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Now Indians have a problem with the Colombo Lotus Tower...

Doubt it, where there is demand there will be supply.....just some price variation.

Not if the supply goes down, a ban would affect that.

Addressing the Border Security Force personnel at a border outpost in West Bengal on April 1, Singh said: “I am told prices of beef in Bangladesh have gone up by 30 percent recently due to heightened vigil by the BSF against cattle smuggling.
“You further intensify the vigil so that the smuggling stops completely and price of beef in Bangladesh escalates 70 to 80 percent more. The people of Bangladesh would then give up on eating beef.”
The price of beef has reached all-time high, according to Abdul Motaleb, a beef trader at Karwan Bazar. He has been running the business since 1971.
He said three to four butchers already shut down their shops after incurring hefty losses. “If the situation continues for too long, we might have to switch to other trades.”
Prices of chicken have increased by Tk 10-15 per kg in the last one week as more consumers are turning to it, said traders. The price of mutton has also soared to Tk 450-500 per kg against Tk 400-450 a kg in January.
If it was located somewhere better when it wouldn't have to put with a paranoid neighbour like India who hates every little thing that goes on next to it. The reason why India trained terrorists is because of SL's relations with the USA and now that India is an ally of USA, it's paranoid about China's projects. Why on earth should there be a cancer cell called India in that region? :angry:

Sri Lanka is quite better than many ASEAN countries like Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia etc but to be hoenst, I have to agree with you that Sri Lankans are still very backward with industrialisation and they don't seem to care either. Upper/Middle class is from a whole new universe that they are obsessed with feminism or "preserving environment" at the expense of development projects and the lower class is obsessed with other issues like race. What they don't realise is that, development is the best medicine for all those issues.
Lol,so according to you India is like a "cancer cell"!The same cancer cell which is helping your country building thousands of houses at the northern part of your island!Plus this "Cancer cell" was the first country to extend all possible assistance to your little island in the aftermath of the 2004 Tsunami.
Your country pulled off one of the biggest ethnic massacre in the recent past and you expect us to remain silent over this grave issue.Nearly all those who were butchered by your ruthless Army were Hindu Tamils who were our co-religionists.Man you should be grateful to us for not bombing your country back to the stone age because of the crimes perpetrated by your Govt. against the ethnic Hindu Tamil minorities.You guys are playing a dangerous game out there,you don't even have the slightest idea of how costly it will be for your country to meddle with our national security.So it'll be better for your country if it stop pi$$ing off a giant neighbor like India because at the end of the day nobody will come to your rescue if the GoI decides to teach you a lesson someday in the near future:coffee:.
I wouldn't use the word "rise", but China owes its so far satisfactory progress to dropping ideological pursuit, and emulate the East Asian model of industrialization, pragmatism, trade and social/civic development.
This is what South Asia should understand too. In South Asia's case, it should drop power projections, ego and ethnic, linguistic and religious superiority for industrialisation. You can see the same destructive attitude reflected by many posters on this thread alone. I hope it will improve in the future.
Not if the supply goes down, a ban would affect that.

Addressing the Border Security Force personnel at a border outpost in West Bengal on April 1, Singh said: “I am told prices of beef in Bangladesh have gone up by 30 percent recently due to heightened vigil by the BSF against cattle smuggling.
“You further intensify the vigil so that the smuggling stops completely and price of beef in Bangladesh escalates 70 to 80 percent more. The people of Bangladesh would then give up on eating beef.”
The price of beef has reached all-time high, according to Abdul Motaleb, a beef trader at Karwan Bazar. He has been running the business since 1971.
He said three to four butchers already shut down their shops after incurring hefty losses. “If the situation continues for too long, we might have to switch to other trades.”
Prices of chicken have increased by Tk 10-15 per kg in the last one week as more consumers are turning to it, said traders. The price of mutton has also soared to Tk 450-500 per kg against Tk 400-450 a kg in January.

