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NRIs can now vote in India

They are still citizens of the country.

Many of the immigrants actually come back, particularly the ones in the Gulf.

They should not get to vote when they are not living on our land, working here, earning here, paying taxes here, governed by our laws, and directly impacted by the government that is elected, and it's conduct and policies.

Should they come back (very few do), and when they do, they can then be allowed to vote after a due process, which can be debated.

Cheers, Doc

Stop living in a fantasy world liberal where you think your lot has any power

You guys are Hindu, but have totally lost what it means to be Hindu.

You say liberal and secular as if they are bad things.

Thereby actually spitting on your own long lineage.

As I said, I really do not have time for you anymore Soumitra. You've "fallen from grace" ....

Cheers, Doc
what is India ? a Dharamsala of all those who lives 1000s of Miles away in America,Canada,Uk.

A nation created by British, given to Anglo Elites and now slowly turning into western cultural colony.

Because NRIs help run the dharmashala.:D

India tops global remittances at $62.7 billion in 2016: World Bank


No offense to the NRIs here, but this is a BS move.

And one whose motive is pretty crystal clear to all ...

You don't live here, what are you voting for? To impact how we live?

Cheers, Doc

Without NRI remittances how do you plan to import Oil?

India’s crude oil import bill halves to $64 bn in 2015-16


India tops global remittances at $62.7 billion in 2016: World Bank

Because NRIs help run the dharmashala.:D

India tops global remittances at $62.7 billion in 2016: World Bank


Without NRI remittances how do you plan to import Oil?

India’s crude oil import bill halves to $64 bn in 2015-16


India tops global remittances at $62.7 billion in 2016: World Bank


Answer this.

If we do not allow the NRIs to vote, will the remittances stop?

Who are these remittances for?

Donations without interest to Mother India?

Cheers, Doc
I know they are Indian citizens still. Technically. Till the green card comes.

Greencard holders are still India citizens who carry Indian passport.

They don't live here.

Only temporarily.. Also, what about the soldiers serving outside the country?

Their life is not directly impacted by the result of their vote.

It will when they return.

That is VERY different to us living here having to live with the mandate for the next five years.

What is the gaurantee that who is voting would not leave the country? Should we bring a law that mandates anyone who votes cannot leave the country until the term of the government ends?

Answer this.

If we do not allow the NRIs to vote, will the remittances stop?

Who are these remittances for?

Donations without interest to Mother India?

Cheers, Doc

Do people pay taxes because it is mandated by the government or because they love their country?
what is India ? a Dharamsala of all those who lives 1000s of Miles away in America,Canada,Uk.

A nation created by British, given to Anglo Elites and now slowly turning into western cultural colony.

We NRI's have ties with our motherland and we follow what's happening in India with as much interest as the rest of you. We are a drop in the bucket in terms of numbers. So, our influence is not significant in national outcome but if we have voting rights then the politicians will pay attention.
I know they are Indian citizens still. Technically. Till the green card comes.

They don't live here.

Their life is not directly impacted by the result of their vote.

That is VERY different to us living here having to live with the mandate for the next five years.

It's a BS move. And clear why sanghis are chortling with glee.

Cheers, Doc
Even with green card they are Indian citizens, not US citizens
Proxy voting is a stupid idea. How can anyone who has pledged allegiance to another country decide the fate of India
Even with green card they are Indian citizens, not US citizens

It was a mataphor.

My point was, after a green card, they are not coming back.

Being Indian is NOT the same as being Indian and living in India.

That's why you are called NRIs.

Cheers, Doc

We NRI's have ties with our motherland and we follow what's happening in India with as much interest as the rest of you. We are a drop in the bucket in terms of numbers. So, our influence is not significant in national outcome but if we have voting rights then the politicians will pay attention.

Don't kid yourself bro.

Everyone knows why this decision was taken by the rockstar of Manhattan.

Cheers, Doc
It was a mataphor.

My point was, after a green card, they are not coming back.

Being Indian is NOT the same as being Indian and living in India.

That's why you are called NRIs.

Cheers, Doc

Don't kid yourself bro.

Everyone knows why this decision was taken by the rockstar of Manhattan.

Cheers, Doc
As long as someone is an Indian citizen, the constitution gives him the right to vote. Have to amend the constitution
No offense to the NRIs here, but this is a BS move.

And one whose motive is pretty crystal clear to all ...

You don't live here, what are you voting for? To impact how we live?

Cheers, Doc
Depends on which scale government is trying to implement.

If they are going to start with Panchayat elections. That's a stupid move.

While if that is for General Election it is logical. As it can also affect the NRI's.

Cheers, Systems assistant :enjoy:
Don't kid yourself bro.

Everyone knows why this decision was taken by the rockstar of Manhattan.

Cheers, Doc

He understands that we are a positive change to our motherland.

Don't assume we will stand for elections next??
Depends on which scale government is trying to implement.

If they are going to start with Panchayat elections. That's a stupid move.

While if that is for General Election it is logical. As it can also affect the NRI's.

Cheers, Systems assistant :enjoy:

The only way it affects an NRI is monetarily, be it money or assets.

If his or her argument is that there are still blood ties there, then the blood ties will vote for themselves.

No need for the NRI.

It's a BS decision, guided by simple votebank politics, and of course a hefty addition to the campaign kitty.

Cheers, Doc
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They should not get to vote when they are not living on our land, working here, earning here, paying taxes here, governed by our laws, and directly impacted by the government that is elected, and it's conduct and policies.

Should they come back (very few do), and when they do, they can then be allowed to vote after a due process, which can be debated.

Cheers, Doc

Did you forget it's the remittances of NRIs that keeps the country functioning?

Without their money, you can't buy petrol for your car because the country won't have foreign exchange to buy oil. All your imported goods were also financed by NRIs.
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