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NSG to hold unprecedented special session to discuss India's membership

Will India get into NSG

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Look at your posts for god sake! Always china will do this china will do that. china will block you china will get us that. Seriously ! ???

All that melodrama in the name of brotherhood you impose upon china washes off like water off a duck's back. China is used to getting along with likes of you in North Korea and Junta of Myanmar. Your sycophancy bring nothing new to the table for them.

for chinese you are nothing but - forgive the harsh words- useful idiots to counter India. Of course, in your hatred of India, you will grab at anything, having not learned from the American experience.

Hey but its my tiny brain and low intellect. So what would i know :)

Indians seems to be too hurt since all this NSG saga. You seems to be appear very angry, calm down a little bit. U guys used to chant hindi chini bhai bhai......remember? too bad for India that slogan/chant was failed and never succeeded but Pakistan succeeded with pakistani chini bhai bhai.......don't cry like a loser.:enjoy:

China secure its interest through us and we secure our interests through China ( case of applying for NSG and blocking you in NSG ) This relationship is two way street. If relationship had been one sided, it would have been over long ago...

I always find it amusing that you guys used to equate us with North Korea that China has only two rogue allies Pakistan and North Korea......this such bullshit of yours........never mention that Russia is close to China too but you never mention Russia when mentioning China's allies because mentioning it will make you involve in list of "rogue countries" too as you are ally of Russia too....:lol:

It might have easier for you to get entry in NSG if you hadn't played a role in blocking our F16s, you blocked our F16s and we r blocking your NSG......:enjoy:
Your credibility is ZERO. No one will back you up on your candidature, except China and Turkey. At the most a few nations will support you to keep us out . Thats the extent of your support in international community.
If you really want to compare, get that waiver first which we got in 2008 and which has enabled us to engage in Nuclear trade with individual countries.
Just riding the coat tails of china won't get you anywhere.

Also, an application to the NSG isn't worth anything if it doesn't stand a realistic chance of getting in, and you don't have a realistic chance of getting in. We do.

Look at your posts for god sake! Always china will do this china will do that. china will block you china will get us that. Seriously ! ???

All that melodrama in the name of brotherhood you impose upon china washes off like water off a duck's back. China is used to getting along with likes of you in North Korea and Junta of Myanmar. Your sycophancy bring nothing new to the table for them.

for chinese you are nothing but - forgive the harsh words- useful idiots to counter India. Of course, in your hatred of India, you will grab at anything, having not learned from the American experience.

Hey but its my tiny brain and low intellect. So what would i know

Yeah true buddy;
Nope .. We are not asking or wishing indian to be prevented from attaining membership..

But we are pushing for an equal and fair basis of granting membership...

It was none other than USA that bitched about granting the membership only to NPT members and it's again USA that's bending backwards from its own stance to accommodate india...

China,Turkey,NZ,Brazil,Austria etc are still demanding NPT to be the only way or step for attaining the membership..
we'll just have to wait and watch. I don't think anyne is that enamored of this, if it doesn't work, then wait for another effort later. UNSC is a 15 year project and reversals in these milestones that lead up to it should be expected from time to time. But they done a very good job and that needs to be appreciated.

The appreciation is there and it's not only inside buy outside.
However the reversal in milestone which you estimated to be countered in this decade is doubtful. Coz for our set goals to West on clean energy will face a serious setback. And as a country we can't wait. That's exactly is what at stake.

IMO if China willing we can forgo of animosity but then possible trade off is the question.

Think for once what we can offer, MTCR ? We have no say. Only masa can decide

And on SCS there again masa can decide.

What chance do we have even of we wait for 2 decades

Indians seems to be too hurt since all this NSG saga. You seems to be appear very angry, calm down a little bit. U guys used to chant hindi chini bhai bhai......remember? too bad for India that slogan/chant was failed and never succeeded but Pakistan succeeded with pakistani chini bhai bhai.......don't cry like a loser.:enjoy:

China secure its interest through us and we secure our interests through China ( case of applying for NSG and blocking you in NSG ) This relationship is two way street. If relationship had been one sided, it would have been over long ago...

