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Now Indians have a problem with the Colombo Lotus Tower...

I dont know why or who banned me myself bro. Well no offence taken anyway, i know many people on here were uncomfortable with my honesty, since they say the truth hurts. I'm used to that anyway, so i dont mind or care. hihihihihihi.:D

Well, yes i know Sri lanka is an exception in South Asia in terms of its living standards, but thats only because they are living in a region thats sooooo poor/backward.loool Had they been in any other region say East Asia, South America, North Africa, or even South East Asia(to some extent) they wil stil be among the most poorest/backward as well.loool In short they are just better because their neighbours are even more poorer/backward.:tsk: This region needs a REAL wake up call or even state of emergency, the most worrying thing is that most of them dont even seem to care.:blah::tsk:
If it was located somewhere better when it wouldn't have to put with a paranoid neighbour like India who hates every little thing that goes on next to it. The reason why India trained terrorists is because of SL's relations with the USA and now that India is an ally of USA, it's paranoid about China's projects. Why on earth should there be a cancer cell called India in that region? :angry:

Sri Lanka is quite better than many ASEAN countries like Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia etc but to be hoenst, I have to agree with you that Sri Lankans are still very backward with industrialisation and they don't seem to care either. Upper/Middle class is from a whole new universe that they are obsessed with feminism or "preserving environment" at the expense of development projects and the lower class is obsessed with other issues like race. What they don't realise is that, development is the best medicine for all those issues.
Nah.. the Chinese only produce a poorer version of Russian, since Russia has nothing comparable, China having it is a laughable proposition.

Anyway, off to bed... let me know when China 'comes'. :lazy2:

Sure bro, have a good sleep an say hello to your billionaire friends.....:china:
Give them a break pal, the Marshall Plan pulled you guys in W Europe out from debris, but this region has to rely on themselves. And they are on the right path now, at least some of them. Give them time and encouragement!

lool Do you know we were already world powers long before even the U.S? What makes ou think we wouldnt rebuilt ourselves even better after the war(even more so as we were the victors)?? U.S marshal plan was just a small/minimal factor in our rebuilding efforts, same with Japan. Don't even know how you dont know/understand this fact. We were already established world powers and had industrialised long ago. U.S did nothing much to our rebuilding efforts. :D If you think 'OTHERS' can ever help a country develop then you need a reality check bro(with all due respect). Developement has always come from within the country and its people/leaders, not from others. In fact some people will also claim(just like you did) that China's rise is because of the 'help' you got from west/U.S. do you also agree with them??:rofl:
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It is nice tower, 350m tallest in South Asia, looks very artistic. A great addition to your beautiful country! I have briefly checked on some infrastructure-related projects as below:
  • Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport in Hambantota
  • Putlam Power Plant
  • Colombo-Katunayake Expressway
  • Colombo Lotus Tower <---- what this thread is about
  • South Container Terminal of Colombo Port
  • Colombo Port City <--- Sri Lanka gets Chinese investors as president heads for China | Page 3
  • Extension Lines of South Highway from Pinnaduwa to Godagama
  • Railway from Matara to Beliatta
  • Some road construction projects like, A9 to Jaffna
Am I correct on the list? Anyway best wishes to Lankan bros!

@Gibbs @Azizam @AndrewJin @Yizhi

P.S. While AIIB is in the making, we can look into more on infrastructure in general! Check the thread
“Dear President, how can we help your country?” - AIIB
There's many more, especially expressways. The most notable one is an expressway that circles Colombo which will be finished soon. You seem to be very knowledgeable about the development projects in SL. :D
If it was located somewhere better when it wouldn't have to put with a paranoid neighbour like India who hates every little thing that goes on next to it. The reason why India trained terrorists is because of SL's relations with the USA and now that India is an ally of USA, it's paranoid about China's projects. Why on earth should there be a cancer cell called India in that region? :angry:

Sri Lanka is quite better than many ASEAN countries like Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia etc but to be hoenst, I have to agree with you that Sri Lankans are still very backward with industrialisation and they don't seem to care either. Upper/Middle class is from a whole new universe that they are obsessed with feminism or "preserving environment" at the expense of development projects and the lower class is obsessed with other issues like race. What they don't realise is that, development is the best medicine for all those issues.

Well, ironically India training terrorists in Sri lanka is not something i will condemn so fast.:D After all, it did it for its own interest, unfortuntaely thats how geo politics works, there is no morality in it and it doesnt matter how many people die/are killed as a result of such actions, countries will do what they think is best for their interests.:agree: Though i find it funny when some Indians on here try to act/talk as if they are some peace loving buddhist non aggressive saint country who is out to seek world peace and harmony.:rofl: That's an obvious propaganda only meant for illiterates/naive people, not for MIKE.:enjoy: Sri lanka(just like every other country) needs to look after its own interests and protect itself as well, blaming India or any other outside power for that matter wont help you people one bit. NO COUNTRY WIL/CAN LOOK AFTER YOUR INTERESTS EXCEPT YOU YOURSELF.:agree: So i dont blame India one bit for this one.:azn:

