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Nuclear War Against Iran ?

Have you an idea what bloodbath would have ensued if nukes wouldn't have been used? At least a million -Allied- casualties and total annihilation of the Japanese mainland and its people. Yes, it is a cold heated thing to say but one of the biggest horrors in history was averted.
Let's assume that what you claimed is true, then would you please explain to me why they used Abomb in Nagasaki a day later? Wasn't the first bomb on Hiroshima enough? why they used two different kind of bombs, Uranium and plutonium? any clue? Why they used it on cities? and as the last question, How many casualties they prevented by avoiding Operation Downfall? this much:
70,000–80,000 people, or some 30%[34] of the population of Hiroshima were killed immediately, and another 70,000 injured.[35] Over 90% of the doctors and 93% of the nurses in Hiroshima were killed or injured—most had been in the downtown area which received the greatest damage.[36]
in Nagasaki:
Casualty estimates for immediate deaths range from 40,000 to 75,000.[64][65][66] Total deaths by the end of 1945 may have reached 80,000.
Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indeed the Japanese did horrible things but what about children, women and civilians? what is the difference between their genocides and American's? Does the wrong act of others justify ours?
If Iran gets nukes there will be a Nuclear war 100% guranteed. Iran have said that when they get nukes, they will be bombing countries such as Israel.

This is why the whole world opposes them having nukes.

In Iran and Iraq war in 1980, Saddam used chemical weapons against us, and we didn't respond to it because in our religion using WMDs are forbidden.
I would like to ask you, If we banned using chemicals in real threat and in the battlefield, why should we use Abomb right now and against civilians?
For your information, Jerusalem is a holly place for both Muslims and Jewish. Do you believe we will bomb it? and by doing that what outcomes should we expect? doesn't its pollution ruin our allies - Hezbollah , Palestinian and Syria? how could it be in our benefit?
Just speculation? Please do read this wiki article on Operation Downfall.
While it is a wiki article, it is based on quite credible sources.

Assessing any future scenario is speculation. Your faith in wiki is commendable to wiki but I say it's just full of crap!

Also, how about use of chemical and Biological warfare agents by the Japanese on the Chinese and Koreans? How about the genocide of 25 million Chinese by the Japanese? That's the B and C accounted for in NBC.

If the Japanese were punished for using chemical and Biological weapons than your country should be punished even more for using nukes on civillians and chemical and Biological weapons(Agent Orange, depleted uranium shells and you name it) in Vietnam and Iraq.

WOW..... Do you live in La-La land? Have you even read -This- forum?

Ok... now 20000 nukes? Not any more. The US is rapidly decreasing its nuclear stockpile and with the New START Treaty the stockpiles would be reduced to less than 2000 active nukes. Also, the new Nuclear Posture Review under the Obama Admin. rules out use of nukes against non-nuclear NPT members.[/QUOTE]
Just speculation? Please do read this wiki article on Operation Downfall.
While it is a wiki article, it is based on quite credible sources.

Assessing any future scenario is speculation. Your faith in wiki is commendable to wiki but I say it's just full of crap!

Also, how about use of chemical and Biological warfare agents by the Japanese on the Chinese and Koreans? How about the genocide of 25 million Chinese by the Japanese? That's the B and C accounted for in NBC.

If the Japanese were punished for using chemical and Biological weapons than your country should be punished even more for using nukes on civillians and chemical and Biological weapons(Agent Orange, depleted uranium shells and you name it) in Vietnam and Iraq.

WOW..... Do you live in La-La land? Have you even read -This- forum?

Living in a 'La-La land' is much better than living in a 'Naziland', don't you think so ?

Ok... now 20000 nukes? Not any more. The US is rapidly decreasing its nuclear stockpile and with the New START Treaty the stockpiles would be reduced to less than 2000 active nukes. Also, the new Nuclear Posture Review under the Obama Admin. rules out use of nukes against non-nuclear NPT members.

To you the difference between 20,000 nukes and 10,000 nukes may be a lot but to those peace loving people who face this threat from that evil empire it's the same thing !
The launching of an outright war using nuclear warheads against Iran is now in the final planning stages.
Coalition partners, which include the US, Israel and Turkey are in "an advanced stage of readiness".
Ok... I'll give you that. It's their shame and they have to bear the cost.

Have you an idea what bloodbath would have ensued if nukes wouldn't have been used? At least a million -Allied- casualties and total annihilation of the Japanese mainland and its people. Yes, it is a cold heated thing to say but one of the biggest horrors in history was averted.

Now, about the current US nukes... there is still Russia (We intercept enough Russian bombers these days) and China to contend with. Also, they serve as a deterrent to other state actors against using chemical and bio weapons. Plus, the current US arsenal is lot less than what it was during the Cold War.

ok, if you are scared of Russia or china without be threaten with them then you are right to have nuke, but everyday US says military option is on the desk against Iran but Iran does not have right even think about the nuke. this is western mad logic.they can enjoy it but nobody care about it
Ok... I'll give you that. It's their shame and they have to bear the cost.

I wont give you that with out proof, I dont know of any claim that the US goverment made that Saddam had nuclear weapons, if you have not proof what you say it is nothing more then farting in the wind.

remember guys if you say anything you MUST proof it while US claim Iran is developing nuke and repeatedly Iran deny that but US and her western ally need not to proof anything
The launching of an outright war using nuclear warheads against Iran is now in the final planning stages.
Coalition partners, which include the US, Israel and Turkey are in "an advanced stage of readiness".

And your source???
Why do people on this forum say crap that they have no idea about.

The leader of iran has said on numerous occasions that he is going to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and other countries.

It's not some silly conspiracy that you imply it to be.

Evidence ?????
It will have to go nuclear because the USA cannot defeat Iran in a conventional war, Castro is right on this, They will go nuclear and try to wipe out as many military assets as they could, but Iran has only one sea land that could be easily sealed off, and i believe they will have enough military assets hidden out of sight and reach of these tactical nukes, to make it very costly for USA forces in the region and also make it near impossible for the Americans to launch a ground invasion, there is little to no sectarian divide in Iran when it comes to war, unlike Iraq and Afghanistan, it will be the whole country mobilizing for war, and USA will have to deal with Shiite insurgents not only in Iran but in Iraq, there is no good scenario of gains in a war with Iran even with the usage of nukes, all Iran have to do is sink a few tankers off the Straits of Hormuz to permanently seal up that chock point. Here's to hoping USA is actually more level headed than this.
so in this day and age, with US' catastrophically bad economic situation, you guys are still talking about wars? seriously? Are you guys this bored?
I love how the US far right KKK racists talk about "annihilating" and "decimating" China and Russia when they cannot even touch Iran after barking about Iran for a decade.

If it was that easy to beat geopolitical rivals, the US would've done it already!
I love how the US far right KKK racists talk about "annihilating" and "decimating" China and Russia when they cannot even touch Iran after barking about Iran for a decade.

If it was that easy to beat geopolitical rivals, the US would've done it already!

America only attacks countries that are near or next to the their main target but they never attack the actual country itself.

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