I always find it amusing that you guys used to equate us with North Korea that China has only two rogue allies Pakistan and North Korea......this such bullshit of yours........never mention that Russia is close to China too but you never mention Russia when mentioning China's allies because mentioning it will make you involve in list of "rogue countries" too as you are ally of Russia too....:lol:

It might have easier for you to get entry in NSG if you hadn't played a role in blocking our F16s, you blocked our F16s and we r blocking your NSG......:enjoy:

For ants like you, there is a good news as your govt OS appointing lobbiests at your own expense.

Even though India doesn't get NSG or not you still don't have your subsidised sixteens.

And China can't do a dim about it.
Pakistan might have a thousand problems but unneccessary chest thumping aint one.
After the NSG's bid venture failure,I see Indian members not doing any failure analysis or brain storming about what went wrong,but instead now trying to claim useless credit for Modi's strong diplomacy and making so many international players budge against Ind's pressure.
For God's sake,koi sharam hoti,koi haya hoti hai !
All the blessing for Ind came from Washington this time which pushed all the countries to support it's new 'ally' i.e India.
You can sell this as Modi's success inside India but this whole crap just doesn't add up on an international forum.
If this whole embarrassment is India's diplomatic success then making this embarrassment happen is no doubt,by that logic,Pakistan's triumph.
I believe that beyond the NSG and UNSC, this is actually a great opportunity for us to talk productively with CHina. All this pressure from big countris like US, UK, France, Russia etc. will not 'force' chine to change their stand or 'bring them in line' or 'make them behave etc.'. But it surely is enough pressure for them to sit down, roll up the sleeves and discuss more seriously about the problems we have. That is an enormous good for the relations.

Yes, good that we are talking, but China is not that exotic girl, and India is not a kid of 17 that just 'talking' itself is a great favour, we need to get something out of it. Now what China loses for not giving us what we need? If they demand something in return for giving us something, they should also need to lose something for not giving it. Now what leverage do we have here other than business?

Trade Deficits are theorectially dangerous, when in recent history has it actually been core destroyer of an economy? We have trade deficits with China, surpluses elsewhere. You wanna wipe that deficit bring up productivity and become more competitive.

Trade deficit is bad both theoretically and practically, yes we should 'bring up productivity and become more competitive", but that list need not include cottage industries like toys, Ganesha idols, firecrackers, and many SME products. Even China practices protectionism, we don't have access to Chinese market for a hell lot of things, in fact in everything where we have a stronger position than China.

we'll just have to wait and watch. I don't think anyne is that enamored of this, if it doesn't work, then wait for another effort later. UNSC is a 15 year project and reversals in these milestones that lead up to it should be expected from time to time. But they done a very good job and that needs to be appreciated.

Only 'wait and watch' doesn't pay, we have to work towards it till we get it.
Pakistan might have a thousand problems but unneccessary chest thumping aint one.
After the NSG's bid venture failure,I see Indian members not doing any failure analysis or brain storming about what went wrong,but instead now trying to claim useless credit for Modi's strong diplomacy and making so many international players budge against Ind's pressure.
For God's sake,koi sharam hoti,koi haya hoti hai !
All the blessing for Ind came from Washington this time which pushed all the countries to support it's new 'ally' i.e India.
You can sell this as Modi's success inside India but this whole crap just doesn't add up on an international forum.
If this whole embarrassment is India's diplomatic success then making this embarrassment happen is no doubt,by that logic,Pakistan's triumph.

Chest thumping is your area. Which is
Pakistan might have a thousand problems but unneccessary chest thumping aint one.
After the NSG's bid venture failure,I see Indian members not doing any failure analysis or brain storming about what went wrong,but instead now trying to claim useless credit for Modi's strong diplomacy and making so many international players budge against Ind's pressure.
For God's sake,koi sharam hoti,koi haya hoti hai !
All the blessing for Ind came from Washington this time which pushed all the countries to support it's new 'ally' i.e India.
You can sell this as Modi's success inside India but this whole crap just doesn't add up on an international forum.
If this whole embarrassment is India's diplomatic success then making this embarrassment happen is no doubt,by that logic,Pakistan's triumph.