As for your last point, All the few countries i have been to in South Asia, what i was shocked/surprise to see is that despite the crippling poverty/hardships i saw there, many people in these countries didnt seem to even care that much. I didnt sense any need/urge to do better or demand more from the government/leaders in basic fields like hygiene,sanitation, better roads/electricity etc, something i found really strange/puzzling since the East Asian countries i have been to it was the total opposite despite they being farrr more advanced/developed. I don't know why its this way. Will be interesting to do a research on this.:confused:
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Nah, BEEF steak. :agree:
Lol,You and beef steak:rofl:!Man,i was literally rolling on the floor with laughter after reading this stupid post of yours.Man,wake up and smell the coffee.You aren't an U.S. citizen to have beef steak regularly.You are a citizen of the poorest country in the S.E.Asia.Your fellow countrymen can't even afford to have fish curry on a regular basis because nearly all of them are dirt poor and here you are talking about beef steak:lol::lol:!!
LOOL I never knew the Chinese were fighting for 'imperial interests' while India was simply fighting for peace,progress and harmorny in Asia(not sure if your neighbours wil agree with that though).LOOOL .

So in short it depends on which countries in the region you ask. I dont see ANY COUNTRY AS A SAINT AND THE OTHER AS AN AGRESSOR/VILLAIN. I'm not that naive not to understand geo politics bro(i studied international relations, so i understand these games.lol). Nothing is black and white as some of our media might make people think. hihihihihihihi:D:P

What has european 'imperialism' got to do with me saying south Asia ought to focus on development/trade in the 21st century.??:what:

What you got to do is mind your own business.

Dont worry we've got you indians to amuse us....:china:

bngldeshis usually amuse me when I see them in the zoo.
Lol,You and beef steak:rofl:!Man,i was literally rolling on the floor with laughter after reading this stupid post of yours.Man,wake up and smell the coffee.You aren't an U.S. citizen to have beef steak regularly.You are a citizen of the poorest country in the S.E.Asia.Your fellow countrymen can't even afford to have fish curry on a regular basis because nearly all of them are dirt poor and here you are talking about beef steak:lol::lol:!!

Beef is going to be a rare meal for 3/4 of them now

Beef prices spiral for two reasons | The Daily Star

If beef goes off the menu for most Bangladeshis, their protein intake would take a blow, said experts.
Although Bangladesh has the seventh largest cattle population in the world, it has one of the lowest per capita meat consumption, according to World Health Organisation (WHO).
The protein intake is already far below in Bangladesh compared to global average. The per capita annual intake of meat is around 80 kg in the world, while it is only 7.3 kg in Bangladesh.
Well, ironically India training terrorists in Sri lanka is not something i will condemn so fast.:D After all, it did it for its own interest, unfortuntaely thats how geo politics works, there is no morality in it and it doesnt matter how many people die/are killed as a result of such actions, countries will do what they think is best for their interests.:agree: Though i find it funny when some Indians on here try to act/talk as if they are some peace loving buddhist non aggressive saint country who is out to seek world peace and harmony.:rofl: That's an obvious propaganda only meant for illiterates/naive people, not for MIKE.:enjoy: Sri lanka(just like every other country) needs to look after its own interests and protect itself as well, blaming India or any other outside power for that matter wont help you people one bit. NO COUNTRY WIL/CAN LOOK AFTER YOUR INTERESTS EXCEPT YOU YOURSELF.:agree: So i dont blame India one bit for this one.:azn:

As for your last point, the few countries i have been to in South Asia, what i was shocked/surprise to see is that despite the crippling poverty/harhips i saw there, many people in these countries didnt seem to even care that much. I didnt sense any need/urge to do better or demand more from the government/leaders in basic fields like hygiene,sanitation, better roads/electricity etc, something i found really strange/puzzling since the East Asian countries i have been to was the toal opposite despite they being farrr more advanced/developed. I dont know why its this way. Will be interesting to do a research on this.:confused:
True but part of the blame should go to India too. Its actions indicate that it doesn't wish to be a reasonable leader. Just because Burma is normalising relations with the US, you wouldn't see China arming terrorists who want to spread instability in Burma. That's the difference between a responsible leader and a country whose only objective is to show the world that it's a superpower. And again, SL could have been careful with the military relations with the US (it didn't even benefit SL either).

I have been to India for a brief period of time and I have noticed that Sri Lanka is a lot cleaner, hygienic and organised. People there actually demand too much from the government and expect the government do everything for them. They complain too much and ironically protest against almost every large scale development project. That is one of the huge issues. The biggest problem I have noticed is that Sri Lanka has a upper/middle class that doesn't recognise the priorities in the country. For them, the state has to protect the environment and show them the impact of development immediately just for their own entertainment. They also hold a large section of soft power and use it to influence the working class to act according to their ideas to increase their popularity. For instance, they protest against a project called Port City under environmental reasons. You see, the country can't develop and protect the environment as it is at the same time. They should learn to make compromises and identify their real priorities. One important thing I've noticed about the East Asians is that they don't waste their energy on activism, feminism etc. that really don't provide any realistic solutions but rather a waste of time, money and energy. Instead, they are intelligent enough to address problems logically and find realistic solutions.
Lol,You and beef steak:rofl:!Man,i was literally rolling on the floor with laughter after reading this stupid post of yours.Man,wake up and smell the coffee.You aren't an U.S. citizen to have beef steak regularly.You are a citizen of the poorest country in the S.E.Asia.Your fellow countrymen can't even afford to have fish curry on a regular basis because nearly all of them are dirt poor and here you are talking about beef steak:lol::lol:!!

