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Now that about 100,000 students have new laptops, can we expect to see a...

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Transparancy International Certifies the "Curruption Free" Purchase of Laptops (Express Newspaper,19th April,2012 Front page)

Oh yeah...

The TIP in this news outlet has something else to say...


Also, this tweet of Khurram Dastgir clearly saying that "if you are taking Laptop from Shahbaz Sharif and going to Vote For Imran Khan, It means you are "Bay Asool". These laptops were given to you to buy your votes...!!!


Please visit the thread below too.


Also give this a thought provoking shot.

We appreciated Punjab Government when they first announced the free giveaway of 100,000 laptops to brightest of the students in the province.

We are also proud of Mr. Shahbaz Sharif for many other ventures he has endured lately, particularly for those catering the IT industry.

Having said this, we are yet to ascertain the need of significantly large amount of funds that are being wasted by Punjab Government (or by its departments) for the laptop giveaway ceremonies; which are being held in almost every district of the province.

I do agree that there are so many other things in our country that can be avoided to save money, but these giveaway ceremonies are one of them. We are resource-less country; let’s not waste our hard earn money on such things just to grab some slogans.

I can assure you, if you did well, you will be rewarded without lavish ceremonies and high standing banners.

I am in business myself and I do consider cost in every step I take. I research well before ordering anything, hiring a resource or before selecting any service for my company; that’s because I am a small company with limited resources. I was just wondering, why our rulers can’t think the same way. They are equally poor as I am, then why this disparity in actions?

Just another rip off like that old 'Qaraz Utharo Mulk Sawwaro' scheme. No?
Any sane person would understand that the true purpose of this laptop scheme is to secure votes from youth. Another case of manipulation under the garb of 'doing good' for Pakistan.

Laptops should have been given only to the needy people. Their was no need to distribute so many laptops.
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this has to be most dumbf**k scheme ever. Why cant they spend all that money for creating computer labs in schools all over punjab? Most of those who are getting this laptop can already afford a computer.
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