Ha ha, yeah we've heard all this before. Money talks, and the BSF is easily bought....all that will happen will be a short term drop in the supply leading to higher price and that will attract more smuglars....until price stabilise...oh and those cows that are already here are helping to build companies like Bengal Meat.
Ha ha, yeah we've heard all this before. Money talks, and the BSF is easily bought....all that will happen will be a short term drop in the supply leading to higher price and that will attract more smuglars....until price stabilise...oh and those cows that are already here are helping to build companies like Bengal Meat.

Corruption does exist and smuggling will continue but lets see... only time shall tell if it remains at the current level, or decreases.
Corruption does exist and smuggling will continue but lets see... only time shall tell if it remains at the current level, or decreases.

Yeah come back in 6 months and see what a difference its made.....lol....my bet is on slight drop in supply and a rise in prices to reflect a increase in bribes to the BSF.
Yeah come back in 6 months and see what a difference its made.....lol....my bet is on slight drop in supply and a rise in prices to reflect a increase in bribes to the BSF.

Can't you get cows from Burma or China? why you want our Indian cows :undecided:

Taking a cow from a Hindu is blasphemous!

Next you might even demand we supply you with Tata Nanos :angry:
Sri Lanka should just join the Union. I'm sick of these small countries crying and whining all the times.
This is what South Asia should understand too. In South Asia's case, it should drop power projections, ego and ethnic, linguistic and religious superiority for industrialisation. You can see the same destructive attitude reflected by many posters on this thread alone. I hope it will improve in the future.

Yeah isn't it obvious! Have noticed since I joined this forum. Anyway I do keep track of co-op projects going on in SL as well as in other friendly countries like PK, BD and even Nepal (e.g. the rail links under plan). So on SL the list should be:
  • Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport in Hambantota
  • Putlam Power Plant
  • Colombo-Katunayake Expressway
  • Colombo Lotus Tower <---- what this thread is about
  • South Container Terminal of Colombo Port
  • Colombo Port City <--- Sri Lanka gets Chinese investors as president heads for China | Page 3
  • Extension Lines of South Highway from Pinnaduwa to Godagama
  • Railway from Matara to Beliatta
  • Some road construction projects like, A9 to Jaffna, E02 Expressway (Colombo Outer Circular Highway)
The list should be almost update right? Thanks bro!

P.S. I will update and analyze manufacturing or infrastructures in Pakistan & Bangladesh in the other thread related to China/AIIB's future direction. You want PK first? or BD?
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Let's go off-topic for a while buddy :)

View attachment 214275
Yes there were a few industrialized countries in W Europe before the war, then France was wiped off the map within weeks, UK suffered but still survived throughout with support from across the Atlantic, and in the end Germany was bombed to ashes by B-29's. The Marshall Plan is for Europe only, not only comprised of $ billions of direct economic aid (in which UK's share was 26%, while W Germany was only 11%) but also a series of favorable policies like lessening of interstate barriers, dropping of many petty regulations constraining business, and encouraged an increase in productivity, labor union membership, as well as the adoption of modern business procedure from US. I don't undermine W Europe's ability to revive by its own efforts, but neither would I undermine the Marshall Plan which at least W Europeans would owe a gratitude to the US. And there is no "West/US", it's always a "US-led West" in which all junior partners should "in-principle" follow US direction, G7 is always G1+6.

View attachment 214273

About China, though there was no direct economic aid package like the post WWII Marshall Plan, PRC's first wave of industrialization in the civilian sector along the Eastern coast after the 1980's was first sparked off by investments from HK and Taiwan (Japan joined shortly after), which combined accounted for over 70% of FDI into China. I wouldn't use the word "rise", but China owes its so far satisfactory progress to dropping ideological pursuit, and emulate the East Asian model of industrialization, pragmatism, trade and social/civic development.

So back to topic, I absolutely agree with you saying that ultimately developments comes from within the country, it's very true. Though external aid would absolutely give a push.

Cheers, to economic development and prosperity!

Oh thanks, I miss out that expressway in the list!
Infrastructure is what supports (together with people of course) an economy, that's why I am so interested in this subject.
Thanks anyway!

