality education where fair scoring, ultimate accountability are appreciated, and a system which is clean. Amazing.
This is new Pakistan, this is social development of PTI, very sad idea. While other countries welcome diversification of educational systems to improve job and career opportunities for their students around the world, these people are restricting it.

No issues with Madrassa's, No issue with corruption and unfair scoring in Inter and metric, with the rote learning of every single syllable; but issue with quality educational system. Naya Pakistan!

There is nothing wrong with this decision. The government needs to be in full control of the educational system and in the current system it is not. By introducing a uniform system there won't be an elite versus the rest. Also there needs to be more control over religious schools. One education system provides more control to the government.

Finally a government that is taking education seriously.
Your dated in your thinking. In todays world only economic success matters. Don't have it you are as good as a colony. Be successful economy and you will be master. Money knows no colour.
The chinese, the french, the germans and many others disagree. And by ur defination Japan is an economic powerhouse, do u consider them free? Its practically a colony of the US.
Lol, get a hold of ur self mate, ur acting as if ur word is the gospel or something. I have done Alevels as well and i think it to be cancerous. There u have a counter gospel, now go fck a cactus.

I was answering you in your own way of argument. You first used your personal experience, so I only returned the wording. Now take the cactus and shove it up your butt :)
So, its time someone is taking responsibility and focusing on this sector, dont tell me whats what mate, i did Alevels as well from Roots and i knw these instittuions are cancer for our societies. Ofcourse the authorities will now introduce a new uniform syllabus,a new one. People will work on this now and i never doubt the capabilities of Pakistanis to come up with something better than olevels. What was abscent before was will and initiative, now it seems things are progressing. A levels is not some rare gem, it only differs from our current curriculum in one way and that is they negate ratta and focus on concepts, it is not too difficult to come up with something local like this.
And even if we locally create something like O and A levels.It will need a time to get a recognition like O and A levels.First let them prove themselves that they can really create something like A and O levels and then and only then they the right and it,s justified to abolish A and O levels system in pakistan.
There is nothing wrong with this decision. The government needs to be in full control of the educational system and in the current system it is not. By introducing a uniform system there won't be an elite versus the rest. Also there needs to be more control over religious schools. One education system provides more control to the government.

Finally a government that is taking education seriously.

Wrong analysis. Private schools will exist and continue to exist even if there is one educational system. You cannot eliminate differences between elite and non elite, you need a communist regime and socialist ideas, which have failed.

And there is everything wrong with Government having control of it. You allow education to be used as a political tool. It should remain impartial and independent.
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