Jinna is proud of u todya..have a nice time
India bags all but China’s vote, decision on NSG bid likely on Friday
  • Pramit Pal Chaudhuri and Jayanth Jacob, Hindustan Times, New Delhi
  • Updated: Jun 23, 2016 23:31 IST

Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Chinese President Xi Jinping during a meeting in Tashkent on Thursday. (PTI Photo)
  • China’s great wall appeared to be crumbling before Indian diplomacy on Thursday. Beijing was left isolated as every other government of the 48-member Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) spoke at the opening of the Seoul plenary in favour of accepting India into the elite international nuclear technology club.

    At the end of the first tense session of the two-day meeting, China found itself isolated over its call for a criteria-based membership that would allow Pakistan to also join the NSG, official sources told Hindustan Times.

    China has been trying to block India’s membership by saying entry into the NSG should be limited to countries that have signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), a global nuclear arms control pact. India and China’s “all-weather ally”, Pakistan, which too is seeking membership of the NSG, have not signed the NPT.

    As the NSG works by consensus, China has the ability to veto India’s entry.

    Even as the Seoul meeting was taking place, on the other side of Asia in Uzbekistan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was making a direct appeal to Chinese President Xi Jinping to support India’s entry to the NSG, saying China should make a “fair and objective” assessment of India’s candidature. Modi’s message was described as “very direct.”

    At the Seoul meeting, Japan led the way by first raising India’s membership at the NSG meeting. It was seconded by Argentina which presented a report praising India’s nuclear nonproliferation record.

    China found itself left high and dry as, one by one, more than 30 NSG members declared their support for India’s joining the group. Contrary to initial reports, Brazil and South Africa were strong backers of India’s membership.

    Austria, Ireland, Switzerland and a few others said they supported Indian membership but wanted to know how the induction process would take place. Turkey, seen as Pakistan’s closest friend in the NSG after China, said it supported membership for both countries. However, Pakistan’s application was not even taken up by the other members.

    Beijing used a procedural block to hold up the meeting for five hours in the morning. It conceded after an additional clause, separate from the one about India, that the NSG should consider the “political, technical and legal issues” regarding non-NPT members was added. This is seen as a possible fig-leaf for Beijing to take back to Islamabad.

    The representatives, after another post-dinner round, broke for the night and contacted their respective governments for further instructions. The formal plenary begins on Friday.

    In Tashkent, during his 45-minute meeting with Xi, Modi said China should “join and contribute” to the emerging consensus among NSG members on India’s candidature, according to the external affairs ministry.

    Sources said Modi spoke about how India’s entry into the NSG will strengthen the global non-proliferation regime. His meeting with Xi was his first engagement in Tashkent.

    There was no official word on the response from Xi, who assured Pakistan President Mamnoon Hussain shortly before the meeting with Modi that China will adopt a “criteria-based approach” for NSG membership that will support Islamabad’s application.

    Continued Chinese opposition to India’s membership in the NSG could threaten bilateral relations between the two Asian giants, especially in fora like BRICS, the Russia-India-China triangle and even the climate change bloc BASIC.

    But officially Beijing has sought to de-link its position on NSG membership from its ties with India.

    “We believe that with regard to the admission of new members a decision shall be made with through discussion within the group,” Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said ahead of Modi’s meeting with Xi.

    “We do not believe that it (Beijing’s position on admitting new members to the NSG) is an issue concerning the bilateral relationship between China and India.”
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For ants like you, there is a good news as your govt OS appointing lobbiests at your own expense.

Even though India doesn't get NSG or not you still don't have your subsidised sixteens.

And China can't do a dim about it.

I m lovin the desperation....Keep it coming. We don't need subsidized F16s anymore because we r going to buy those f16s from another country at the same or less price compared to what we were having with US.....as these newly bought will be old ones/models, which will be upgraded to block 50/52 model with help of Turkish brethren. :enjoy:

And you are the same for US against china

Yes. They would wish! But we carry greater heft and quite honestly we have better leadership than yours at present. So we will probably milk this relationship for all its worth while learning from your mistakes as well.

Also this statement of yours needs deeper discussion. Tag me some where in a neutral thread and i will explain the reasons why China-Pakistan relations are qualitatively different than India-US.
I m lovin the desperation....Keep it coming. We don't need subsidized F16s anymore because we r going to buy those f16s from another country at the same or less price compared to what we were having with US.....as these newly bought will be old ones/models, which will be upgraded to block 50/52 model with help of Turkish brethren. :enjoy:


Sometimes I think is shame prevailing against self respect :lol:
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