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O Level (and A Level) education system to be eliminated from Pakistan: Report

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Yes. When I see migrant Japanese being raped by Greek border guards while desperatly trying to make it to the west, when I see illegal 20 year old Japanese in UK getting married to some 50 year old, drug addled white slapper so he can get British passport, when I see Japanese PM licking Saudi crown prince balls for few dollars, when I see Japanese passport having the same value as toilet tissue, correction even lower because toilet tissue still has some value then I will say -

"Japanese are slaves"
You have proved my point, i rest my case.
And i am sure you did not carefully read my post.
We are a free market capitalist economy and those who have the resources have the right to spend it the way they want.We cannot stop with resources to educate their children in elite schools.Their money their will.
Even countries with excellent education systems have foreign education parallels like O and A levels and yet they did not abolish those foreign qualifications in their country.And here we are a substandard education system going to abolish excellent global qualification.

Being a free market capitalist economy doesn't mean that you don't review a crooked and inefficient education system that has failed the vast majority of Pakistanis.

The few elitists don't represent the vast majority. Every Pakistani child deserves a good education if he/she has the ability to learn. Irrespective of caste and economic status etc.

We may not abolish the current system in its entirety, but the government certainly needs to retain control. The current system needs a thorough review. The current system doesn't deliver to the masses. It is broken and only a handful benefit from it. Otherwise we wouldn't be as impoverished as we are today.

Time for a change and if we call it naya Pakistan so be it.
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I studied English books imported from Singapore/Hong Kong in my Pakistani school in early years and I really enjoyed the content, the read up and grammar development or certain vocabulary items were properly exposed to student. Those books were amazing and fun to read I remember few chapters till now. All stories were about stuff children love

I also remember a time when government changed in Pakistan and they converted every thing to Urdu Medium it was a colossal jump. Science book were converted to Urdu , Pakistan Studies came in Urdu instead of English. Lot of students suffered as the type of wording used in Pakistan Studies was so geared for adults , as youth many did not understood these wordings

Then English books used/introduced were quite horrible which they introduced down the road
I don't remember anything from these books :meeting: Science books were teaching from 1900's atomic theory

It was a mess !!
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Ooo... Finally there's talk of standardisation and getting shot of British education system that's churning out agonistic and athiests!

Problem is not wholly related to syllabus of Metric and FA/FSc, but the corruption and manipulation in it. Bribing for marks, cheating etc.

KEMC's MBBS was recognised in UK a while back but the educators in that institute ruined everything.

System needs to be changed so forget doing the patchwork and bring a new one in.
Standard is low

Teacher - Teacher's training - Teacher salaries
Better Student Books , Computers , Free bags and Uniforms for children
Gyms in each school or Playgrounds
No food for children at schools
Emphasis on better quality books , topics geared to age groups
No libraries , No Educational trips for students
Many things need to change
Facilities or lack of them
Lack of school volunteer work culture
No trees
Buses are parked on children playground (messed up shit)
1 day out of 365 days they take kids to a ground and make them run races call it physical :devil:education training
No Gyms or Tennis courts in schools or basketball courts
No free sports gear for children
Children's sports goods (Soccer ball or Basket ball confiscated at school for using in playground ) none sense shit
No School/Highschool level sporting culture
No Camping trips
No computers / No Children education TV content
Children run around class room jump over desks and chairs damage furniture just messed up shit due to lack of playground

Can't blame A/O levels for misfortunes of Pakistan's public system, these are just few attempts by some parents to ensure their kids get a certain standardized education recognized world wide

I never went to A Or O level but I don't blame the parents

Too much debate bazi or gana bazi
  • Debate Gold Medal can't understand a word he yells in microphone time waste
  • Debate Silver Medal
  • Gana bazi medal

Practical usage ZERO

It's not just 0/A level its all the rest of stuff that needs fixing
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Why? Care to elaborate? The same education system which has cheated students, forced rote learning pointless stuff, demanded their text books definitions be used, full of corruption and lack of transparency?