LOOL As i said no country has ever developed because of 'OTHERS' HELP and it WIL NEVER HAPPEN believe me. By the wa the U.S provided $12 billion in aid for european reconstruction, that translate to just about 100billion dollars today. thats not even 1/4th of what India alone needs for its infrastructure forget about it helping develop a whole continent which was destroyed to the ground by war.lool

Well,large economic and social reforms in countries like in France, West Germany and the Netherlands were of massive importance, as well as the creation of the EEC, which quickly became extremely profitable. This created a gigantic increase in both per capita and national GDP as well as production. That Marshallaid was of any major help is a myth, Marshallaid was relief aid, not structural aid. The Netherlands for example spent over half of it on waging a colonial war, yet by the end of the 50s it was at pre-war economic level, perhaps even surpassing it

Europe was tasked with rebuilding after the war, not starting over anew. Rebuilding factories that used to be there is different than developing and building industries that have never been. :agree:

I think the problems that many third world/developing countries face are simply huge/different from the ones established world powers like we in Europe did. Consider Africa/South Asia. They cannot deal with their lack of economy and rampant disease largely due to a lack of education. They cannot develop an educational system because they have no economy and are suffering under rampant disease/poverty; it's a vicious cycle. Compacting the problem is rampant communal violence,social issues,separatism,political turmoils and political divisions that accompany the lack of a strong government and economy. I am of the opinion that the first step towards solving the these countries problems is the development of strong, stable, moderate central governments that can begin addressing these problems on a large scale. But I digress sometimes to be honest.:tsk:
But Mumbai t2 airport is better than Heathrow that's a start Mike :-)
Yeah isn't it obvious! Have noticed since I joined this forum. Anyway I do keep track of co-op projects going on in SL as well as in other friendly countries like PK, BD and even Nepal (e.g. the rail links under plan). So on SL the list should be:
  • Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport in Hambantota
  • Putlam Power Plant
  • Colombo-Katunayake Expressway
  • Colombo Lotus Tower <---- what this thread is about
  • South Container Terminal of Colombo Port
  • Colombo Port City <--- Sri Lanka gets Chinese investors as president heads for China | Page 3
  • Extension Lines of South Highway from Pinnaduwa to Godagama
  • Railway from Matara to Beliatta
  • Some road construction projects like, A9 to Jaffna, E02 Expressway (Colombo Outer Circular Highway)
The list should be almost update right? Thanks bro!

P.S. I will update and analyze manufacturing or infrastructures in Pakistan & Bangladesh in the other thread related to China/AIIB's future direction. You want PK first? or BD?
You're right bro. These are the major infrastructure projects and there are quite a few minor development projects.
Can't you get cows from Burma or China? why you want our Indian cows :undecided:

Taking a cow from a Hindu is blasphemous!

Next you might even demand we supply you with Tata Nanos :angry:

Indian cows are tastey....Tata Nanos please NO dont do that....I still remember people....well indians saying how much better they were then the....reconditioned Japaneses cars we used to get. If its blasphemous then why are hindus selling them? No one is taking a gun to their head. Any way....i'm just winding you up dude....I'm a Essex boy and we like our lamb an mint sauce.

Its up to you guys if you want to sell or not. Bangladesh is a beef eating nation and to an extant consumers dont care where the beef come from, but for those that do Japanese beef is the most expensive (very rare) then its new zealand / australian /EU (high end restraunts), then local beef, then indian beef finally last its buffalo meat.

If you want to save the cow from getting on the Bangladeshi dinner plate then the only way is for the government to buy them from the farmers when they become unproductive. Though that will mean a bit of spending buying and looking after them.

People buy indian cows because its cheap, and avaiable. The beef is within reach of the general public, there will always be a demand for affordable beef, either the local production is expanded or it will come rrom india.

If the BSF can stop the smuggling then the price will go up and the local producers will be incentivised to fill the gap. Either way Bangladeshis will eat beef....

Its your choice.
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