lool Do you know we were already world powers long before even the U.S? What makes ou think we wouldnt rebuilt ourselves even better after the war(even more so as we were the victors)?? U.S marshal plan was just a small/minimal factor in our rebuilding efforts, same with Japan. Don't even know how you dont know/understand this fact. We were already established world powers and had industrialised long ago. U.S did nothing much to our rebuilding efforts. :D If you think 'OTHERS' can ever help a country develop then you need a reality check bro(with all due respect). Developement has always come from within the country and its people/leaders, not from others. In fact some people will also claim(just like you did) that China's rise is because of the 'help' you got from west/U.S. do you also agree with them??:rofl:

Let's go off-topic for a while buddy :)


Yes there were a few industrialized countries in W Europe before the war, then France was wiped off the map within weeks, UK suffered badly but still survived throughout with support from across the Atlantic, and in the end Germany was bombed to ashes by B-29's.

The Marshall Plan is for Europe only, not only comprised of $ billions of direct economic aid (in which UK's share was 26%, while W Germany was only 11%) but also a series of favorable policies like lessening of interstate barriers, dropping of many petty regulations constraining business, and encouraged an increase in productivity, labor union membership, as well as the adoption of modern business procedure from US. I don't undermine W Europe's ability to revive by its own efforts, but neither would I undermine the generous Marshall Plan which at least W Europeans would owe a gratitude to the US. And there is no "West/US", it's always a "US-led West" in which all junior partners should "in-principle" follow US direction, G7 is always G1+6.


About China, though there was no direct economic aid package like the post WWII Marshall Plan, PRC's first wave of industrialization in the civilian sector along the Eastern coast after the 1980's was first sparked off by investments from HK and Taiwan (Japan joined shortly after), which combined accounted for over 70% of FDI into China. I wouldn't use the word "rise", but China owes its so far satisfactory progress to dropping ideological pursuit, and emulate the East Asian model of industrialization, pragmatism, trade and social/civic development.

So back to topic, I absolutely agree with you saying that ultimately developments comes from within the country, it's very true. Though external aid would absolutely give a push.

Cheers, to economic development and prosperity!

There's many more, especially expressways. The most notable one is an expressway that circles Colombo which will be finished soon. You seem to be very knowledgeable about the development projects in SL. :D

Oh thanks, I miss out that expressway in the list!
Infrastructure is what supports (together with people of course) an economy, that's why I am so interested in this subject.
Thanks anyway!
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True but part of the blame should go to India too. Its actions indicate that it doesn't wish to be a reasonable leader. Just because Burma is normalising relations with the US, you wouldn't see China arming terrorists who want to spread instability in Burma. That's the difference between a responsible leader and a country whose only objective is to show the world that it's a superpower. And again, SL could have been careful with the military relations with the US (it didn't even benefit SL either).

I have been to India for a brief period of time and I have noticed that Sri Lanka is a lot cleaner, hygienic and organised. People there actually demand too much from the government and expect the government do everything for them. They complain too much and ironically protest against almost every large scale development project. That is one of the huge issues. The biggest problem I have noticed is that Sri Lanka has a upper/middle class that doesn't recognise the priorities in the country. For them, the state has to protect the environment and show them the impact of development immediately just for their own entertainment. They also hold a large section of soft power and use it to influence the working class to act according to their ideas to increase their popularity. For instance, they protest against a project called Port City under environmental reasons. You see, the country can't develop and protect the environment as it is at the same time. They should learn to make compromises and identify their real priorities. One important thing I've noticed about the East Asians is that they don't waste their energy on activism, feminism etc. that really don't provide any realistic solutions but rather a waste of time, money and energy. Instead, they are intelligent enough to address problems logically and find realistic solutions.

This all depends where you go but on the whole I agree with you but cities like Chandigarh are very green and clean.
Lol,You and beef steak:rofl:!Man,i was literally rolling on the floor with laughter after reading this stupid post of yours.Man,wake up and smell the coffee.You aren't an U.S. citizen to have beef steak regularly.You are a citizen of the poorest country in the S.E.Asia.Your fellow countrymen can't even afford to have fish curry on a regular basis because nearly all of them are dirt poor and here you are talking about beef steak:lol::lol:!!

I'm from the UK moron, and yeah we love BEEF. Just check for yourself how many indian cows cross the border each and calculate the amount of steaks eaten in Bangladesh.

What you got to do is mind your own business.

bngldeshis usually amuse me when I see them in the zoo.

Why what monkey cage are you in, i'll come and take pics of you too.
I'm from the UK moron, and yeah we love BEEF. Just check for yourself how many indian cows cross the border each and calculate the amount of steaks eaten in Bangladesh.

Why what monkey cage are you in, i'll come and take pics of you too.

But now there will be less cows :-)
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