No thank you. And even if it is improved, suddenly, to the level of Cambridge system (lets be real, it ain't happening for another decade in corruption culture of Pakistan), still why do you want to remove competition or narrow all education to one educational system allowing for Political bias and political manipulation to easily reach and influence masses, and to remove competition and so hence the need to improve. Lack of diversification will also narrow prospects for students around the world. Germany for example has issues with Inter and metric system, they bring greater demands on students from the system than with Cambridge.
You think OA level is different?? I came from OAlevels. It used to be be different and better 10 years ago. It is now far worse than Matric/FSC. My brother is still in A levels.

Bad, bad, bad news. The insurance industries remedy to unfairness comes to mind. In UK females used to get lower quotes on their car insurance premiums. So because some guys took this case of dual and blatant unfairness up the insurance companies, who obliged by leveling the playing field ~ by merely increasing the female premiums to male levels. The hope that it might bring male premiums down to female rates never happened.

So it is here. Get rid of A/O levels. Fine. That will not increase the standard of the mainstream. It will merely decrease of the better performers down. Mediocrity will win.

We all can be crap then ...
OA levels has been turned into business by schools and teachers and British council. Every term 100s if not 1000s of results are coming outright wrong forcing students to pay rechecking and recounting fees to overturn their results and they ARE OVERTURNED MOST OF THE TIME. the ones who cant afford that reappear paying tonnes of fees and wasting precious time. Its plain robbery. I am talking about Islamabad only.
I came from that system and 10 years ago it was different. Quality of education has been continuously going down. And from what i have seen from past few years, Students from FSC have been doing far better Bachelors than coming from Alevels.
This menace has to go. Its been long overdue.
I have done GCE and find them leveled, balanced except in very few exceptional cases. Next argument. Go.
It used to be that. It no longer is.
And major problem is now a days how its taught. Academies where they just push past papers down their throats. They dont even touch a single book. They cant even solve a simple Differential Problem. Students coming out of ALevels arent worth shit.
My entire family did O Alevels. My aapi had Distinctions. But that was more than 10 years ago. After what happened with my younger brothers, we wont be putting my sister through O Levels.
The Entire system has been turned to shit.
You think OA level is different?? I came from OAlevels. It used to be be different and better 10 years ago. It is now far worse than Matric/FSC. My brother is still in A levels.

Brother why spreading fake news
I am from olevels, unlike inter’s education where only nepotism is being followed, olevel is totally different. And the only word i can use is dhandli and injustice. Which is being commonly practiced in inter or matric.
Bas ratta maro kato yahan say..
Dusra machine aya uss ko bhi bolo ratta maro or katto yahan say.
And u say its worse...
Brother why spreading fake news
I am from olevels, unlike inter’s education where only nepotism is being followed. And the only word i can use is dhandli and injustice. Which is being commonly practiced in inter or matric.
Bas ratta maro kato yahan say
Dusra machine aya uss ko bhi bolo ratta maro or katto yahan say.
And u say its worse...
LoL what fake news, its true. I cant say much of Inter because and nobody from my family did that, we all are from GCE and IGCSE. And We have literally witnessed the degradation from my cousins time to my and my brothers from 2004 to 2019.
From what i have seen in bachelors, i m more inclined towards FSC.
OA levels has been turned into business by schools and teachers and British council. Every term 100s if not 1000s of results are coming outright wrong forcing students to pay rechecking and recounting fees to overturn their results and they ARE OVERTURNED MOST OF THE TIME. the ones who cant afford that reappear paying tonnes of fees and wasting precious time. Its plain robbery. I am talking about Islamabad only.
I came from that system and 10 years ago it was different. Quality of education has been continuously going down. And from what i have seen from past few years, Students from FSC have been doing far better Bachelors than coming from Alevels.
This menace has to go. Its been long overdue.

I think you don’t know the rule. If in rechecking the grade changes. Either it gets high or low the student gets a refund but if it doesn’t then there is no refund.
So why are u crying.
And on the other hand, if a person of poor family or middle class family appears in the test so he must know that there are financial issues and he should be studying instead of partying.
So the problem solved no retest and no loss in rechecking.

LoL what fake news, its true. I cant say much of Inter because and nobody from my family did that, we all are from GCE and IGCSE. And We have literally witnessed the degradation from my cousins time to my and my brothers from 2004 to 2019.
From what i have seen in bachelors, i m more inclined towards FSC.

Well i have suffered from inter. So there is a big NO from me.
Inter is good only in two ways:
1) you are good in ratto
2) if u study from day 1
And on the other hand, if a person of poor family or middle class family appears in the test so he must know that there are financial issues and he should be studying instead of partying.
Kid read that again then comprehend. Typical. Most of these poor people get As, so when crap like this happens they cant afford to apply for recheck, they reappear and get As again. And in cases somehow they do manage the fees There have been cases of going from straight Us to straight As. PLUS THIS WASTES A LOT OF TIME.
Its easier for people like you and me to talk it off but people suffer. The entire batch of my seniors got Ds and Cs in Islamiat, and no they didnt get those Grades. It was a major ******** on cambridge side and our college had to fight tooth and nail to fix that. 1000s apply as private candidates and now go figure. They even screwed up result of my brother. This has increased of late and nobody is doing anything about it.
2) if u study from day 1
I would say this prepares for what comes next.
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ISLAMABAD - Minister for Federal Education and Professional Training, Shafqat Mahmood, on Wednesday, announced plans to eliminate O-level (Ordinary level) and A-Level (Advanced level) education from the schools countrywide to implement a uniform curriculum in the system.

He said this during his remarks to the National Assembly Standing Committee on education with regard to his ministry’s functions and future plans while asserting it would, however, be abolished at the next stage as they were coping with more pressing challenges at present.

“As current education system has many other flaws, those direly needed to be mended due to which said the plan would be practised on next level but it will be done ultimately,” he added.

Mahmood lamented that presently, three different kinds of education were being tendered in the country.

“Providing education in our public sector institutions, in elite private schools and in madrassas, three are totally different from each other,” he recalled.

The minister said a technical committee had been formulated to look into this matter, which would consult all stakeholders to make a comprehensive and final decision. He maintained a compatible curriculum would soon be introduced as the ministry was working on it.

Highlighting the other overwhelming challenges in the education system , Minister Mehmood said that figures compiled by international agencies point to over 24 million out-of-school children in Pakistan. Bringing all of them into schools was the biggest task, he added.

The minister recalled, “For this purpose, we launched prime minster vision from here in Islamabad under which 11000 children out of school children are identified so far.”



Logic of Pakistan, if you can't compete, eliminate.
Issue with a system providing quality education where fair scoring, ultimate accountability are appreciated, and a system which is clean. Amazing.
This is new Pakistan, this is social development of PTI, very sad idea. While other countries welcome diversification of educational systems to improve job and career opportunities for their students around the world, these people are restricting it.

No issues with Madrassa's, No issue with corruption and unfair scoring in Inter and metric, with the rote learning of every single syllable; but issue with quality educational system. Naya Pakistan!
Or nazreen, yeh khaber sun k private schools ki billi mergai. :yahoo:
Kid read that again then comprehend. Typical. Most of these poor people get As, so when crap like this happens they cant afford to apply for recheck, they reappear and get As again. And in cases somehow they do manage the fees There have been cases of going from straight Us to straight As. PLUS IT THIS WASTES A LOT OF TIME.
Its easier for people like you and me to talk it off but people suffer. The entire batch of my seniors got Ds and Cs in Islamiat, and no they didnt get those Grades. It was a major ******** on cambridge side and our college had to fight tooth and nail to fix that. 1000s apply as private candidates and now go figure. They even screwed up result of my brother. This has increase of late and nobody is doing anything about it.

Sad to hear your story.
The fact that u completely ignored the crux of my argument about how the french, german and evey other self respecting nation have their indigenous curriculums taught in their own languages and instead tactfully choose to focus on the geopolitical question of Japanese independence points to the fact that niether A levels nor the local matriculation system is working for us, we all need better education, cheers.
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